



  1. 長文を読む「結局、何の話?」と思いつつ、一般化・抽象化しながら読む
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  3. 自主トレ:長文に戻って自分で要約してみる
  4. 内容を話して定着:話そうとすることで「まとめる脳」が育つ



Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, is undergoing a remarkable transformation as it seeks to convert wastelands and polluted areas into thriving wetlands. For years, the city’s natural floodplains, once vital ecosystems, have been neglected, turning into floating garbage patches and poorly managed land. However, with increasing recognition of the importance of wetlands as natural flood buffers and biodiversity hotspots, efforts have been ramped up to restore these vital areas.

Wetlands play a crucial role in mitigating floods by absorbing excess rainfall and preventing urban areas from being overwhelmed. In Colombo, which is particularly vulnerable to monsoon rains, this function is critical. The degradation of the city’s wetlands had led to increased flooding, prompting the government and environmental organizations to take action. Through ambitious projects, Colombo is now converting these degraded areas into lush, biodiverse wetlands, capable of not only managing floodwaters but also supporting a wide range of plant and animal species.

One key effort is the Colombo Wetland Management Strategy, which focuses on rehabilitating and protecting the city’s natural floodplains. This initiative includes removing waste, planting native vegetation, and creating eco-friendly spaces that attract wildlife. As a result, these wetlands are now teeming with life, hosting various species of birds, amphibians, and plants. Additionally, these areas have become recreational spaces for residents and tourists, promoting the idea that environmental sustainability and urban development can coexist.

In conclusion, Colombo’s transformation of wastelands into wetlands is a shining example of how cities can restore natural ecosystems while addressing pressing urban issues like flooding. These wetlands are not just flood buffers, but vibrant ecosystems that enrich biodiversity and improve the quality of life for the city’s inhabitants. (284 words)







Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, is undergoing a major environmental transformation by restoring its neglected floodplains into vibrant wetlands. For years, these areas were polluted and poorly managed, contributing to severe flooding. However, recognizing the vital role wetlands play in absorbing rainfall and reducing flood risks, the city launched the Colombo Wetland Management Strategy. This initiative focuses on removing waste, planting native vegetation, and creating wildlife-friendly spaces. The restored wetlands now support diverse species, act as natural flood defenses, and provide recreational areas for residents, showcasing how urban development can coexist with environmental sustainability. (95 words)




1. 原文の導入部分

“Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, is undergoing a remarkable transformation as it seeks to convert wastelands and polluted areas into thriving wetlands. For years, the city’s natural floodplains, once vital ecosystems, have been neglected, turning into floating garbage patches and poorly managed land. However, with increasing recognition of the importance of wetlands as natural flood buffers and biodiversity hotspots, efforts have been ramped up to restore these vital areas.”


“Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, is undergoing a major environmental transformation by restoring its neglected floodplains into vibrant wetlands.”


  1. 「wastelands and polluted areas」「neglected floodplains」
  2. 「remarkable transformation」「major environmental transformation」
  3. 要点の簡略化
    原文の「floodplains… have been neglected, turning into floating garbage patches…」といった具体的な説明が、要約文では省略されていますが、「neglected floodplains(放置された氾濫原)」という表現に集約されています。余計な情報を削除し、シンプルに「何が起こっているのか」を伝える工夫です。


“Wetlands play a crucial role in mitigating floods by absorbing excess rainfall and preventing urban areas from being overwhelmed. In Colombo, which is particularly vulnerable to monsoon rains, this function is critical. The degradation of the city’s wetlands had led to increased flooding, prompting the government and environmental organizations to take action. Through ambitious projects, Colombo is now converting these degraded areas into lush, biodiverse wetlands, capable of not only managing floodwaters but also supporting a wide range of plant and animal species.”


“For years, these areas were polluted and poorly managed, contributing to severe flooding. However, recognizing the vital role wetlands play in absorbing rainfall and reducing flood risks, the city launched the Colombo Wetland Management Strategy.”


  • 「mitigating floods」「reducing flood risks」
  • 「absorbing excess rainfall」「absorbing rainfall」
  • 要約文の構成


“One key effort is the Colombo Wetland Management Strategy, which focuses on rehabilitating and protecting the city’s natural floodplains. This initiative includes removing waste, planting native vegetation, and creating eco-friendly spaces that attract wildlife. As a result, these wetlands are now teeming with life, hosting various species of birds, amphibians, and plants.”


“The allure of art forgeries lies in the mystery they create, making us question how fakes can fool experts.”


  • 「rehabilitating and protecting the city’s natural floodplains」省略
  • 「eco-friendly spaces」「wildlife-friendly spaces」
  • 全体の簡略化


“Additionally, these areas have become recreational spaces for residents and tourists, promoting the idea that environmental sustainability and urban development can coexist.

In conclusion, Colombo’s transformation of wastelands into wetlands is a shining example of how cities can restore natural ecosystems while addressing pressing urban issues like flooding. These wetlands are not just flood buffers, but vibrant ecosystems that enrich biodiversity and improve the quality of life for the city’s inhabitants.


“The restored wetlands now support diverse species, act as natural flood defenses, and provide recreational areas for residents, showcasing how urban development can coexist with environmental sustainability.”



  • 「recreational spaces for residents and tourists」「recreational areas for residents」
  • 「promoting the idea that environmental sustainability and urban development can coexist」「showcasing how urban development can coexist with environmental sustainability」
  • 要点の保持



  1. 「wastelands and polluted areas」
    「neglected floodplains」
    • 「荒地と汚染された地域」が「放置された氾濫原」に言い換えられ、自然環境に関する言葉に変わっています。
  2. 「remarkable transformation」
    「major environmental transformation」
    • 「注目すべき変革」が「大規模な環境変革」に言い換えられ、より大きなスケールが強調されています。
  3. 「mitigating floods」
    「reducing flood risks」
    • 「洪水を緩和する」が「洪水リスクを減らす」に言い換えられています。
  4. 「absorbing excess rainfall」
    「absorbing rainfall」
    • 「過剰な雨水を吸収する」が「雨水を吸収する」に簡略化されています。
  5. 「eco-friendly spaces」
    「wildlife-friendly spaces」
    • 「環境に優しいスペース」が「野生動物に優しいスペース」に言い換えられ、より具体的な焦点に移っています。
  6. 「recreational spaces for residents and tourists」
    「recreational areas for residents」
    • 「住民と観光客のためのレクリエーションスペース」が「住民のためのレクリエーションエリア」に言い換えられています。


英検1級トピック探しにおススメのサイト:Britanica ProCon.org


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