


  1. 入室
  2. 「面接カード」を渡す
  3. 着席
  4. 氏名の確認と簡単な日常会話
  5. 「トピックカード」を受け取る:様々な分野が混ざっている
  6. スピーチ準備(1分間)
  7. スピーチ(2分間):概ね180〜240語(話すスピードによって異なる)
  8. Q&A(4分間)
  9. 「トピックカード」返却
  10. 退室


  1. カテゴリー(分野)毎に観点とキーワード整理(10分程度)
  2. 実際にスピーチをして録音して聞き直す(2分+聞き直し)
  3. 満足できるまで数回繰り返す
  4. カテゴリー別に話せる様になったら本番形式(トピックが混ざったカード)でトレーニングを行う




  1. Should the school curriculum focus more on practical skills than academic knowledge?
  2. Is homeschooling an effective alternative to traditional schooling?
  3. Will Educational Inequality Disappear?
  4. Should higher education be free for all citizens?
  5. Will Inclusive Education Become Common in the Future?
  1. 学校のカリキュラムは、学問的な知識よりも実践的なスキルに重点を置くべきですか?
  2. ホームスクーリングは従来の学校教育の有効な代替手段ですか?
  3. 教育格差はなくなるでしょうか?
  4. 高等教育はすべての市民に無料で提供されるべきですか?
  5. 将来的にインクルーシブ教育が一般的になるか?





1. Should the school curriculum focus more on practical skills than academic knowledge?



観点 (Perspectives)

  1. Relevance to the Job Market (労働市場への関連性)
    • Practical skills, such as problem-solving, communication, and technical proficiency, are highly valued by employers and may better prepare students for future employment than purely academic knowledge.
  2. Balance Between Theory and Application (理論と応用のバランス)
    • A well-rounded curriculum should balance academic knowledge with practical skills to foster both intellectual growth and real-world problem-solving abilities.
  3. Adaptability and Lifelong Learning (適応力と生涯学習)
    • Practical skills encourage adaptability and flexibility in a rapidly changing world, enabling students to continuously learn and apply new knowledge throughout their lives.
  4. Critical Thinking and Innovation (批判的思考とイノベーション)
    • Academic knowledge cultivates critical thinking, a skill necessary for innovation and scientific discovery, which practical skills alone may not fully develop.
  5. Global Competitiveness (国際競争力)
    • In a globalized economy, practical skills in technology, languages, and cross-cultural communication are essential for ensuring a nation’s workforce remains competitive.
  6. Equity in Education (教育の公平性)
    • Focusing too heavily on practical skills may widen the gap between students with different socioeconomic backgrounds, as some may lack access to opportunities for developing these skills outside of school.

キーワード (Keywords)

  1. vocational training (職業訓練)
  2. soft skills (ソフトスキル)
  3. technical proficiency (技術的熟練)
  4. problem-solving (問題解決)
  5. critical thinking (批判的思考)
  6. lifelong learning (生涯学習)
  7. theoretical knowledge (理論的知識)
  8. intellectual development (知的発達)
  9. employment readiness (就業準備)
  10. global competitiveness (国際競争力)

使われそうな動詞 (Verbs)

  1. enhance (強化する)
  2. prioritize (優先する)
  3. equip (備えさせる)
  4. cultivate (育てる)
  5. adapt (適応する)
  6. foster (育成する)
  7. balance (バランスを取る)
  8. integrate (統合する)
  9. reinforce (補強する)
  10. bridge (橋渡しする)

使われそうな形容詞 (Adjectives)

  1. practical (実践的な)
  2. holistic (包括的な)
  3. vocational (職業の)
  4. applicable (応用可能な)
  5. theoretical (理論的な)
  6. well-rounded (全体的にバランスの取れた)
  7. essential (不可欠な)
  8. innovative (革新的な)
  9. job-ready (就業準備が整った)
  10. multidisciplinary (学際的な)

使われそうな副詞 (Adverbs)

  1. effectively (効果的に)
  2. holistically (包括的に)
  3. practically (実践的に)
  4. theoretically (理論的に)
  5. competitively (競争力を持って)
  6. dynamically (動的に)
  7. adaptively (適応的に)
  8. critically (批判的に)
  9. proactively (積極的に)
  10. strategically (戦略的に)


  • 実践的スキルの重要性:キャリアに直結するスキル(プログラミング、会計など)を学ぶことで、卒業後の即戦力となる。
  • 学問的知識の価値:批判的思考や問題解決能力を育て、幅広い教養を提供する。
  • バランスの必要性:実践的スキルと学問的知識の両方が必要であり、一方に偏るべきではない。

Should the School Curriculum Focus More on Practical Skills than Academic Knowledge?

