TOPIC: Should the use of Chinese-made surveillance cameras be banned in Japan?
POINTS: Domestic Company / Foreign Diplomacy / Security Issues / Cost
日本だけ気づいていない中国製監視カメラの脅威(Wedge(ウェッジ)) – Yahoo!ニュース
国内の監視カメラが中国製でいいのか 和田義明 – 月刊正論オンライン
日本と中国の不安定な関係を招いている根本構造 経済的相互依存の深化が軍事的緊張の増大に
Australia orders review into Chinese-made cameras in defense offices – The Japan News
Britain to remove Chinese surveillance gear from government sites
賛成派:日本でも中国製の監視カメラの使用を禁止すべきだ(語数 168語)
TOPIC: Should Chinese-made surveillance cameras be banned in Japan?
POINTS: Domestic Company / Security Issues
Japan should consider banning the use of Chinese-made surveillance cameras as replacing them with products from Japanese companies would not only enhance national security but also provide a significant boost to the domestic economy.
・made in China と書くと意味が違ってしまいます。日本のブランドでも製品は中国で製造されているのは、よくある話です。なので、本来日本語でも”中国メーカーの”とした方が良いのでしょう。
・a boost to economy はよく使われるコロケーションですので、覚えていて損はないでしょう。
Discussion 1
Many nations, including the U.S. and the U.K., have expressed concerns over the possibility of the Chinese government gaining access to sensitive information through Chinese-made surveillance cameras, posing a threat to their national security. In fact, the Chinese government has recently enacted the National Intelligence Law, which mandates cooperation from Chinese corporations and individuals in intelligence activities when required.
・日本語にはわざわざ約していません。ここの”access” は名詞なので必ず”to”を付けましょう。
Discussion 2
Furthermore, this presents an excellent opportunity to support domestic companies engaged in the manufacturing of surveillance cameras. Security cameras are ubiquitous throughout Japan, with a significant number being Chinese products. By replacing them with Japanese alternatives, Japan can bolster its own economy.
・日本語から考えると、つい “engaging” としてしまいそうですが、”engaging” は魅力のある・人を引き付けると言う意味になりますので、注意が必要です。
・あちこちに/至る所にと言う意味ですが、少し難しい単語かもしれません。簡単な置き換えは、everywhere ・all over などでしょうか。よく”あちこちに”と訳される”here and there” はEnglish-English Dictionary で確認すると、”あちこちに”より”所々に”の方がしっくり来ます。
Although the initial cost of replacing the existing Chinese-made security cameras may be substantial, it is crucial for Japan to prioritise national security and seize this opportunity to stimulate its economy.
・自分で書いておきながらですが、、、本来こう言う遠まわしな表現より、直接的にChinese-made security cameras don’t need to be banned in Japan. の様にstraighforward にいう方が良いと思います。いかんせん、語数が足りませんでした・・・。
Japan should consider banning the use of Chinese-made surveillance cameras as replacing them with products from Japanese companies would not only enhance national security but also provide a significant boost to the domestic economy.
Many nations, including the U.S. and the U.K., have expressed concerns over the possibility of the Chinese government gaining access to sensitive information through Chinese-made surveillance cameras, posing a threat to their national security. In fact, the Chinese government has recently enacted the National Intelligence Law, which mandates cooperation from Chinese corporations and individuals in intelligence activities when required.
Furthermore, this presents an excellent opportunity to support domestic companies engaged in the manufacturing of surveillance cameras. Security cameras are ubiquitous throughout Japan, with a significant number being Chinese products. By replacing them with Japanese alternatives, Japan can bolster its own economy.
Although the initial cost of replacing the existing Chinese-made security cameras may be substantial, it is crucial for Japan to prioritise national security and seize this opportunity to stimulate its economy.

反対派:日本において中国製カメラの使用を禁止しなくてもよい(語数 159語)
TOPIC: Should Chinese-made surveillance cameras be banned in Japan?
POINTS: Foreign Diplomacy / Cost
Japan should avoid banning the use of Chinese-made surveillance cameras, as this may have negative impacts on foreign diplomacy with China. It would also impose an excessive financial burden on corporations, organisations or individuals responsible for their replacement.
・日本語でちゃんと訳するとくどく感じるので responsible for their replacement の部分は省略していますが、「監視カメラを交換する責任(必要)のある企業・組織・個人」と言う意味ですね。2級までは、….individuals that are responsible for their replacement. と書いていた人が多かったのではないかと思いますが、準1級以上では要らない単語(that are) を省いて書けるとスマートですし、語数もセーブできますね。
Discussion 1
Japan is remarkably more dependent on China for its supply chain than any other nations are. What if China imposes restrictions on exports to Japan in protest against Japan’s ban on their security cameras? Japan could face significant consequences if this were to happen.
Discussion 2
Another reason why Chinese-made security cameras should remain is the cost associated with replacing them. Like most other nations, Japan has recently experienced a significant price hike in almost every item. Few people would be willing to replace existing security cameras as long as they are functioning properly.
・「日本が経験する」とは訳せませんね。人でない物でもexperience や see の主語になります。
・hike えっハイキング?と思った人は、英語でニュースを聞いたり読んだりしましょう。
Ultimately, it would be better not to ban the use of Chinese security cameras in Japan, despite the possibility of them posing a threat to Japan’s national security.
・どういうpossibility か説明するのに、同格のthatを用い主語・動詞の入った完全な文を続けることも出来ますが、語数が既にオーバーしているので、短くスッキリ書きました。
Japan should avoid banning the use of Chinese-made surveillance cameras, as this may have negative impacts on foreign diplomacy with China. It would also impose an excessive financial burden on corporations, organisations, or individuals responsible for their replacement.
Japan is remarkably more dependent on China for its supply chain than any other nations are. What if China imposes restrictions on exports to Japan in protest against Japan’s ban on their security cameras. Japan could face significant consequences if this were to happen.
Another reason why Chinese-made security cameras should remain is the cost associated with replacing them. Like most other nations, Japan has recently experienced a significant price hike in almost every item. Few people would be willing to replace existing security cameras as long as they are functioning properly.
Ultimately, it would be better not to ban the use of Chinese security cameras in Japan, despite the possibility of them posing a threat to Japan’s national security.