


Question: Will foreign language education become unnecessary in the age of AI?



  1. 分野・トピック毎の観点とキーワードをまとめる
  2. 自分が書きやすい立場・観点で実際に書く
  3. 続いて、先ほどとは反対意見で書いてみる
  4. そのトピックについて実際に誰かと話す、又は1分スピーチをする
  5. 同じ分野で3つくらいの意見論述を作成する

外国語学習観点 (Perspectives)



  1. AI Translation Technology and Accessibility (AI翻訳技術とアクセシビリティ)
    The development of AI-driven translation tools may make language learning seem less essential for communication.
  2. Cultural Understanding and Nuance (文化理解とニュアンス)
    Language is deeply tied to culture, and AI may struggle to capture cultural subtleties, emphasizing the importance of human language learning.
  3. Career and Cognitive Benefits (キャリアと認知の利点)
    Learning foreign languages offers cognitive benefits and career opportunities that AI cannot fully replace.
  4. Dependence on Technology (技術依存)
    Relying solely on AI for translation might increase technological dependence and reduce human autonomy in global interactions.
  5. Ethical and Privacy Concerns (倫理的・プライバシーの懸念)
    Using AI for language may raise privacy concerns, as translation data is often processed by tech companies, leading to issues of trust and security.
  6. Linguistic Diversity and Preservation (言語の多様性と保存)
    The rise of AI translation tools may threaten linguistic diversity, as smaller languages may become less taught or valued.

キーワード (Keywords)

  1. AI-driven translation (AI主導の翻訳)
  2. linguistic diversity (言語の多様性)
  3. cultural nuance (文化的ニュアンス)
  4. cognitive development (認知発達)
  5. human interaction (人間の対話)
  6. language preservation (言語の保存)
  7. technological dependence (技術的依存)
  8. privacy concerns (プライバシー懸念)
  9. communication efficiency (コミュニケーション効率)
  10. cross-cultural competence (異文化理解能力)

使われそうな動詞 (Verbs)

  1. translate (翻訳する)
  2. facilitate (容易にする)
  3. comprehend (理解する)
  4. preserve (保存する)
  5. enhance (向上させる)
  6. undermine (弱体化させる)
  7. interact (相互作用する)
  8. innovate (革新する)
  9. adapt (適応する)
  10. diminish (減少させる)

使われそうな形容詞 (Adjectives)

  1. efficient (効率的な)
  2. nuanced (ニュアンスに富む)
  3. cognitive (認知的な)
  4. autonomous (自律的な)
  5. indispensable (不可欠な)
  6. privacy-sensitive (プライバシーに敏感な)
  7. culturally-rich (文化的に豊かな)
  8. multilingual (多言語の)
  9. irreplaceable (置き換え不可能な)
  10. innovative (革新的な)

使われそうな副詞 (Adverbs)

  1. efficiently (効率的に)
  2. culturally (文化的に)
  3. accurately (正確に)
  4. autonomously (自律的に)
  5. cognitively (認知的に)
  6. seamlessly (シームレスに)
  7. contextually (文脈的に)
  8. proactively (積極的に)
  9. ethically (倫理的に)
  10. globally (世界的に)

Agree: 外国語学習は不要になるだろう

With the rapid advancement of AI translation technology, some believe that foreign language education will become unnecessary. I support this view, as AI tools offer increased accessibility, reduce dependence on human translation skills, and address privacy concerns effectively.

First, AI-driven translation tools have advanced significantly, providing instant and accurate translations across multiple languages. These tools are accessible to anyone with a smartphone or computer, making it easier to communicate globally without the need for extensive language study. As AI continues to improve, it may eventually eliminate the language barriers that once required years of learning.

Second, using AI for translation can decrease dependence on human language skills. In a world where speed and efficiency are increasingly valued, relying on AI for real-time translation allows people to focus on other skills that are more relevant to their work. Rather than spending years mastering a language, individuals can leverage AI tools to communicate effectively in international settings.

Finally, ethical and privacy concerns surrounding AI translation are becoming more manageable. As technology advances, companies are implementing stricter privacy protocols and data encryption to protect users’ information. Therefore, many of the risks related to translation data being mishandled are being addressed, making AI tools safer to use.

In conclusion, as AI translation technology becomes more advanced and reliable, foreign language education may no longer be necessary. These tools offer practical benefits that can efficiently replace the need for traditional language learning. (237 words)


With the rapid advancement of AI translation technology, some believe that foreign language education will become unnecessary. I support this view, as AI tools offer increased accessibility, reduce dependence on human translation skills, and address privacy concerns effectively.