I believe that school curricula should strike a balance between practical skills and academic knowledge.

First, practical skills are essential for students to succeed in the modern workforce. For example, learning skills like programming, financial management, or even communication skills can help students become more competitive in the job market. These skills are often directly applicable in real-life situations, making students more prepared for life after school.

However, academic knowledge also plays a critical role in education. Subjects like history, literature, and mathematics help develop critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. These are important not only in professional settings but also for personal growth. Academic knowledge provides students with a foundation to understand the world and think analytically, which is valuable in any career.

In conclusion, both practical skills and academic knowledge are necessary for a well-rounded education. Schools should aim to provide students with a balanced curriculum that prepares them for both the job market and lifelong learning. (159 words)






2. Is homeschooling an effective alternative to traditional schooling?




  • ホームスクーリングの利点:個別のニーズに対応した教育が可能で、家庭環境に合った学習ができる。
  • 従来の学校教育の強み:社会的スキルや協働学習の機会を提供し、同年代の子どもたちと交流できる。
  • 両者の組み合わせの可能性:どちらか一方だけではなく、家庭教育と学校教育を組み合わせた柔軟なアプローチも有効。

Is Homeschooling an Effective Alternative to Traditional Schooling?

I believe that homeschooling can be an effective alternative to traditional schooling, but it depends on the individual circumstances.

One advantage of homeschooling is that it allows parents to tailor the education to the specific needs and interests of the child. This can be particularly beneficial for students who struggle in traditional classrooms or who have special educational needs. Homeschooling also provides flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and explore subjects in more depth.

However, traditional schooling offers benefits that homeschooling may lack. Schools provide opportunities for social interaction, where students can develop important social skills and learn how to collaborate with others. Participating in group activities, clubs, and sports teams helps students build friendships and learn teamwork, which are essential for personal and professional development.

In conclusion, homeschooling can be an effective option for some families, but it is important to consider the social and collaborative aspects of traditional schooling. A balanced approach that incorporates elements of both homeschooling and traditional education may provide the best results for students. (173 words)






3. Will Educational Inequality Disappear?



Perspectives on Reducing Educational Inequality

  1. Access to Quality Education
    Ensuring that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to high-quality education and resources, including well-trained teachers and up-to-date facilities.
  2. Equitable Distribution of Resources
    Addressing disparities in funding between schools in wealthy and disadvantaged areas, and providing additional resources to underserved communities.
  3. Teacher Training and Support
    Improving teacher training and offering continuous professional development, especially in underfunded schools, to ensure educators are equipped to support diverse learners.
  4. Technology and Digital Access
    Bridging the digital divide by ensuring all students have access to technology, internet connectivity, and digital literacy skills, which are essential for modern learning.
  5. Inclusive Curriculum and Pedagogy
    Developing curricula that reflect diverse cultures, experiences, and learning styles, while using teaching methods that engage all students equally, regardless of their background.
  6. Parental and Community Engagement
    Encouraging greater involvement from parents and communities in the education process, particularly in low-income areas, to build stronger support networks for students.


  • テクノロジーの力:デジタルツールやオンライン学習によって、教育資源が世界中に広がり、教育格差が縮まる可能性がある。
  • デジタルデバイドの問題:すべての学生がインターネットやデジタルデバイスにアクセスできるわけではなく、格差が残る可能性がある。
  • 政府と民間の支援:教育格差を解消するためには、政府や民間企業の支援が不可欠であり、特にインフラ整備が重要。

Will Educational Inequality Disappear?

I believe that while technology has the potential to reduce educational inequality, it is unlikely to disappear completely. One reason is that digital tools and online learning platforms can make educational resources more accessible to students around the world. In regions where schools and teachers are limited, students can access high-quality education through the Internet. This helps level the playing field, giving students in remote or underprivileged areas the same opportunities as those in wealthier regions.

However, the digital divide remains a significant challenge. Not all students have access to the Internet or the necessary devices to take advantage of online education. This lack of access can widen the gap between those who can use technology for learning and those who cannot. For true educational equality, it is essential to ensure that all students have the same access to technology.

