Should hospitals accept confidential or anonymous birth?
POINTS: Abortion / Abandoned Newborn Babies / Mother’s Health / Family Register / Child’s Right / Sex Education
観点:中絶 / 新生児遺棄 / 母親の健康 / 戸籍 / 子供の権利 / 性教育
The Controversy of Japan’s Baby Hatch
Spread of Baby Boxes In Europe Alarms United Nations.

賛成派:病院は内密出産や匿名出産を受け入れるべきだ(246 語)
Agree Or Disagree: Should hospitals accept confidential or anonymous birth?
POINTS: Abandoned Newborn Babies / Abortion / Mother’s Health
More hospitals should be available for women delivering a baby confidentially or anonymously, considering such a policy could benefit society and women: lowering the death rates of abandoned infants, improving the health of mothers after unwished childbirth and a potential alternative to abortion.
Discussion 1
Having confidential or anonymous birth should not be encouraged. But it is still much better than abandoning them somewhere as if they were rubbish. Mentally immature women tend to get into a mad panic when they find themselves pregnant, which drives them to give up their babies without thinking about the outcome of their actions.
Discussion 2
Giving birth can also be a life-threatening event for women, so they should deliver a baby with medical treatment handy. Not only do hospitals provide medical assurance, but also chances to meet people preparing for childbirth. Spending time with them could change the mind of women with an unwanted pregnancy and make them determined to raise their babies instead of abandoning them.
Discussion 3
In Japan, unlike many other countries, women cannot have their pregnancies terminated without the consent of their baby’s father. There was a case, for instance, of a young woman that left her newborn baby in a public toilet because she could not get a written agreement for abortion due to her boyfriend’s intentional disappearance. Abandoned babies may attribute to such a requirement.
For these reasons, fewer babies could avoid the tragic demise if more hospitals, say at least one in a city, accepted anonymous or confidential birth.
More hospitals should be available for women delivering a baby confidentially or anonymously, considering such a policy could benefit society and women: lowering the death rates of abandoned infants, improving the health of mothers after unwished childbirth and a potential alternative to abortion.
Having confidential or anonymous birth should not be encouraged. But it is still much better than abandoning them somewhere as if they were rubbish. Mentally immature women tend to get into a mad panic when they find themselves pregnant, which drives them to give up their babies without thinking about the outcome of their actions.
Giving birth can also be a life-threatening event for women, so they should deliver a baby with medical treatment handy. Not only do hospitals provide medical assurance, but also chances to meet people preparing for childbirth. Spending time with them could change the mind of women with an unwanted pregnancy and make them determined to raise their babies instead of abandoning them.
In Japan, unlike many other countries, women cannot have their pregnancies terminated without the consent of their baby’s father. There was a case, for instance, of a young woman that left her newborn baby in a public toilet because she could not get a written agreement for abortion due to her boyfriend’s intentional disappearance. Abandoned babies may attribute to such a requirement.
For these reasons, fewer babies could avoid the tragic demise if more hospitals, say at least one in a city, accepted anonymous or confidential birth.
反対派:病院は内密出産や匿名出産を受け入れるべきでない(251 語)
Agree Or Disagree: Should hospitals accept confidential or anonymous birth?
POINTS: Family Register / Child’s Right / Education
Saving babies’ lives should be the priority. Having said that, however, confidential or anonymous birth should not be pivotal for reducing the number of abandoned infants.
Discussion 1
In the first place, there is no evidence that confidential or anonymous birth can lower the number of abandoned babies. In Europe, for instance, many baby hatches have been installed in the past decades, but they did not positively influence potential infanticide. Given that pregnant women’s faces will be seen when delivering a baby, confidential or anonymous birth would have similar effects on the tally.
Discussion 2
Another reason is violating children’s right to know their roots; biological parents. Japan also doesn’t have relevant legislation for confidential or anonymous birth. Children with unidentified filiation, for example, can receive mandatory education or make their passports only if the mayor of their birthplace agrees to create a family registry for them. Without a family registry, they would encounter several difficulties throughout their life.
Discussion 3
Finally, education regarding the importance of life and pregnancy is vital to solve the problem. Lives are being disregarded, and people should seriously avoid unwanted pregnancies already. Sex education for children, in particular, is far from enough at either school or home in Japan. People must shift their mindset concerning these points. Otherwise, this cat-mouse game-like matter would not end.
For these reasons, even though hospitals accepting confidential or anonymous birth could save the lives of unwanted babies, it would not reduce such unfortunate babies. Hospitals, therefore, should not be encouraged to open to such childbirth.
これらの理由から、内密出産や匿名出産を受け入れている病院は望まれていない赤ん坊の命を救うけれども、そのような不幸な赤ん坊を減らすことはないでしょう。ですから病院は そのような出産に対しオープンになるべきではありません。
Saving babies’ lives should be the priority. Having said that, however, confidential or anonymous birth should not be pivotal for reducing the number of abandoned infants.
In the first place, there is no evidence that confidential or anonymous birth can lower the number of abandoned babies. In Europe, for instance, many baby hatches have been installed in the past decades, but they did not positively influence potential infanticide. Given that pregnant women’s faces will be seen when delivering a baby, confidential or anonymous birth would expect similar effects on the tally.
Another reason is violating children’s right to know their roots; biological parents. Japan also doesn’t have relevant legislation for confidential or anonymous birth. Children with unidentified filiation, for example, can receive mandatory education or make their passports only if the mayor of their birthplace agrees to create a family registry for them. Without a family registry, they would encounter several difficulties throughout their life.
Finally, education regarding the importance of life and pregnancy is vital to solve the problem. Lives are being disregarded, and people should seriously avoid unwanted pregnancies already. Sex education for children, in particular, is far from enough at either school or home in Japan. People must shift their mindset concerning these points. Otherwise, this cat-mouse game-like matter would not end.
For these reasons, even though hospitals accepting confidential or anonymous birth could save the lives of unwanted babies, it would not reduce such unfortunate babies. Hospitals, therefore, should not be encouraged to open to such childbirth.