英検準2級面接対策|スピーキング No.5 予想問題|トピック別39問【試験直前トレーニング】


この記事では、英検準2級二次試験のスピーキング問題 No.5を分野別に39問掲載しています。2パターンの回答例・シャドウイング用音源でトレーニング出来るようになっています。スマホで流し読み&シャドウイングしながら、本番試験に備えましょう。


英検準2級面接でカバーされるトピックを「生活習慣・教育と勉強・旅行とレジャー・買い物とお金」に分け、それぞれに yes, no, 両方の回答例を掲載しています。スピーキング練習は、黙読だけではなく、かならず発話するのが重要です。また、音源も何度も聞いて英語感覚を伸ばしましょう。

1. 面接トピック:生活習慣に関する10問


  1. Many people read books in their free time. Do you often read books?
  2. Some people like to spend their weekends outdoors. Do you like to spend your weekends outside?
  3. In Japan, people usually eat rice with meals. Do you often eat rice with your meals?
  4. Many people drink coffee in the morning. Do you like to drink coffee in the morning?
  5. Some people prefer to exercise at home. Do you like to exercise at home?
  6. Many people enjoy cooking at home. Do you like to cook at home?
  7. In Japan, people often go to karaoke with friends. Do you like to go to karaoke?
  8. Some people enjoy gardening in their free time. Do you have any interest in gardening?
  9. Many people like to ride bicycles to work or school. Do you often ride a bicycle?
  10. Some people enjoy spending time with their family on the weekend. Do you often spend time with your family on the weekend?

2. 面接トピック:教育と勉強に関する10問

英検準2級スピーキング No.5で頻出の教育関連のトピックです。観点やキーワードを整理し、すぐに自分の意見が言えるように準備しておきましょう。

  1. Many students study English as a second language. Do you enjoy studying English?
  2. Some people like to read books to learn new things. Do you often read books to learn something new?
  3. In Japan, students have to take many exams. Do you like studying for exams?
  4. Some students like to study alone. Do you prefer studying by yourself?
  5. Many students use computers for studying. Do you often use a computer for studying?
  6. Some students like to take online classes. Do you enjoy taking online classes?
  7. In Japan, many students take after-school lessons. Do you also attend any after-school lessons?
  8. Some students like to study languages other than English. Do you study any other languages besides English?
  9. Many students like to study using apps. Do you often use apps for studying?
  10. Some students enjoy studying in a library. Do you like studying in a library?

3. 面接トピック:旅行とレジャーに関する10問

スピーキング No.5 の中でも対応範囲が広いのでとっさに単語やフレーズが出てこないトピックになります。十分な対策期間をもってトレーニングしておきましょう。

  1. Many people enjoy traveling during their vacations. Do you like to travel?
  2. Some people enjoy going to the beach in summer. Do you often go to the beach in summer?
  3. In Japan, many people like to visit hot springs. Do you enjoy going to hot springs?
  4. Some people like to go camping on weekends. Do you enjoy camping?
  5. Many people enjoy skiing in winter. Do you like skiing?
  6. Some people prefer to travel by train. Do you often travel by train?
  7. Many people like to visit museums when they travel. Do you enjoy visiting museums?
  8. In Japan, many people enjoy flower viewing in spring. Do you like to see flowers in spring?
  9. Some people like to go hiking in the mountains. Do you enjoy hiking?
  10. Many people enjoy visiting amusement parks. Do you often go to amusement parks?

4. 面接トピック:買い物とお金に関する9問


  1. Many people enjoy shopping online. Do you like shopping online?
  2. Many people use credit cards for shopping. Do you often use a credit card?
  3. Some people enjoy buying gifts for their friends. Do you like buying gifts for others?
  4. In Japan, many people visit shopping malls on weekends. Do you often go to shopping malls?
  5. Some people like to collect coupons for discounts. Do you often use coupons?
  6. Many people enjoy buying clothes. Do you like shopping for clothes?
  7. Some people like to compare prices before shopping. Do you compare prices before buying things?
  8. In Japan, many people use cashless payments. Do you use cashless payment methods?
  9. Some people enjoy window shopping. Do you enjoy window shopping?