Finally, governments and private organizations must work together to eliminate educational inequality. Investment in infrastructure, such as providing Internet access to rural areas, and offering financial support for students who cannot afford technology will be key steps. In conclusion, while educational inequality may not disappear entirely, targeted efforts can significantly reduce the gap. (193 words)





※ level the playing field: 「競争の場を平等にする」

4. Should higher education be free for all citizens?




  1. Equal Access to Education
    Free education ensures that all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to quality learning opportunities, promoting fairness and reducing inequality.
  2. Economic Impact and National Growth
    Free education can contribute to long-term economic growth by producing a more educated workforce, fostering innovation, and increasing national productivity.
  3. Government Expenditure and Budget Constraints
    Implementing free education requires significant government investment, which could strain public finances and lead to higher taxes or cuts in other essential services.
  4. Quality of Education
    While free education increases accessibility, there is a risk that the quality of education might decline if institutions face underfunding or overcrowding due to increased enrollment.
  5. Personal Responsibility and Motivation
    Some argue that paying for education fosters a sense of personal investment and responsibility, and that free education may reduce students’ motivation to fully engage with their studies.
  6. Long-term Social Benefits
    Free education can lead to a more informed and engaged citizenry, reduce crime rates, and promote social stability, as educated individuals are more likely to contribute positively to society.


  • 無料化の利点:すべての人に平等な教育機会を提供し、経済的格差を是正する。
  • 無料化のコスト:政府の財政負担が増え、他の公共サービスに影響を与える可能性がある。
  • 持続可能な方法:無償化以外にも、奨学金制度や学費の一部免除など、持続可能な形での支援が必要。

Should Higher Education Be Free for All Citizens?

I believe that higher education should be free for all citizens, but it should be implemented carefully to ensure sustainability. One of the main advantages of free higher education is that it provides equal opportunities for all, regardless of their financial situation. Many talented students cannot afford to attend university, and free education would help bridge this gap. This could lead to a more educated workforce, which benefits society as a whole.

However, free higher education comes with significant costs. Governments would need to allocate a large portion of their budget to fund universities and other higher education institutions. This could lead to cuts in other important public services, such as healthcare or infrastructure. To avoid this, governments could explore alternative solutions, such as providing scholarships or offering partial subsidies for tuition fees.

In conclusion, while free higher education is a noble goal, it is essential to consider the financial impact it could have on the economy. A balanced approach, such as offering financial aid to those in need while maintaining tuition fees for others, may be a more sustainable solution. (181 words)





5. Will Inclusive Education Become Common in the Future?




  • インクルーシブ教育の進展:教育の平等性と社会的包摂が重要視され、インクルーシブ教育が世界的に推進されている。
  • 現在の課題:教育現場のリソースや教員の専門知識が不十分であり、すべての生徒に対して適切なサポートを提供するには改善が必要。
  • 将来的な可能性:技術の進歩や政策の変更により、インクルーシブ教育がより一般的になり、すべての生徒に平等な学習機会が提供される可能性がある。

Will Inclusive Education Become Common in the Future?)

I believe that inclusive education will become more common in the future, as societies increasingly recognize the importance of equality and inclusion. Inclusive education means that students of all abilities, including those with disabilities, learn together in the same classrooms. This approach promotes social integration and helps all students develop empathy and understanding of diversity. Many countries are already adopting policies to make inclusive education the standard, and there is growing awareness of its benefits.

However, there are still challenges to fully implementing inclusive education. One issue is that many schools lack the necessary resources, such as specialized teachers or adaptive technology, to support students with diverse needs. Additionally, some teachers may not have the training required to effectively teach students with different abilities. Addressing these challenges will be crucial for making inclusive education more widespread.

In the future, with advances in technology and improvements in teacher training, inclusive education could become the norm. Governments and schools need to invest in resources and training to ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities, receive the support they need to succeed.

In conclusion, while there are still obstacles, the trend toward inclusive education is likely to grow, making it a more common approach in the future. (205 words)







  1. inclusive education: 「インクルーシブ教育」。すべての生徒が同じ教室で学ぶ教育方法を表す重要なフレーズ。
  2. social integration: 「社会的統合」。インクルーシブ教育によって、障害のある生徒が社会に統合されることを説明する表現。
  3. adaptive technology: 「適応技術」。障害のある生徒が学習を進めるために使われる技術を指すフレーズ。
  4. diverse needs: 「多様なニーズ」
  5. become the norm: 「標準となる」


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