イントロ: AI翻訳技術の進歩と外国語教育の未来

  1. “With the rapid advancement of”: 付帯状況の “with” 。
    類語: “As a result of the rapid advancement of,” “Due to the rapid development of”(両方とも結果や理由を示す類語ですが、”with”構文は単に状況や背景を提供するニュアンス)

First, AI-driven translation tools have advanced significantly, providing instant and accurate translations across multiple languages. These tools are accessible to anyone with a smartphone or computer, making it easier to communicate globally without the need for extensive language study. As AI continues to improve, it may eventually eliminate the language barriers that once required years of learning.

ボディ1: AI翻訳の即時性とアクセスの向上

  1. “AI-driven”: 「AIによって駆動される」という意味で、技術に関する形容詞。
    類語: “AI-powered,” “AI-enabled”
  2. providing instant and accurate translations”
    文法: “providing” は分詞構文として使われており、「~を提供することで」と付加的な情報を示します。
    類語: “delivering quick and precise translations”

Second, using AI for translation can decrease dependence on human language skills. In a world where speed and efficiency are increasingly valued, relying on AI for real-time translation allows people to focus on other skills that are more relevant to their work. Rather than spending years mastering a language, individuals can leverage AI tools to communicate effectively in international settings.

ボディ2: 人的スキルへの依存の減少

  1. “decrease dependence on”
    類語: “reduce reliance on,” “lessen dependence on”
    反語: “increase dependence on,” “rely heavily on”
  2. “human language skills”
    類語: “linguistic abilities,” “verbal communication skills”
    反語: “machine-based skills,” “non-verbal skills”
  3. leverage AI tools”: “leverage” は「活用する」という意味の動詞で、特にビジネスや技術の文脈で使われます。
    類語: “utilize,” “take advantage of”
    派生語: “leveraging”(現在分詞)、”leveraged”(過去形)

Finally, ethical and privacy concerns surrounding AI translation are becoming more manageable. As technology advances, companies are implementing stricter privacy protocols and data encryption to protect users’ information. Therefore, many of the risks related to translation data being mishandled are being addressed, making AI tools safer to use.

ボディ3: AIの倫理・プライバシー問題への対処

  1. “ethical and privacy concerns”
    類語: “moral and confidentiality concerns,” “ethical issues and privacy matters”
    派生語: “ethics”(名詞:倫理)、”private”(形容詞:プライベートな)
  2. “becoming more manageable”
    類語: “becoming easier to handle,” “becoming more controllable”
    反語: “becoming uncontrollable,” “getting out of hand”
  3. “stricter privacy protocols”
    類語: “more rigorous privacy rules,” “tighter data protection protocols”
  4. “data encryption”: “encryption” は「暗号化」を意味し、技術や情報セキュリティの文脈で使われます。
    類語: “data protection,” “encoding”
    反語: “data exposure,” “decryption”

In conclusion, as AI translation technology becomes more advanced and reliable, foreign language education may no longer be necessary. These tools offer practical benefits that can efficiently replace the need for traditional language learning. (237 words)

結論: 外国語教育が不要になる可能性

  1. “more advanced and reliable”
    類語: “more sophisticated and dependable”
    反語: “outdated and unreliable”
  2. “efficiently replace”
    類語: “effectively substitute,” “take the place of efficiently”
    反語: “fail to replace,” “inefficiently substitute”

Disagree: 言語学習は不要にならない

In the age of AI, some argue that foreign language education may become unnecessary due to the rise of AI translation tools. However, I believe that learning foreign languages will remain important for several reasons, including cultural understanding, cognitive benefits, and the dangers of over-reliance on technology.

First, AI translation tools struggle to capture the cultural nuances embedded in language. Language is more than just words; it conveys cultural meanings, emotions, and subtleties that AI often fails to understand. Learning a language allows individuals to truly appreciate another culture, communicate more effectively, and avoid misunderstandings that AI translations might create.

Second, learning foreign languages offers cognitive and career advantages. Research shows that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, memory, and cognitive flexibility. In addition, multilingual people often have better career opportunities in today’s globalized job market. Companies still highly value employees who can communicate directly in another language, rather than relying on AI for translation.

Finally, depending too heavily on AI for language translation could increase technological dependence. If people stop learning languages, they may become too reliant on machines, losing their ability to communicate autonomously. This dependency could also lead to problems if AI fails to deliver accurate translations, especially in complex conversations or important negotiations.

In conclusion, while AI translation technology is advancing rapidly, it cannot replace the deep cultural, cognitive, and practical benefits of learning a foreign language. Therefore, foreign language education will remain essential even in the era of AI. (246 words)


In the age of AI, some argue that foreign language education may become unnecessary due to the rise of AI translation tools. However, I believe that learning foreign languages will remain important for several reasons, including cultural understanding, cognitive benefits, and the dangers of over-reliance on technology.


