Should Japan approve dual citizenship?
POINTS: Marriage Fraud / Politicians / Criminals / Border Close / Loss of Identity / Work
観点:結婚詐欺 / 政治家 / 犯罪者 / 国境閉鎖 / アイデンティティの喪失 / 仕事
国によって二重国籍を認めていたり(世界の76%の国が多重国籍を認めている)、国籍を与える基準(国籍法) が異なります。普段の生活の中で、多くの人は国籍を意識することはほとんどないと思います。当事者である人でさえ、きちんと理解していない部分も多い国籍問題。これを機会に二重国籍のメリット・デメリット、国籍授与基準の違いを理解し、それがどんな問題に発展する可能性があるのか考えてみましょう。
眞鍋氏ノーベル賞受賞で見えた取り残される日本。同調圧力や夫人の手料理、米国籍の日本人報道… | Business Insider Japan
大量の「偽装日本人」が、安全保障を揺るがす 増加の一途をたどる「二重国籍」の根深い問題
Dual Citizenship Advantages and Disadvantages

賛成派:日本は二重国籍を認めるべきだ(249 語)
Agree Or Disagree: Should Japan approve dual citizenship?
POINTS: Border Close / Loss of Identity / Work
Some people argue it is unfair to approve dual citizenship, but I believe dual nationalities should be officially allowed in Japan because of the following risks; border closure to former Japanese and loss of job opportunities or identities.
Discussion 1
People will lose their Japanese citizenship when obtaining another nationality of their own will. Despite that, they do not think of emergency cases. Some ex-Japanese, for example, may have been unable to enter Japan when the border was closed as a prevention measure against the COVID-19 pandemics, depending on whether an immigration officer regarded their reasons for entering Japan as reasonable. They would not have been in such trouble if they had held dual citizenship.
Discussion 2
More Japanese could demonstrate their skills in various fields all over the world if they had dual citizenship. It is harder to receive research funding in Japan than in other countries, particularly long-term funding. Such circumstances force many academics with high expertise to become a citizen of another country, like Professor Syukuro Manabe, who won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Discussion 3
Abandoning Japanese nationality would also mean the loss of their identity. Children from international marriage or Japanese children with birthright citizenship in a foreign country should select their nationality by the age of 22 since Japan does not officially approve dual citizenship. They might feel they are not fully embraced or lost half of their identity.
Overall, dual citizenship seems to be more appropriate for the current borderless lifestyle. Japan should, therefore, approve dual nationalities.
Some people argue it is unfair to approve dual citizenship, but I believe dual nationalities should be officially allowed in Japan because of the following risks; border closure to former Japanese and loss of job opportunities or identities.
People will lose their Japanese citizenship when obtaining another nationality of their own will. Despite that, they do not think of emergency cases. Some ex-Japanese, for example, may have been unable to enter Japan when the border was closed as a prevention measure against the COVID-19 pandemics, depending on whether an immigration officer regarded their reasons for entering Japan as reasonable. They would not have been in such trouble if they had held dual citizenship.
More Japanese could demonstrate their skills in various fields all over the world if they had dual citizenship. It is harder to receive research funding in Japan than in other countries, particularly long-term funding. Such circumstances force many academics with high expertise to become a citizen of another country, like Professor Syukuro Manabe, who won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Abandoning Japanese nationality would also mean the loss of their identity. Children from international marriage or Japanese children with birthright citizenship in a foreign country should select their nationality by the age of 22 since Japan does not officially approve dual citizenship. They might feel they are not fully embraced or lost half of their identity.
Overall, dual citizenship seems to be more appropriate for the current borderless lifestyle. Japan should, therefore, approve dual nationalities.
反対派:日本は二重国籍を認めるべきでない(247 語)
Agree Or Disagree: Should Japan approve dual citizenship?
POINTS: Marriage Fraud / Politicians / Criminals
As adverse effects caused by approving dual citizenship could be extensive and intensive in Japanese society, including marriage fraud, criminals’ international escape and the unperceived creation of politicians from other countries, dual citizenship should not be approved.
Discussion 1
Japanese nationality offers one of the most convenient and advantageous passports. Many foreign people wish to possess it because it allows them to travel to most countries without visas, whilst Japanese may not see this as prestigious as they do. If dual citizenship is approved, various nationalities may try to obtain Japanese passports even by committing marriage fraud or bigamy.
Discussion 2
Another potential problem is that dual citizenship may contribute to increases in violation of the laws, such as tax evasion and escape from military duties. Criminals can also easily escape from or to Japan. Dual nationalities would not only cause such events, triggering disturbances of public order but would also make it easier to slip through the cracks.
Discussion 3
With approving dual citizenship, the influence on politics stemming from previous Japanese citizens might be substantial. It is crucial to collaborate with other nations properly to identify dual citizens. But even currently, where the law bans dual citizenship, the government fails to do so. Then, no one would expect it to differentiate dual citizens. Thereby ex-Japanese secretly may advance to politics and work in favour of another country.
Although the rest of the world tends to approve dual citizenship, for these reasons above, dual nationalities should not be admitted in Japan.
As adverse effects caused by approving dual citizenship could be extensive and intensive in Japanese society, including marriage fraud, criminals’ international escape and the unperceived creation of politicians from other countries, dual citizenship should not be approved.
Japanese nationality offers one of the most convenient and advantageous passports. Many foreign people wish to possess it because it allows them to travel to most countries without visas, whilst Japanese may not see this as prestigious as they do. If dual citizenship is approved, various nationalities may try to obtain Japanese passports even by committing marriage fraud or bigamy.
Another potential problem is that dual citizenship may contribute to increases in violation of the laws, such as tax evasion and escape from military duties. Criminals can also easily escape from or to Japan. Dual nationalities would not only cause such events, triggering disturbances of public order but would also make it easier to slip through the cracks.
With approving dual citizenship, the influence on politics stemming from previous Japanese citizens might be more substantial. It is crucial to collaborate with other nations properly to identify dual citizens. But even currently, where the law bans dual citizenship, the government fails to do so. No one then would expect it to differentiate dual citizens. Thereby ex-Japanese secretly may advance to politics and work in favour of another country.
Although the rest of the world tends to approve dual citizenship, for these reasons above, dual nationalities should not be admitted in Japan.
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