1. 生活習慣に関する質問


【1】Many people read books in their free time. Do you often read books?

  1. I read books regularly because I love learning new things. Reading helps me relax in my free time.
    解説: “I love learning new things” で趣味や理由を述べ、“helps me relax” で効果を説明しています。
  2. I don’t read books often because I prefer watching movies. I find movies more entertaining than reading.
    解説: “I prefer watching movies” で好みを表し、“I find movies more entertaining” で理由を補足しています。文をつなぐ自然な流れです。

英検準2級 英作文対策|Eメール問題|練習問題:古着屋の件|設問メールと回答例はコチラ

【2】Some people like to spend their weekends outdoors. Do you like to spend your weekends outside?

  1. I enjoy spending weekends outside because I love nature. It’s refreshing to take long walks or go hiking.
    解説: “I love nature” で理由を提示し、具体的な活動を “take long walks or go hiking” で述べています。
  2. I prefer staying indoors on the weekends because I find it more relaxing. Watching movies or reading books is my favorite way to unwind.
    解説: “I find it more relaxing” で理由を述べ、“favorite way to unwind” で具体的な活動を示しています。

【3】In Japan, people usually eat rice with meals. Do you often eat rice with your meals?

  1. I eat rice with almost every meal because it’s a staple in Japanese cuisine. It goes well with many dishes.
    解説: “staple in Japanese cuisine” で文化的背景を示し、“goes well with many dishes” で具体的な理由を補足しています。
  2. I don’t eat rice often because I prefer bread or pasta. I think these foods are more versatile.
    解説: “prefer bread or pasta” で好みを明示し、“more versatile” で食材の特長を述べています。

【4】Many people drink coffee in the morning. Do you like to drink coffee in the morning?

  1. I enjoy drinking coffee in the morning because it helps me wake up. It’s part of my daily routine.
    解説: “helps me wake up” でコーヒーの効果を表し、“part of my daily routine” で日常習慣を説明しています。
  2. I don’t drink coffee in the morning because I prefer tea. Tea is lighter and suits my taste better.
    解説: “prefer tea” で好みを示し、“suits my taste better” で具体的な理由を述べています。

【5】Some people prefer to exercise at home. Do you like to exercise at home?

  1. I like exercising at home because it’s convenient and saves time. I can work out anytime I want.
    解説: “convenient and saves time” で理由を述べ、“anytime I want” で柔軟性を強調しています。
  2. I don’t exercise at home because I prefer going to the gym. The gym has better equipment and motivates me more.
    解説: “prefer going to the gym” で好みを示し、“better equipment and motivates me more” で具体的な利点を説明しています。

【6】Many people enjoy cooking at home. Do you like to cook at home?

  1. I love cooking at home because I can control what ingredients I use. It’s also a great way to save money.
    解説: “control what ingredients I use” で健康や好みの理由を説明し、節約効果も付け加えています。
  2. I don’t like cooking at home because it’s time-consuming. I prefer eating out or ordering food.
    解説: “time-consuming” で手間のかかる理由を述べ、“eating out or ordering food” で具体的な好みを示しています。


【7】In Japan, people often go to karaoke with friends. Do you like to go to karaoke?

  1. I like going to karaoke because it’s fun to sing with friends. It’s a great way to relax and have a good time.
    解説: “fun to sing with friends” で理由を述べ、“great way to relax” でカラオケの楽しさを強調しています。
  2. I don’t like going to karaoke because I’m not a good singer. I feel uncomfortable singing in front of others.
    解説: “not a good singer” で自信のなさを表現し、“feel uncomfortable” で感情を補足しています。

【8】Some people enjoy gardening in their free time. Do you have any interest in gardening?

  1. I’m interested in gardening because it’s relaxing and rewarding. It feels great to grow your own plants.
    解説: “relaxing and rewarding” でガーデニングの良さを説明し、“grow your own plants” で具体的な活動を述べています。
  2. I’m not interested in gardening because I don’t have the time or space. It seems like too much work for me.
    解説: “don’t have the time or space” で現実的な理由を述べ、“too much work” で手間を強調しています。

【9】Many people like to ride bicycles to work or school. Do you often ride a bicycle?

