



  1. 長文を読む「結局、何の話?」と思いつつ、一般化・抽象化しながら読む
  2. 見比べる:長文と要約文を見比べながら、言い換え感覚をつかむ
  3. 自主トレ:長文に戻って自分で要約してみる
  4. 内容を話して定着:話そうとすることで「まとめる脳」が育つ



As the world searches for alternatives to fossil fuels, hydrogen is gaining attention as a potential clean energy solution, and a new wave of scientists and entrepreneurs—often referred to as “boffins and buccaneers”—are leading this effort. These innovators are exploring ways to extract hydrogen from underground reserves, hoping that it could one day replace oil as a primary fuel source. Hydrogen is especially attractive because it burns cleanly, producing only water vapor when used, unlike oil and gas, which release harmful greenhouse gases. As countries ramp up efforts to combat climate change, the promise of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel has never been more important.


One area of focus is “natural hydrogen,” which occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust. Scientists, or “boffins,” are using advanced geological techniques to locate and extract this hydrogen in a cost-effective way. This natural hydrogen requires significantly less energy to extract compared to hydrogen produced through industrial methods, which typically involve splitting water molecules using electricity. This makes natural hydrogen potentially more sustainable and economical. For example, in Mali, where significant natural hydrogen deposits have been discovered, companies are drilling to tap into this resource with the aim of commercializing it for widespread use. The hope is that natural hydrogen can be scaled up to power everything from transportation to factories.

Meanwhile, entrepreneurial “buccaneers” are investing heavily in hydrogen exploration and production, taking financial risks to fund this new frontier of clean energy. They see hydrogen not only as a solution to environmental challenges but also as a massive business opportunity. These pioneers are betting that hydrogen could revolutionize the global energy market by reducing reliance on oil, creating new industries, and driving a more sustainable future. As they push forward, the collaboration between science and enterprise could make hydrogen a cornerstone of the global clean energy transition. (305 words)






Hydrogen is gaining attention as a potential clean energy alternative, with both scientists and entrepreneurs working to unlock its possibilities. Natural hydrogen, found in the Earth’s crust, is being explored as a more energy-efficient source compared to traditional hydrogen production methods, which require splitting water molecules. Countries like Mali are drilling for natural hydrogen deposits to meet future energy demands. Entrepreneurs are taking financial risks to invest in this emerging market, seeing hydrogen as not only a way to address environmental challenges but also as a lucrative business opportunity. Their combined efforts could make hydrogen a cornerstone in the shift towards cleaner energy. (103 words)





“As the world searches for alternatives to fossil fuels, hydrogen is gaining attention as a potential clean energy solution, and a new wave of scientists and entrepreneurs—often referred to as ‘boffins and buccaneers’—are leading this effort. These innovators are exploring ways to extract hydrogen from underground reserves, hoping that it could one day replace oil as a primary fuel source. Hydrogen is especially attractive because it burns cleanly, producing only water vapor when used, unlike oil and gas, which release harmful greenhouse gases. As countries ramp up efforts to combat climate change, the promise of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel has never been more important.”


“Hydrogen is gaining attention as a potential clean energy alternative, with both scientists and entrepreneurs working to unlock its possibilities.”


  • 「boffins and buccaneers」 → 言い換え
    原文で「科学者(boffins)」と「企業家(buccaneers)」に焦点が当てられていますが、要約文ではこれを「scientists and entrepreneurs」として一般的に表現し、親しみのある比喩表現を省いています。これにより、要約がより簡潔になります。
  • 「hydrogen is gaining attention as a potential clean energy solution」「Hydrogen is gaining attention as a potential clean energy alternative」
    原文の「clean energy solution(クリーンエネルギーの解決策)」が「clean energy alternative(クリーンエネルギーの代替案)」に言い換えられています。意味はほぼ同じですが、「代替案」の方がシンプルに理解しやすいです。
  • 環境への影響の詳細の省略