  1. “the rise of”: ~の台頭、増加
    用法: 主に抽象的なもの(テクノロジー、アイデア、問題など)の増加を指す。
    例文: “The rise of automation is changing the job market.”
    類語: “the growth of,” “the increase in”
    反語: “the decline of”
  2. “several reasons, including…”: “including” は前置詞で、具体的な例や項目を挙げる際に使われる。
    類語: “such as,” “like”
    注意: “including” の後に名詞句が続くが、完全な文は続けられない。
  3. “over-reliance”: ~に対する過度の依存
    派生語: “rely on”(~に頼る), “reliable”(信頼できる), “reliability”(信頼性)
    反語: “independence from”(~からの自立)

First, AI translation tools struggle to capture the cultural nuances embedded in language. Language is more than just words; it conveys cultural meanings, emotions, and subtleties that AI often fails to understand. Learning a language allows individuals to truly appreciate another culture, communicate more effectively, and avoid misunderstandings that AI translations might create.


  1. “cultural nuances”: “nuance” は微妙な違い、ニュアンスを指す。
    用法: より深い理解を示す文脈で使われ、”cultural” などの形容詞とよく一緒に使われる。例文: “The nuance of her expression conveyed more than words could.”
    類語: “subtlety,” “shade”
    反語: “obviousness,” “blatancy”
  2. “embedded in language”: 分詞構文で、”embedded” は過去分詞が前置詞 “in” と一緒に使われ、”language” に対する説明を加えている。
    派生語: “embed”(動詞、~に埋め込む)
    類語: “ingrained in,” “rooted in”
  3. “conveys”: 「伝える」という意味。抽象的なアイデアや感情を伝達する際に使用。
    類語: “communicate,” “express,” “impart”
    反語: “withhold,” “suppress”
  4. “truly appreciate another culture”: “appreciate” は「理解する」「感謝する」両方の意味があるが、ここでは「深く理解する」ニュアンス。
    派生語: “appreciation”(名詞、感謝、理解)
    注意: “appreciate” は後に “for” や “of” を伴うことが多いが、ここでは目的語だけ。

Second, learning foreign languages offers cognitive and career advantages. Research shows that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, memory, and cognitive flexibility. In addition, multilingual people often have better career opportunities in today’s globalized job market. Companies still highly value employees who can communicate directly in another language, rather than relying on AI for translation.


  1. “bilingual individuals”: 「二言語を話す人」
    派生語: “bilingualism”(名詞、バイリンガル状態)
    類語: “multilingual”(多言語を話す人)
    反語: “monolingual”(単一言語の話者)
  2. “cognitive flexibility”: “cognitive” は「認知的な」、”flexibility” は「柔軟性」
    用法: 主に心理学や教育に関する文脈で使用され、思考や問題解決の柔軟性を示す。
    類語: “mental agility,” “adaptive thinking”
  3. “career opportunities: “opportunity” は「機会」で、特に仕事やキャリアに関連する文脈でよく使われる。
    派生語: “opportunistic”(形容詞、機会をとらえる), “opportunist”(名詞、機会主義者)
    類語: “job prospects,” “employment chances”
  4. “relying on AI for translation”: 「~に依存する」
    類語: “depend on,” “count on”
    反語: “independence from,” “self-sufficiency”

Finally, depending too heavily on AI for language translation could increase technological dependence. If people stop learning languages, they may become too reliant on machines, losing their ability to communicate autonomously. This dependency could also lead to problems if AI fails to deliver accurate translations, especially in complex conversations or important negotiations.


  1. “autonomously”: 「自主的に」「自律的に」
    派生語: “autonomy”(名詞、自律), “autonomous”(形容詞、自律的な)
    反語: “dependently,” “submissively”
  2. “fail to “: 「~し損ねる」「~できない」
    類語: “unable to,” “neglect to”
    反語: “succeed in,” “manage to”

In conclusion, while AI translation technology is advancing rapidly, it cannot replace the deep cultural, cognitive, and practical benefits of learning a foreign language. Therefore, foreign language education will remain essential even in the era of AI. (246 words)


  1. “cannot replace”
    派生語: “replaceable”(形容詞、置き換え可能な), “replacement”(名詞、代替品)
    類語: “fail to substitute,” “unable to take the place of”


学習振り返り: AI時代における言語学習の必要性について








  1. 文法構造の理解:
  • “with” 構文の使用方法と、分詞構文との違いについて学びました。付帯状況の “with” は状況や背景を提供するのに対し、分詞構文は主語の動作や状態に焦点を当てます。このような違いを理解することで、英作文での表現力が向上します。
  1. 語彙の拡充:
  • “reliance”“nuance” など、AIや翻訳に関連する高度な語彙を学びました。それぞれの語の類語や反語を知ることで、同じ内容をさまざまな表現で伝えるスキルが身につきます。
  1. 論理的思考の強化:
  • 賛成意見と反対意見の両方を比較することで、AIの利点とリスクをより明確に理解できました。このプロセスは、英検1級のライティングやスピーキング試験で求められる論理的思考を養うのに役立ちます。




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