英検準1級ライティング&面接対策16: 女性管理職の目標数を設定するのは良いことか?


Is it a good idea to set a target for the number of female members in executive positions?

Points: Encouragement / Achievable / Inclusivity / Reverse Discrimination

Gender Equalityが叫ばれて久しいですが、常日頃、その日本語訳である「男女平等」に違和感を感じています。今や性別は「男」と「女」だけではありません(もちろん、生物学的には正しいのですが)。ノンバイナリ―といった、どちらの性別にも属さないことを表現する言葉も今はあり、実際そう感じている人がたくさんいるのですから。


女性管理職3割目標 「20年30%」から「30年まで」に先送りへ 政府 | 毎日新聞

女性管理職の割合9.4%に上昇 政府が目指す「30%」以上の企業は1割弱


肯定派: 女性管理職の目標数を設定するのは良い (語数 152語)

Is it a good idea to set a target for the number of female members in executive positions?

Points: Encouragement / Achievable


Setting a quantitative target makes the likelihood higher and also motivates women to continue working until their retirement. Therefore, it is a great idea to set a target for the number of female board members.



・likelihood 以外にもachievable や viable などの単語を用いても良いと思います。

Discussion 1

As Japan is under international pressure to improve gender equality, appointing more women to executive positions is essential. Although other measures need to be implemented to achieve the goal, setting a quantitative target would be the first step, making it more achievable.   



・allocate や assign なども使用可能だと思いますが、管理職などの役職に任命するような場合は、appoint が最適です。

Discussion 2

Female workers with competence for executive positions have been neglected for ages. Many of them would be encouraged to continue working until their retirement when their employers clearly intend to promote female employees. This, in turn, will bring about more dynamic and diverse decision-making processes.



・ここは、neglect という単語がぴったりです‼


・bring about はformal な phrasal verb なので、エッセイにも使えます!cause の代用です。


In conclusion, it is great to set a target for the number of female executive members as it benefits female employee turnout and increases the likelihood of achieving the goal.



・voter turnout (投票率)もよく使われます。


Setting a quantitative target makes the likelihood higher and also motivates women to continue working until their retirement. Therefore, it is a great idea to set a target for the number of female board members.

As Japan is under international pressure to improve gender equality, appointing more women to executive positions is essential. Although other measures need to be implemented to achieve the goal, setting a quantitative target would be the first step, making it more achievable.   

Female workers with competence for executive positions have been neglected for ages. Many of them would be encouraged to continue working until their retirement when their employers clearly intend to promote female employees. This, in turn, will bring about more dynamic and diverse decision-making processes.

In conclusion, it is great to set a target for the number of female executive members as it benefits female employee turnout and increases the likelihood of achieving the goal.

否定派: 女性管理職の目標数を設定するのは良くない (語数 156語)

Is it a good idea to set a target for the number of female members in executive positions?

Points: Inclusivity / Reverse Discrimination


I believe it is not a good idea to set a target for the number of female executive members because it may cause reverse discrimination against female workers and also violate inclusivity.




Discussion 1

First, there is a risk of reverse discrimination against female employees. In order to achieve the quantitative goal, gender, being women, may be given higher priority rather than the required skills and experiences for executive positions. This defeats the purpose of setting a quantitative target for female board members.



・pointless を使わない、ネイティブがよく使う表現です。

Discussion 2

Today, more and more people are starting to identify as neither female nor male, but as non-binary. Establishing a quantitative target for executive members of a particular gender is totally incompatible with inclusivity. Gender equality, which should mean that gender should not be considered a prerequisite, is obviously misunderstood.





For these reasons – reverse discrimination and inclusivity – I don’t believe it is a good idea to set a target for the number of female executive members.





I believe it is not a good idea to set a target for the number of female executive members because it may cause reverse discrimination against female workers and also violate inclusivity.

First, there is a risk of reverse discrimination against female employees. In order to achieve the quantitative goal, gender, being women, may be given higher priority rather than the required skills and experiences for executive positions. This defeats the purpose of setting a quantitative target for female board members.

Today, more and more people are starting to identify as neither female nor male, but as non-binary. Establishing a quantitative target for executive members of a particular gender is totally incompatible with inclusivity. Gender equality, which should mean that gender should not be considered a prerequisite, is obviously misunderstood.

For these reasons – reverse discrimination and inclusivity – I don’t believe it is a good idea to set a target for the number of female executive members.



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