  1. I often ride a bicycle because it’s healthy and environmentally friendly. It’s also a convenient way to get around.
    解説: “healthy and environmentally friendly” で利点を示し、“convenient way to get around” で具体的な理由を補足しています。
  2. I don’t ride a bicycle often because I prefer using public transportation. It’s faster and more comfortable.
    解説: “prefer using public transportation” で好みを示し、“faster and more comfortable” で具体的な理由を述べています。


【10】Some people enjoy spending time with their family on the weekend. Do you often spend time with your family on the weekend?

  1. I often spend time with my family on weekends because it’s important to stay connected. We usually enjoy meals together.
    解説: “important to stay connected” で理由を示し、“enjoy meals together” で具体的な活動を述べています。
  2. I don’t spend much time with my family on weekends because I’m usually busy with other things. I prefer focusing on my hobbies.
    解説: “busy with other things” で現実的な理由を述べ、“prefer focusing on my hobbies” で個人的な好みを示しています。

2. 教育と勉強に関する質問


【11】Many students study English as a second language. Do you enjoy studying English?

  1. I enjoy studying English because it allows me to communicate with people from different countries. It’s also a useful skill for my future.
    解説: “allows me to communicate” で英語を学ぶ目的を述べ、“useful skill for my future” で実用性を強調しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy studying English because it’s difficult for me. I find it hard to remember all the vocabulary and grammar rules.
    解説: “difficult for me” で苦手な理由を明確にし、“hard to remember” で学習の困難さを説明しています。

【12】Some people like to read books to learn new things. Do you often read books to learn something new?

  1. I often read books to learn new things because I enjoy gaining knowledge. It helps me stay informed about different topics.
    解説: “gaining knowledge” で目的を述べ、“stay informed” で学び続けることの効果を示しています。
  2. I don’t often read books to learn new things because I prefer watching videos or taking courses. I find them more engaging.
    解説: “prefer watching videos” で他の学習方法を好む理由を述べ、“more engaging” で具体的な魅力を説明しています。


【13】In Japan, students have to take many exams. Do you like studying for exams?

  1. I like studying for exams because it helps me organize my knowledge. It also gives me a clear goal to work towards.
    解説: “organize my knowledge” で学習の利点を説明し、“clear goal” で目標設定の効果を述べています。
  2. I don’t like studying for exams because it’s stressful. I feel pressured to remember everything in a short time.
    解説: “stressful” で感情を述べ、“feel pressured” で具体的なストレスの原因を説明しています。

【14】Some students like to study alone. Do you prefer studying by yourself?

  1. I prefer studying by myself because I can focus better. I like to go at my own pace without distractions.
    解説: “focus better” で利点を示し、“go at my own pace” で自分のペースで進める自由さを強調しています。
  2. I don’t like studying alone because I enjoy discussing ideas with others. Group study helps me understand things better.
    解説: “enjoy discussing ideas” でグループ学習の魅力を述べ、“understand things better” で具体的な効果を説明しています。

【15】Many students use computers for studying. Do you often use a computer for studying?

  1. I often use a computer for studying because it gives me access to many resources. It’s convenient for doing research and taking notes.
    解説: “access to many resources” で理由を説明し、“convenient for doing research” で具体的な利用法を補足しています。
  2. I don’t use a computer for studying often because I prefer using books. I find it easier to concentrate without digital distractions.
    解説: “prefer using books” で伝統的な学習法を好む理由を述べ、“digital distractions” でコンピュータの欠点を説明しています。

【16】Some students like to take online classes. Do you enjoy taking online classes?

  1. I enjoy taking online classes because they are flexible and convenient. I can study from anywhere at any time.
    解説: “flexible and convenient” でオンライン授業のメリットを述べ、“study from anywhere” で柔軟性を強調しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy taking online classes because I miss interacting with my teachers and classmates. I prefer in-person learning.
    解説: “miss interacting” で対面授業の魅力を示し、“prefer in-person learning” で具体的な好みを述べています。


【17】In Japan, many students take after-school lessons. Do you also attend any after-school lessons?