  • 「boffins」: これは主に英国英語で使われる言葉で、技術的な専門家や科学者を指します。特に研究に没頭する知識豊富な人物というニュアンスがあります。日常的に「scientists(科学者)」の代わりに使われることは少ないですが、メディアや軽いトーンの文章では見かけることがあります。
  • 「buccaneers」: もともとは海賊を意味する言葉ですが、ここでは冒険心に富んだ企業家やリスクを取るビジネスマンを指す比喩的な表現です。現代のビジネス文脈では「pioneers(先駆者)」や「entrepreneurs(企業家)」といった言葉の代わりに使われることがありますが、これも一般的ではなく、カジュアルまたは比喩的な表現に限られます。



“One area of focus is ‘natural hydrogen,’ which occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust. Scientists, or ‘boffins,’ are using advanced geological techniques to locate and extract this hydrogen in a cost-effective way. This natural hydrogen requires significantly less energy to extract compared to hydrogen produced through industrial methods, which typically involve splitting water molecules using electricity. This makes natural hydrogen potentially more sustainable and economical. For example, in Mali, where significant natural hydrogen deposits have been discovered, companies are drilling to tap into this resource with the aim of commercializing it for widespread use. The hope is that natural hydrogen can be scaled up to power everything from transportation to factories.”


“Natural hydrogen, found in the Earth’s crust, is being explored as a more energy-efficient source compared to traditional hydrogen production methods, which require splitting water molecules. Countries like Mali are drilling for natural hydrogen deposits to meet future energy demands.”


  • 「natural hydrogen」についての詳細
    原文では「natural hydrogen(自然水素)」の存在が「Earth’s crust(地殻)」にあり、それを地質学的手法で抽出していることが説明されています。要約文では、「自然水素が地殻に存在し、従来の水素製造方法よりエネルギー効率が良い」という要点のみが簡潔にまとめられています
  • 「industrial methods」 → 「traditional hydrogen production methods」
    「従来の水素製造方法」という表現に変えられ、特定の「工業的手法(splitting water molecules using electricity)」の詳細は省略されていますが、意味は正確に伝わっています。
  • 「Maliの例」
    マリでの具体的な取り組みについても、原文では「significant deposits(重要な埋蔵量)」など詳しく述べられていますが、要約文では「natural hydrogen deposits(自然水素の埋蔵量)」とだけ述べて簡略化されています。商業化への言及は要約文では省略されていますが、将来のエネルギー需要に対応するための掘削が行われているという要点は残されています。


“Meanwhile, entrepreneurial ‘buccaneers’ are investing heavily in hydrogen exploration and production, taking financial risks to fund this new frontier of clean energy. They see hydrogen not only as a solution to environmental challenges but also as a massive business opportunity. These pioneers are betting that hydrogen could revolutionize the global energy market by reducing reliance on oil, creating new industries, and driving a more sustainable future. As they push forward, the collaboration between science and enterprise could make hydrogen a cornerstone of the global clean energy transition.”


“Entrepreneurs are taking financial risks to invest in this emerging market, seeing hydrogen as not only a way to address environmental challenges but also as a lucrative business opportunity. Their combined efforts could make hydrogen a cornerstone in the shift towards cleaner energy.”


  • 「buccaneers」「entrepreneurs」
  • 「taking financial risks to fund this new frontier of clean energy」「taking financial risks to invest in this emerging market」
  • 要約の整理
    原文では、企業家が水素を環境問題解決とビジネスチャンスの両方として見ていることが詳しく説明されていますが、要約文では「address environmental challenges」と「lucrative business opportunity」という2つの点だけに焦点を絞って簡潔にしています。また、「creating new industries」や「driving a more sustainable future」という追加の情報も省略されていますが、最後に「clean energy transition(クリーンエネルギーへの移行)」に関する総括が含まれており、要点をしっかり伝えています。



  1. 「boffins and buccaneers」「scientists and entrepreneurs」
  2. 「clean energy solution」「clean energy alternative」
  3. 「splitting water molecules using electricity」「traditional hydrogen production methods」
  4. 「Mali, where significant natural hydrogen deposits have been discovered」「Countries like Mali are drilling for natural hydrogen deposits」
    マリにおける具体的な発見が、他の国にも言及できるよう「Countries like Mali」という表現に変更されています。
  5. 「taking financial risks to fund this new frontier of clean energy」「taking financial risks to invest in this emerging market」




英検1級トピック探しにおススメのサイト:Britanica ProCon.org


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