あ、わかった! キーワードを見て具体的なニュースを連想するんだね!
- Breaking developments 画期的な開発
- Key developments 主な開発
- Eye-witness account 目撃証言
- Unprecedented events 前代未聞の出来事
- Global crisis 世界的な危機
例えば1番(Breaking developments)なら chatGPT, 2番(Key developments)ならイーロンマスクが運営するスペースXの宇宙ロケットの開発が思い浮かびます。
- Political turmoil 政治的混乱
- Public outrage 大衆の怒り
- Emergency measures 応急処置
- Security alert セキュリティーアラート
- Humanitarian crisis 人道危機
続いて4番のSecurity alert なら、パリオリンピック2024における「テロリズムとサイバー攻撃」が2大リスクとされていますね。
- High alert 厳戒態勢
- Health crisis 健康危機
- Environmental disaster 環境災害
- Financial crisis 経済危機
- Economic downturn 景気低迷
では5番の Economic downturn
- In-depth analysis 詳細な分析
- Significant breakthrough 大きな突破口
- Bombshell revelation 爆弾の啓示
- Record-breaking achievement 記録破りの成果
- Historic moment 歴史的瞬間
- Groundbreaking research 画期的な研究
以下のAllSides Media Bias Chart では、「報道機関の政治的偏見を知ることで、バランスの取れたニュースを読み、情報操作、誤報、フェイク ニュースを避けることができます」としています。

比較的シンプルな語彙と構文が使われ、明確で簡潔なスタイルで書かれている BBC News は準1級対策者におススメです。
The English level of BBC news online is generally considered to be intermediate to advanced. The news articles are written in a clear and concise style, using a relatively simple vocabulary and sentence structures.
BBC News covers a wide range of topics, including news and current affairs, business, science, and technology, among others. While the topics themselves may be complex, the language used to describe them is generally accessible to a wide range of readers, including those with intermediate English language skills.
That being said, some articles may use more technical or specialized vocabulary, or delve deeper into complex issues, which may require a more advanced level of English comprehension.
Overall, BBC News is a great resource for English language learners looking to improve their reading skills and vocabulary. The news articles are generally well-written and informative, and they cover a wide range of topics relevant to both native and non-native English speakers.
UN News は比較的簡単な英語で書かれており、世界各国の「重要度の高い問題」を国連の立場から発信しています。国際問題興味のある学生さんや、国連英検を視野に入れている人におススメです。
Overall, UN News can be a useful resource for students who are interested in global issues or who are studying related fields. The service provides a reliable and objective source of information about the work of the United Nations and the issues that it seeks to address.
上級者のバイブルは「The Economist」
英検1級に合格したら、次に目指すのは国連英検特A級。The Economist の記事を「スラスラと1度読みでほぼ理解できるレベル」、という感じです。
The English level of The Economist news online is generally considered to be advanced. The articles are written using a sophisticated vocabulary and complex sentence structures, and they often cover topics related to politics, economics, and international affairs, which can require a deep understanding of the subject matter.
That being said, The Economist news online is still accessible to readers with intermediate or upper-intermediate English language skills. The articles are generally well-written and structured, and the publication uses a mix of text, graphics, and multimedia to convey information in a clear and engaging way.
However, some articles may require a more advanced level of English comprehension, particularly those that delve deeply into technical or specialized topics. Additionally, The Economist often includes cultural references and idiomatic expressions that may be unfamiliar to non-native English speakers. Nevertheless, reading The Economist news online can be a great way for English language learners to improve their language skills and expand their vocabulary.