  1. I attend after-school lessons because they help me improve my skills. They give me extra practice that I can’t get during regular school hours.
    解説: “help me improve my skills” で学習の効果を示し、“extra practice” で放課後のレッスンの利点を説明しています。
  2. I don’t attend after-school lessons because I prefer studying on my own. I find it more effective to learn at my own pace.
    解説: “prefer studying on my own” で個人学習の好みを説明し、“more effective” でその効果を補足しています。

【18】Some students like to study languages other than English. Do you study any other languages besides English?

  1. I study other languages because it’s interesting to learn about different cultures. Learning multiple languages opens up more opportunities.
    解説: “interesting to learn about different cultures” で動機を説明し、“opens up more opportunities” で学習の結果を示しています。
  2. I don’t study any other languages because English is enough for my needs. I prefer to focus on improving my English skills.
    解説: “enough for my needs” で英語の実用性を説明し、“prefer to focus” で理由を補足しています。

【19】Many students like to study using apps. Do you often use apps for studying?

  1. I often use apps for studying because they make learning more interactive and fun. They also help me track my progress.
    解説: “interactive and fun” でアプリの利点を示し、“track my progress” で実用性を補足しています。
  2. I don’t use apps for studying because I prefer traditional methods like reading books and taking notes. I find them more effective for learning.
    解説: “prefer traditional methods” で従来の学習方法の好みを説明し、“more effective” でその効果を強調しています。

【20】Some students enjoy studying in a library. Do you like studying in a library?

  1. I like studying in a library because it’s quiet and helps me concentrate. It’s a great place to find books and resources.
    解説: “quiet and helps me concentrate” で図書館の利点を述べ、“great place to find books” でさらに具体的な理由を補足しています。
  2. I don’t like studying in a library because it’s too quiet for me. I prefer studying in a more lively environment.
    解説: “too quiet” で欠点を説明し、“more lively environment” で好みの環境を述べています。

3. 旅行とレジャーに関する質問


【21】Many people enjoy traveling during their vacations. Do you like to travel?

  1. I love traveling because it allows me to explore new places and cultures. It’s a great way to relax and have new experiences.
    解説: “explore new places and cultures” で旅行の楽しみを説明し、“great way to relax” でその利点を示しています。
  2. I don’t like traveling because it can be stressful and tiring. I prefer staying at home where I feel more comfortable.
    解説: “stressful and tiring” で旅行のマイナス面を述べ、“prefer staying at home” で好みを強調しています。

【22】Some people enjoy going to the beach in summer. Do you often go to the beach in summer?

  1. I often go to the beach in summer because I love swimming and enjoying the sun. It’s a fun way to spend the day.
    解説: “love swimming and enjoying the sun” で具体的な活動を述べ、“fun way to spend the day” でその魅力を補足しています。
  2. I don’t often go to the beach in summer because I don’t like the heat. I prefer staying indoors where it’s cooler.
    解説: “don’t like the heat” で理由を述べ、“prefer staying indoors” で好みを示しています。

【23】In Japan, many people like to visit hot springs. Do you enjoy going to hot springs?

  1. I enjoy going to hot springs because it’s a great way to relax and relieve stress. The natural scenery is also beautiful.
    解説: “relax and relieve stress” で温泉の利点を述べ、“natural scenery” で視覚的な魅力を補足しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy going to hot springs because I find them too crowded. I prefer quieter activities to relax.
    解説: “too crowded” で具体的な不満を述べ、“prefer quieter activities” で好みを示しています。

【24】Some people like to go camping on weekends. Do you enjoy camping?

  1. I enjoy camping because it’s a great way to connect with nature. I love sitting around the campfire and stargazing at night.
    解説: “connect with nature” で目的を述べ、“campfire and stargazing” で具体的な活動を説明しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy camping because it’s uncomfortable and inconvenient. I prefer staying in a hotel with proper facilities.
    解説: “uncomfortable and inconvenient” で理由を述べ、“prefer staying in a hotel” で代わりの選択肢を示しています。

【25】Many people enjoy skiing in winter. Do you like skiing?

