

YES Or No: Is Sustainable Development Goal 4; Inclusive Education feasible in Japan by 2030?

POINTS: Disabilities / Second Language / Family Registry / Qualified Teachers / Stereotypes

観点: 障がい / 第二言語 / 戸籍 / 資格のある教員 / 固定観念






インクルーシブ教育、日本でどうすれば進むのか 「やってあげる」から「やらなきゃいけない」へ

国連が日本政府に勧告「障害のある子どもにインクルーシブ教育の権利を」(野口晃菜) – 個人 – Ya

賛成派:包括的教育は実現可能である (語数 247 語)

YES Or No: Is Sustainable Development Goal 4; Inclusive Education feasible in Japan by 2030?

POINTS: Second Language / Family Registry / Qualified Teachers 


Most children in Japan could access equal education opportunities by 2030 if the government swiftly improved the following points; an increase in the number of special education teachers and tutors for the Japanese language, and enhancement of the public awareness that children without family or residential registry CAN go to school.


Discussion 1

Only a limited number of special education teachers is available and preferentially allocated to special-needs schools. This may force regular schools to refuse children requiring special assistance. Such teachers should always be available at mainstream schools as well. The government should, therefore, provide incentives to enhance their number.  


Discussion 2

Similarly, many children whose mother tongue is not Japanese struggle to catch up with classes due to language barriers. They often can’t afford expensive Japanese lessons with private tutors. For them, mastering Japanese as quickly as possible is the first step to inclusivity in classes. Thus, the government should assign some language tutors to each school to support them.


Discussion 3

Finally, it is high time that the government corrected a rumour implanted in society that children without family or residential registry cannot attend school. Some people, indeed, have grown up without even mandatory education. This should be resolved quickly if the government started a campaign, using any media to promote the corrected information.  



Although some children may still need to be persuaded to study in common schools, the government should at least have the schools ready for inclusive education. Japan will, then, have possibly achieved Goal 4 by 2030. 



賛成派: 全文(音声付き)

Most children in Japan could access equal education opportunities by 2030 if the government swiftly improved the following points; an increase in the number of special education teachers and tutors for the Japanese language, and enhancement of the public awareness that children without family or residential registry CAN go to school.

Only a limited number of special education teachers is available and preferentially allocated to special-needs schools. This may force regular schools to refuse children requiring special assistance. Such teachers should always be available at mainstream schools as well. The government should, therefore, provide incentives to enhance their number.  

Similarly, many children whose mother tongue is not Japanese struggle to catch up with classes due to language barriers. They often can’t afford expensive Japanese lessons with private tutors. For them, mastering Japanese as quickly as possible is the first step to inclusivity in classes. Thus, the government should assign some language tutors to each school to support them.

Finally, it is high time that the government corrected a rumour implanted in society that children without family or residential registry cannot attend school. Some people, indeed, have grown up without even mandatory education. This should be resolved quickly if the government started a campaign, using any media to promote the corrected information.

Although some children may still need to be persuaded to study in common schools, the government should at least have the schools ready for inclusive education. Japan will, then, have possibly achieved Goal 4 by 2030. 


反対派: 包括的教育は実現可能ではない (語数 247語)

YES Or No: Is Sustainable Development Goal 4; Inclusive Education feasible in Japan by 2030?

POINTS: Disabilities / Qualified Teachers / Stereotypes


Despite all the benefits of inclusive education, it seems almost impossible to achieve it in Japan by 2030 because of social expectations, the lack of special education teachers and the disabled-unfriendly school buildings. 


Discussion 1

In Japan, it is customarily believed that disabled children can learn more efficiently and comfortably when separated from non-disabled students and vice versa. To meet such social expectations, even children with a mild developmental disorder or high-functioning autism tend to avoid potential experiences of discrimination and choose special schools, where they could learn in the mainstream system. The expectations may be the main obstacle to shifting to inclusivity.


Discussion 2

The lack of special education teachers is another issue. In Japan, teachers are often exhausted, and many resign due to sickness, with half being mentally ill. This is primarily because of their overwhelming workloads and overtime. Under such circumstances, nothing could encourage them to enroll in extra courses for special education. Boosting the number of teachers qualified for special needs is seemingly not straightforward.  


Discussion 3

Similarly, schools are not ready to accommodate all kinds of disabled students. Most school buildings are not barrier-free, so children in wheelchairs can not move around freely. Likewise, the majority of schools are inappropriate for blind children. Most school facilities are not safe or appropriate for disabled students learning with the non-disabled. 



The issues mentioned above cannot be solved instantly, particularly changing mindsets and enhancing the number of special education teachers. It seems, therefore, unfeasible to achieve inclusive education by 2030 in Japan. 



反対派: 全文(音声付き)

Despite all the benefits of inclusive education, it seems almost impossible to achieve it in Japan by 2030 because of social expectations, the lack of special education teachers and the disabled-unfriendly school buildings. 

In Japan, it is customarily believed that disabled children can learn more efficiently and comfortably when separated from non-disabled students and vice versa. To meet such social expectations, even children with a mild developmental disorder or high-functioning autism tend to avoid potential experiences of discrimination and choose special schools, where they could learn in the mainstream system. The expectations may be the main obstacle to shifting to inclusivity.

The lack of special education teachers is another issue. In Japan, teachers are often exhausted, and many resign due to sickness, with half being mentally ill. This is primarily because of their overwhelming workloads and overtime. Under such circumstances, nothing could encourage them to enroll in extra courses for special education. Boosting the number of teachers qualified for special needs is seemingly not straightforward.  

Similarly, schools are not ready to accommodate all kinds of disabled students. Most school buildings are not barrier-free, so children in wheelchairs can not move around freely. Likewise, the majority of schools are inappropriate for blind children. Most school facilities are not safe or appropriate for disabled students learning with the non-disabled. 

The issues mentioned above cannot be solved instantly, particularly changing mindsets and enhancing the number of special education teachers. It seems, therefore, unfeasible to achieve inclusive education by 2030 in Japan. 






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