AGREE OR DISAGREE: Studying through distance-learning programs will become a major high school education system.
POINTS: Cost-effective / No School Events / Motivation / Time-effective
「学校へ行くのは時間のムダ」。なぜ少子化の中で通信制高校の志願者は増え続けているのか? 現場教員が指摘する2つの要因(集英社オンライン) – Yahoo!ニュース
50 Online Education Statistics: 2023 Data on Higher Learning & Corporate Training | Research.com
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AGREE OR DISAGREE : Studying through distance-learning programs will become a major high school education system.
POINTS : Cost-effective / Time-effective
I believe that correspondence high school education will become increasingly prevalent in the future due to their cost and time effectiveness.
・widely spread / monopolise / replace など、「主流となる」に捕らわれず、その状態を違う角度から説明できるようになるとパラフレーズが楽にできるようになると思います。
Discussion 1
Firstly, distance-learning programs offer significantly more affordable tuition fees compared to schools that require physical attendance. Additionally, they eliminate the need for parents to purchase expensive school uniforms and associated items. Given the current financial hardships faced by many households, distance-learning programs may be the best choice for saving a substantial amount of money.
・offer は日本語に訳しずらい単語のひとつですね。こう言う単語は、日本語訳を覚えるのではなく、たくさんの例文を覚える事で、実際にライティングで使えるようになります。
Discussion 2
Secondly, students have the flexibility to optimise their study time. Unlike conventional schools, they can choose to study whenever it suits them and utilise regular school hours for other activities. For instance, students can dedicate their nights to studying while nurturing the skills necessary for their dream job during the day. This approach enables them to achieve their goals more efficiently.
・全段落では schools that require physical attendance としました。
・もちろん、developing でも大丈夫ですが、難しい文法も使用していないので、一つだけやや難易度の高い単語を入れてみました。
Although correspondence high school courses may deprive students of the opportunity to form strong relationships with their classmates and teachers, their cost and time effectiveness will continue to drive their popularity and acceptance in society.
I believe that correspondence high school education will become increasingly prevalent in the future due to their cost and time effectiveness.
Firstly, distance-learning programs offer significantly more affordable tuition fees compared to schools that require physical attendance. Additionally, they eliminate the need for parents to purchase expensive school uniforms and associated items. Given the current financial hardships faced by many households, distance-learning programs may be the best choice for saving a substantial amount of money.
Secondly, students have the flexibility to optimise their study time. Unlike conventional schools, they can choose to study whenever it suits them and utilise regular school hours for other activities. For instance, students can dedicate their nights to studying while nurturing the skills necessary for their dream job during the day. This approach enables them to achieve their goals more efficiently.
Although correspondence high school courses may deprive students of the opportunity to form strong relationships with their classmates and teachers, their cost and time effectiveness will continue to drive their popularity and acceptance in society.

反対派:通信制高校教育は主流にはならない(語数 175語)
AGREE OR DISAGREE : Studying through distance-learning programs will become a major high school education system.
POINTS : No School Events / Motivation
Although it may certainly attract some students, I don’t believe that taking correspondence courses will become a major high school education system in the future. This is because schools are also important places for making friends, and successful completion of distance-learning programs requires high motivation.
・この段落で、既に動名詞を主語にする文法を使っているので、ここは completing distance-learning programs ではなく completion と名詞にして主語にしました。この様に、一つに偏らないよう色んな文法を使いましょう。
Discussion 1
Schools serve not only as places of learning but also as social environments where students can interact with classmates and participate in various group activities, such as sports carnivals and music festivals. Through these experiences, students can develop skills necessary for their future lives after graduation. Additionally, schools provide a platform for students to have fun and establish long-lasting friendships.
・School is not only a place …..とするより、ちょっと格好良くありませんか?This serves as a deterrent. の様にも使えます(抑止力として機能する)。
・語順に注意‼‼ It’s a necessary skill. なら良いですが、necessary skills for their future lives とはなりません。
Discussion 2
It is extremely challenging for most individuals to learn on their own. They need to be well-organised and highly motivated; otherwise, they may lose focus or be unable to complete a course on schedule. Only a few school students possess that level of commitment required to successfully complete distance-learning courses.
・日本語を先に考えると、中々出てこないかもしれませんが、hard や difficult と言った単語を使わずに表現する方がここは自然な気がします。
Considering these two reasons, I don’t believe that studying through distance-learning programs will replace conventional high school education in the future.
・日本語訳では「通信教育」としたのですが、taking はイントロで使ったので、違う単語と思いstudying を使用しましたが、studying (動詞) programs は不自然なので前置詞 throughが必要です。
Although it may attract some students, I don’t believe that taking correspondence courses will become a major high school education system in the future. This is because schools are also important places for making friends, and successful completion of distance-learning programs requires high motivation.
Schools serve not only as places of learning but also as social environments where students can interact with classmates and participate in various group activities, such as sports carnivals and music festivals. Through these experiences, students can develop skills necessary for their future lives after graduation. Additionally, schools provide a platform for students to have fun and establish long-lasting friendships.
It is extremely challenging for most individuals to learn on their own. They need to be well-organised and highly motivated; otherwise, they may lose focus or be unable to complete a course on schedule. Only a few school students possess that level of commitment required to successfully complete distance-learning courses.
Considering these two reasons, I don’t believe that studying through distance-learning programs will replace conventional high school education in the future.