  1. I love skiing because it’s exciting and great exercise. I enjoy the thrill of going down the slopes at high speed.
    解説: “exciting and great exercise” でスキーの利点を述べ、“thrill of going down the slopes” で楽しさを強調しています。
  2. I don’t like skiing because it’s difficult and dangerous. I prefer less risky winter activities like snowshoeing.
    解説: “difficult and dangerous” でスキーの欠点を述べ、“less risky winter activities” で代わりの選択肢を示しています。

【26】Some people prefer to travel by train. Do you often travel by train?

  1. I often travel by train because it’s comfortable and efficient. It’s also a great way to enjoy the scenery during the trip.
    解説: “comfortable and efficient” で電車旅行のメリットを説明し、“enjoy the scenery” で視覚的な利点を強調しています。
  2. I don’t often travel by train because I prefer flying. Airplanes are faster and more convenient for long-distance travel.
    解説: “prefer flying” で好みを示し、“faster and more convenient” で飛行機の利点を述べています。

【27】Many people like to visit museums when they travel. Do you enjoy visiting museums?

  1. I enjoy visiting museums because they offer a chance to learn about history and culture. I always discover something new and interesting.
    解説: “learn about history and culture” で博物館の教育的な利点を説明し、“discover something new” で個人的な楽しさを強調しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy visiting museums because they can be boring. I prefer more interactive activities when I travel.
    解説: “boring” で博物館に対する意見を述べ、“interactive activities” で好みの活動を示しています。

【28】In Japan, many people enjoy flower viewing in spring. Do you like to see flowers in spring?

  1. I love seeing flowers in spring because they are beautiful and refreshing. Cherry blossoms are my favorite.
    解説: “beautiful and refreshing” で花見の魅力を説明し、“Cherry blossoms are my favorite” で具体的な好みを示しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy flower viewing because I have allergies. It’s hard for me to enjoy the outdoors during the spring.
    解説: “have allergies” で理由を明確にし、“hard for me to enjoy the outdoors” で状況を説明しています。

【29】Some people like to go hiking in the mountains. Do you enjoy hiking?

  1. I enjoy hiking because it’s a great way to exercise and enjoy nature. The views from the top of the mountains are always worth the effort.
    解説: “exercise and enjoy nature”で目的を述べ、“worth the effort” でハイキングの報酬を強調しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy hiking because it’s too tiring for me. I prefer less strenuous activities like walking in the park.
    解説: “too tiring” で理由を説明し、“less strenuous activities” で代わりの選択肢を示しています。

【30】Many people enjoy visiting amusement parks. Do you often go to amusement parks?

  1. I often go to amusement parks because I love the excitement of the rides. It’s a fun way to spend the day with friends.
    解説: “excitement of the rides” でアトラクションの魅力を述べ、“fun way to spend the day” で全体の楽しさを説明しています。
  2. I don’t often go to amusement parks because they are too crowded. I prefer quieter places to relax.
    解説: “too crowded” で理由を説明し、“prefer quieter places” で好みの場所を示しています。

4. 買い物とお金に関する質問


【31】Many people enjoy shopping online. Do you like shopping online?

  1. I enjoy shopping online because it’s convenient and saves time. I can compare prices easily and find good deals.
    解説: “convenient and saves time” でメリットを説明し、“compare prices easily” でオンラインの特徴を補足しています。
  2. I don’t like shopping online because I prefer to see the items in person. I feel more confident when I can check the quality before buying.
    解説: “prefer to see the items in person” で理由を説明し、“feel more confident” で安心感を強調しています。

英検準2級 Eメール問題対策|練習問題:高齢者とセルフレジの店舗

【32】Many people use credit cards for shopping. Do you often use a credit card?

