英検1級ライティング 03 Pros and Cons: Space Colonization

宇宙植民 Pros and Cons

Question: The governments should invest more in space colonization.


Space colonization とは:宇宙移民(うちゅういみん)、または宇宙植民(うちゅうしょくみん)とは、地球外に恒久的で自給自足可能な人類の居住地(コロニー)を作成するため、またはテラフォーミングを行う目的で移住する者達を指す。(出典:Weblio)

今回のお題は「Pros and Cons」サイト、Britannica ProCons.org の「人気トピック」から選択しました。 このサイトでは、ディベートしたくなるトピックがずらりと並び、それぞれ、「支持派・反対派」の意見が数パターン掲載されていて、非常に興味深い意見を読む事が出来ます。

Britannica ProCons.org の「支持派」の意見

<1>”Humans have a right and a moral duty to save our species from suffering and extinction. Colonizing space is one method of doing so. “


? 年々ひどくなる地球温暖化に伴う異常気象と、取り返しのつかない環境破壊、という観点が使えそうですね。

<2>”Space colonization is the next logical step in space exploration and human growth.”


? 日進月歩する技術力を考慮すれば、宇宙開発はもっともな展開と言えますね。

<3>”Technological advancement into space can exist alongside conservation efforts on Earth.”


? 地球と宇宙と、両方なんとかできるはず、と信じたいところですね。


Britannica ProCons.org の「反対派」の意見

<1>”Humans living in space is pure science fiction.”


? 星新一のSF小説に出てくる世界ですね。

<2>”Humans have made a mess of Earth. We should clean it up instead of destroying a moon or another planet.”


? このままでは地球は住めなくなってしまいますね。

<3>”Space is inhospitable to humans and life in space, if even possible, would be miserable.”


? マット・デイモン主演の映画The Martianを思い出しますね。


? ブレーンストーミングしてみよう!


  1. Rockets are also one of the mobile technologies, so in the future, you can easily go to space as if you were using the subway.(ロケットも交通手段の1つに過ぎない
  2. Human beings are a mass of pioneering spirit, so the quest for undeveloped land cannot be stopped.(人間は開拓精神の塊)
  3. There must be new discoveries in the universe that overturn common sense, and those discoveries should contribute to humankind.(常識を覆すほどの発見があるがずだ)
  4. It seems that the earth is getting farther away from the sun.(年間1.5cm、100年で1.5m)
  5. Global environmental pollution and climate change are at irreparable levels.(取り返しのつかないレベル)

? 骨組みを作る


  1. さきほどの1,2を併せて、「人間の技術力・技術の進歩」を根拠とする
  2. さきほどの4,5を併せて、「地球がヤバいから仕方ない」を根拠とする
  3. さきほどの3を発展させて、「新発見・レアメタル」など、「恩恵・利益」を根拠とする



では、さきほどのメモを元に、早速書き始めていきます。 「完成度は気にせず、とりあえず仕上げてみる」という感覚が大切です。

Although some people say that space exploration is a rich people hobby, given the Earth’s environment, which cannot be restored even by rapid technological progress, and the potential for breakthrough human progress that space exploration will bring, I think it is worth investing in space exploration.


Humankind’s technological progress has been constant, and it will not be long before rockets can become a means of transportation that connects space and humankind. Space colonization can be predicted to be a matter of time, as the technology for providing food, clothing and shelter services will evolve as humans move frequently through safe transportation.


Above all, the current pace of global environmental destruction is irreversible, and when witnessing extreme weather and tremendous damage year after year, space colonization is the most feasible way to save humanity. It can be said that it is one of the highly reliable means.


Finally, I think the groundbreaking discoveries of space exploration have the potential to be a breakthrough to save the planet, which is currently suffering from painful environmental destruction. In addition, it is ideal to invest at the government level, which can comprehensively prioritize overall optimization, rather than private companies that tend to pursue profits.


In conclusion, in order to make further progress as human beings and save the earth from environmental destruction, space development that benefits the earth should be invested by the governments and tackled with the latest technology.




Although some people say that space exploration is a wealthy hobby, given the Earth’s environment, which cannot be restored even by rapid technological progress, and the potential for breakthrough human progress that space exploration will bring, I think it is worth investing in space exploration.

Humankind’s technological progress has been constant, and it will not be long before rockets can become a means of transportation that connects space and humankind. Space colonization can be predicted to be a matter of time, as the technology for providing food, clothing and shelter services will evolve as humans move frequently through safe transportation.

Above all, the current pace of global environmental destruction is irreversible, and when witnessing extreme weather and tremendous damage year after year, space colonization is the most feasible way to save humanity. It can be said that it is one of the highly reliable means.

Finally, I think the groundbreaking discoveries of space exploration have the potential to be a breakthrough to save the planet, which is currently suffering from painful environmental destruction. In addition, it is ideal to invest at the government level, which can comprehensively prioritize overall optimization, rather than private companies that tend to pursue profits.

In conclusion, in order to make further progress as human beings and save the earth from environmental destruction, space development that benefits the earth should be invested by the government and tackled with the latest technology.





1級ライティング 01 三冠講師が合格した、教材と学習法


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