AGREE OR DISAGREE: Should people give up their driver’s licences at a certain age?
POINTS: Ability Deterioration / Car Accidents / Alternative Transportation / Individual Difference / Advanced Technology
観点:能力の衰退 / 交通事故 / 代替の交通手段 / 個人差 / 最新技術
Japan to start giving some seniors driving tests before license renewal (English)
Driver licensing at 75 and 85 years in NSW (English)
Driver License Renewal Requirements in Florida (English)

賛成派:特定の年齢で運転免許返納を義務化すべきだ (229 語)
AGREE OR DISAGREE: Should people give up their driver’s licences at a certain age?
POINTS: Ability Deterioration / Car Accidents / Alternative Transportation
Elderly drivers at a certain age or above should return their driving licences due to their weakened skills, which leads to enhanced road safety. Inconveniences they may encounter by giving up their rights, however, should be compensated somehow.
Discussion 1
The abilities of physical activities and judgement develop or deteriorate as people grow or age. There is a minimum age at or above which people can legally drive, and then we should introduce an upper limit. That way is more reasonable and fair than the newly introduced regulation that only requires 75-year-olds or above with particular offence records within three years to pass the mandatory driving test.
Discussion 2
Today, a growing number of car accidents also causes unfortunate death to small children, many of which would have been preventable if elderly drivers had not been behind the wheel. Given that the whole nation is ageing rapidly, the number of car accidents caused by elderly drivers would further increase.
Discussion 3
Needless to say, many elderly drivers would not like to get their licences taken away. It would inconvenience them, particularly on rainy days, with heavy things or in areas with less public transportation. Those issues, however, could be solved easily by providing free community buses or proxy driving services.
Ultimately, we should prioritise road safety over any inconvenience elderly drivers potentially have, and driver’s licences should not be renewed after reaching a certain age.
賛成派: 全文(音声付き)
Elderly drivers at a certain age or above should return their driving licences due to their weakened skills, which leads to enhanced road safety. Inconveniences they may encounter by giving up their rights, however, should be compensated somehow.
The abilities of physical activities and judgement develop or deteriorate as people grow or age. There is a minimum age at or above which people can legally drive, and then we should introduce an upper limit. That way is more reasonable and fair than the newly introduced regulation that only requires 75-year-olds or above with particular offence records within three years to pass the mandatory driving test.
Today, a growing number of car accidents also causes unfortunate death to small children, many of which would have been preventable if elderly drivers had not been behind the wheel. Given that the whole nation is ageing rapidly, the number of car accidents caused by elderly drivers would further increase.
Needless to say, many elderly drivers would not like to get their licences taken away. It would inconvenience them, particularly on rainy days, with heavy things or in areas with less public transportation. Those issues, however, could be solved easily by providing free community buses or proxy driving services.
Ultimately, we should prioritise road safety over any inconvenience elderly drivers potentially have, and driver’s licences should not be renewed after reaching a certain age.
反対派:特定の年齢で運転免許を返納すべきでない(242 語)
AGREE OR DISAGREE: Should people give up their driver’s licences at a certain age?
POINTS: Individual Difference / Advanced Technology
Banning the elderly at a certain age or above from driving may be thoughtless and would not also lower the number of car accidents. The abilities and situations of elderly drivers vary, and they can also drive safely with the help of advanced technology.
Discussion 1
Private vehicles are like a lifeline for people working in the agricultural or fishery industry, many of whom often continue to work till a much later life stage. Some are still working even in their 80s, and driving is inevitable. No alternative solution is available for them, and no one has the right to take their licences away unless they have health issues.
Discussion 2
Generally speaking, the reaction time and the judgement abilities deteriorate with age. But there is a considerable difference in the deterioration between individuals. Besides, those who are aware of ageing do not do anything reckless. They would not, for instance, drive fast in the dark or rain when their vision is limited. Age is, therefore, not an ideal indicator to measure the skills and abilities of safe driving.
Discussion 3
Finally, licences limited to vehicles with driving safety support systems are now available. One of the features of such vehicles would prevent drivers from accelerating mistakenly. Self-driving cars will also be available in the market soon. Seniors should be allowed to drive automobiles with such advanced technology.
In short, whether senior drivers give up their right to drive should be arbitrary, not mandatory at a certain age.
反対派: 全文(音声付き)
Banning the elderly at a certain age or above from driving may be thoughtless and would not also lower the number of car accidents. The abilities and situations of elderly drivers vary, and they can also drive safely with the help of advanced technology.
Private vehicles are like a lifeline for people working in the agricultural or fishery industry, many of whom often continue to work till a much later life stage. Some are still working even in their 80s, and driving is inevitable. No alternative solution is available for them, and no one has the right to take their licences away unless they have health issues.
Generally speaking, the reaction time and the judgement abilities deteriorate with age. But there is a considerable difference in the deterioration between individuals. Besides, those who are aware of ageing do not do anything reckless. They would not, for instance, drive fast in the dark or rain when their vision is limited. Age is, therefore, not an ideal indicator to measure the skills and abilities of safe driving.
Finally, licences limited to vehicles with driving safety support systems are now available. One of the features of such vehicles would prevent drivers from accelerating mistakenly. Self-driving cars will also be available in the market soon. Seniors should be allowed to drive automobiles with such advanced technology.
In short, whether senior drivers give up their right to drive should be arbitrary, not mandatory at a certain age.