  1. I often use a credit card because it’s easy and helps me earn points. It’s also convenient when I don’t have cash.
    解説: “helps me earn points” で具体的な利点を説明し、“convenient when I don’t have cash” でカードの利便性を強調しています。
  2. I don’t often use a credit card because I prefer paying with cash. I find it easier to control my spending this way.
    解説: “prefer paying with cash” で好みを述べ、“easier to control my spending” で現金払いの利点を説明しています。

【33】Some people enjoy buying gifts for their friends. Do you like buying gifts for others?

  1. I enjoy buying gifts for others because it makes them happy. It’s a nice way to show appreciation and strengthen relationships.
    解説: “makes them happy” で感情を説明し、“show appreciation and strengthen relationships” で具体的な効果を述べています。
  2. I don’t enjoy buying gifts for others because it’s hard to choose the right present. I worry that they might not like what I pick.
    解説: “hard to choose” で問題点を述べ、“worry that they might not like” で具体的な不安を補足しています。

【34】In Japan, many people visit shopping malls on weekends. Do you often go to shopping malls?

  1. I often go to shopping malls on weekends because they have everything I need in one place. It’s also a good way to spend time with friends or family.
    解説: “everything I need in one place” で利便性を説明し、“good way to spend time” で社交的な理由を補足しています。
  2. I don’t often go to shopping malls because they are usually too crowded. I prefer shopping online where it’s quieter and more convenient.
    解説: “too crowded” でモールの問題点を述べ、“prefer shopping online” で好みの理由を補足しています。

【35】Some people like to collect coupons for discounts. Do you often use coupons?

  1. I often use coupons because they help me save money. It’s a great way to get discounts on things I need.
    解説: “help me save money” で主な理由を述べ、“great way to get discounts” でクーポンの効果を説明しています。
  2. I don’t often use coupons because I find it too much trouble to keep track of them. I prefer buying things when I need them, without looking for discounts.
    解説: “too much trouble” でクーポンの管理の手間を述べ、“prefer buying things when I need them” で購買の好みを説明しています。

【36】Many people enjoy buying clothes. Do you like shopping for clothes?

  1. I enjoy shopping for clothes because it’s fun to try new styles. I like finding outfits that make me feel confident.
    解説: “fun to try new styles” で服を買う楽しみを説明し、“make me feel confident” で具体的な感情を述べています。
  2. I don’t like shopping for clothes because it’s time-consuming. I prefer buying only what I need, without spending too much time shopping.
    解説: “time-consuming” で理由を述べ、“prefer buying only what I need” で購買スタイルを補足しています。

【37】Some people like to compare prices before shopping. Do you compare prices before buying things?

  1. I always compare prices before buying things because it helps me find the best deals. It’s a good way to save money.
    解説: “helps me find the best deals” で価格比較の効果を説明し、“good way to save money” で目的を補足しています。
  2. I don’t usually compare prices because it takes too much time. I prefer to buy things quickly and not worry about small differences in price.
    解説: “takes too much time” で理由を述べ、“prefer to buy things quickly” で購買スタイルを説明しています。

【38】In Japan, many people use cashless payments. Do you use cashless payment methods?

  1. I use cashless payment methods because they are fast and convenient. I don’t have to carry cash with me all the time.
    解説: “fast and convenient” で利点を述べ、“don’t have to carry cash” でキャッシュレスの特長を説明しています。
  2. I don’t use cashless payment methods because I prefer using cash. It’s easier for me to manage my spending when I pay with cash.
    解説: “prefer using cash” で理由を述べ、“easier to manage my spending” で現金払いの利点を説明しています。

【39】Some people enjoy window shopping. Do you enjoy window shopping?

  1. I enjoy window shopping because it’s fun to look at new products without spending money. It’s a relaxing way to spend time.
    解説: “fun to look at new products” で楽しさを説明し、“relaxing way to spend time” でウィンドウショッピングの魅力を補足しています。
  2. I don’t enjoy window shopping because I prefer to buy things when I go out. I find it frustrating to look at things without buying anything.
    解説: “prefer to buy things” で好みを述べ、“find it frustrating” でウィンドウショッピングの欠点を説明しています。


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