AGREE OR DISAGREE: There will be no need to memorise KANJI in schools.
POINTS: Auto-correction / Digital Exams / Emergencies / Ageing Prevention
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肯定派:学校で漢字を覚える必要がなくなる(語数 152語)
AGREE OR DISAGREE: There will be no need to memorise KANJI in schools.
POINTS: Auto-correction / Digital Exams
I believe students will no longer need to memorise KANJI in schools because computers will automatically select the correct KANJI from the content of the writing. Additionally, university entry exams are likely to be digitised.
・at schools でも構いません。ただ、He is in school. と言うと、学生であることを含んでいるので今回はin schools にしました。
Discussion 1
Firstly, it’s rare to write by hand in today’s workplaces, and computers can easily convert HIRAGANA into the appropriate KANJI according to the content. Knowing every stroke of KANJI is unnecessary, and people tend to forget them if they don’t handwriting them.
・変換するという英単語はたくさんありますが、この場合はconvert が正解です。convert は他に、exchange の代わりに「お金を換算する」の意でも使えます。
・every stroke で一画一画という感じで、そこから「いちいち全部」というニュアンスです。
Discussion 2
It won’t take long before exams in Japan are fully computerised, following the example of the United States. By offering adaptive or multiple different versions of tests at the same difficulty level, which prevent cheating, digital exams will quickly be implemented nationwide. Consequently, schools will no longer require students to memorise KANJI.
・正解率に応じ次の問題の難易度が自動的に決定されるようなテストの事です。ちなみに、4択から答えを選ぶ問題はmultiple choice questions と言います。
As explained above, advancements in technologies will greatly impact Japan’s school curriculum, and eventually eliminate the need for KANJI memorisation in schools.
I believe students will no longer need to memorise KANJI in schools because computers can automatically select the correct KANJI from the content of the writing. Additionally, university entry exams are likely to be digitised.
Firstly, it’s rare to write by hand in today’s workplaces, and computers can easily convert HIRAGANA into the appropriate KANJI according to the content. Knowing every stroke of KANJI is unnecessary, and people tend to forget them if they don’t practise writing them.
It won’t be long before exams in Japan are fully computerised, following the example of the United States. By offering adaptive or multiple different versions of tests at the same difficulty level, which prevent cheating, digital exams will quickly be implemented nationwide. Consequently, schools will no longer require students to memorise KANJI.
As explained above, advancements in technologies will greatly impact Japan’s school curriculum, and eventually eliminate the need for KANJI memorisation in schools.

AGREE OR DISAGREE: There will be no need to memorise KANJI in schools.
POINTS: Emergencies / Ageing Prevention
I believe it will be still required to memorise KANJI in schools because there may be situations where computers are unavailable, and memorisation helps protect our brains from ageing.
Discussion 1
As technology has advanced and become more widespread, we often don’t face difficulties for not having immediate recall of KANJI. Nevertheless, it would be beneficial if we can remember as many of them as possible, especially in urgent situations.
・口語やカジュアルな文章では、代わりにfor nor knowing KANJI off the top of our heads などとも言えます。off the top of one’s head は私の好きなイディオムの一つですが、フォーマルなエッセイには不向きです。
Discussion 2
Memorising KANJI also provides valuable brain training. It has been shown that the more we engage our brains, the more they expand their capacity. Putting effort into memorising KANJI, for example, can enhance our ability to remember other things, potentially delaying brain ageing.
・engageは日本語約するのが困難な単語の一つかと思います。文章によって変わります。arrange なども訳すのが難しいなと私は感じるのですが、皆さんはいかがですか。ここでは、「活性化させる」とかなりの意訳になりました。
・Making efforts/an effort to memorise KANJI でも同じことです。
In conclusion, it will remain necessary to memorise KANJI in schools due to the advantages it offers, such as providing convenience in emergencies and helping to prevent ageing.
I believe it is still required to memorise KANJI in schools because there may be situations where computers are unavailable, and memorization helps protect our brains from ageing.
As technology has advanced and become more widespread, we often don’t face difficulties for not having immediate recall of KANJI. Nevertheless, it would be beneficial if we can remember as many of them as possible, especially in urgent situations.
Memorising KANJI also provides valuable brain training. It has been shown that the more we engage our brains, the more they expand their capacity. Putting effort into memorising KANJI, for example, can enhance our ability to remember other things, potentially delaying brain ageing.
In conclusion, it will remain necessary to memorise KANJI in schools due to the advantages it offers, such as providing convenience in emergencies and helping to prevent ageing.