TOPIC: Should museums return looted artifacts to their countries of origin?
POINTS: Educational Purpose / Original Ownership / Preservation/ Cultural Value
A Stolen History? British Museum Faces Controversy | Engoo Daily News
The Pros And Cons Of Returning Artifacts To Their Original Countries
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賛成派:美術館は奪略戦利品を元の国に返還すべきだ (語数 131語)
TOPIC: Should museums return looted artifacts to their countries of origin?
POINTS: Original Ownership / Cultural Value
Museums should return looted artifacts to their countries of origin because they hold cultural value for the local people and the ownership has not been relinquished by the country of origin.
・relinquish が難しければ、renounce でも良いと思います。あとは、 waive や abandon。ただ、この場合の所有権であるownership は是非知っておきたい単語ですね。
Discussion 1
Some looted artifacts possess significant cultural and historical value to their country of origin and its people. Such artifacts should be displayed alongside related items in their original country, thereby enhancing the appreciation for them.
・along with でも良いですが、難易度?としては、alongside の方が高くなります。
Discussion 2
Museums often showcase exhibits that may have been unlawfully taken from other countries during wars or colonial periods. In such cases, the ownership should still rest with the countries of origin. It seems, therefore, unreasonable for museums to profit from and gain fame through the display of these looted artworks.
・ここのポイントは「植民地や、戦時中に他国から」と考えず、「戦時中や植民地時代に他国から」と考える事でスッキリとした文章になります。during A and B で収まるように、colonial periods としています。
Due to the reasons mentioned above, stolen artifacts should be returned to their respective nations.
・their countries of origin は何回も使っているし、original countries もあまり変わり映えしないので。
賛成派:全文 (音声付き)
Museums should return looted artifacts to their countries of origin because they hold cultural value for the local people and the ownership has not been relinquished by the country of origin.
Some looted artifacts possess significant cultural and historical value to their country of origin and its people. These artifacts should be displayed alongside related items in their original country, thereby enhancing the appreciation for them.
Museums often showcase exhibits that may have been unlawfully taken from other countries during wars or colonial periods. In such cases, the ownership should still rest with the countries of origin. It is therefore unreasonable for museums to profit from and gain fame through the display of these looted artworks.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, stolen artifacts should be returned to their respective nations.

反対派:美術館は奪略戦利品を元の国に返還しなくても良い (語数 121語)
TOPIC: Should museums return looted artifacts to their countries of origin?
POINTS: Educational Purpose / Preservation
I believe that museums are not obligated to return looted artifacts to their countries of origin, as this allows for the preservation of the artifacts’ conditions and enables further in-depth research.
・allow for で考慮するという意味になります。ただ、その様に日本語に訳すとおかしいので、allow someone to do something の基本的用法に近いニュアンスです。
Discussion 1
Museums possess extensive expertise and resources to safeguard the conditions of specific artworks. By keeping the artifacts in museums, they are protected from potential damage or further looting, ensuring their preservation.
Discussion 2
Looted artifacts require further study. Egyptian antiquities, for example, are housed in museums worldwide. Returning all of them to Egypt would take a long time to unravel. Therefore, it may be more beneficial to keep them in their current locations.
・house という簡単な単語ですが動詞として使用しています。ネイティブっぽいでしょう?(笑)
In conclusion, museums could retain looted artifacts for the purpose of preserving their conditions and conducting further studies.
反対派:全文 (音声付き)
I believe that museums should not be obligated to return looted artifacts to their countries of origin, as this allows for the preservation of the artifacts’ conditions and enables further in-depth research.
Museums possess extensive expertise and resources to safeguard the conditions of specific artworks. By keeping the artifacts in museums, they are protected from potential damage or further looting, ensuring their preservation.
Looted artifacts require further study. Egyptian antiquities, for example, are housed in museums worldwide. Returning all of them to Egypt would take a long time to unravel. Therefore, it may be more beneficial to keep them in their current locations.
In conclusion, museums could retain looted artifacts for the purpose of preserving their conditions and conducting further studies.