カテゴリー | つなぎ言葉 |
順接・添加 | therefore(それゆえに), in addition(さらに), additionally(加えて), besides(その上), furthermore(さらに), moreover(その上), also(また) |
逆接 | however(しかし), although(にもかかわらず), despite(にもかかわらず), yet(それでも), nevertheless(それにもかかわらず), even though(たとえ〜でも), on the contrary(それとは逆に) |
対比 | on the other hand(他方では), while(〜の間に), meanwhile(その間に), in contrast(対照的に), conversely(逆に) |
結論 | as a result(その結果), in conclusion(結論として), in the end(最終的に), consequently(その結果として), thus(したがって), ultimately(最終的に) |
因果関係 | because(なぜなら), due to(〜によって), since(〜なので), as(〜だから), for this reason(この理由で) |
例示 | for example(例えば), for instance(例えば), such as(〜のような), namely(すなわち), in other words(言い換えると), that is(つまり) |
強調 | indeed(実際に), in fact(実際には), certainly(確かに), undeniably(否定できないほどに) |
結論・まとめ | to sum up(要約すると), in short(簡潔に言うと), briefly(簡単に言うと), all in all(全体として) |
Hosting the Olympics can bring both excitement and challenges to a city. On the bright side, the Olympics can boost tourism, improve local infrastructure, and create a sense of pride. Cities often build new stadiums, roads, and public transportation, which can benefit residents long after the games are over. The event also brings visitors from all over the world, helping local businesses grow.
However, hosting the Olympics also has a downside. It can be very expensive, and some cities struggle to pay for all the new facilities. These buildings might not be used much after the games, leading to wasted money. Additionally, construction projects can cause problems for local people, like increased traffic and pollution. In some cases, the money spent on the Olympics could be better used for schools, hospitals, or other important needs in the city.
In the end, while the Olympics can bring exciting opportunities, cities must carefully weigh the costs and benefits before deciding to host them. (161 words)
Hosting the Olympics can boost tourism, improve infrastructure, and create pride and excitement for the city, benefiting locals long after. However, it is costly, and cities may face unused buildings and issues like traffic and pollution. The money could be better spent on essential services, so costs and benefits must be weighed. (52 words)
- 本文: “improve local infrastructure”
要約文: “improve infrastructure”
日本語: 地域のインフラを改善する → インフラを改善する - 本文: “create a sense of pride”
要約文: “create pride and excitement”
日本語: 誇りを形成する → 誇りとワクワク感を生み出す - 本文: “benefit residents long after the games are over”
要約文: “benefiting locals long after”
日本語: 住民に長期的に利益をもたらす → 後々住民に利益をもたらす - 本文: “It can be very expensive”
要約文: “it is costly”
日本語: とても高額になる → 高額である - 本文: “some cities struggle to pay for all the new facilities”
要約文: “cities may face unused buildings”
日本語: 都市は新しい施設の支払いに苦労する → 都市は使われない建物に直面する - 本文: “construction projects can cause problems for local people, like increased traffic and pollution”
要約文: “issues like traffic and pollution”
日本語: 建設プロジェクトは交通渋滞や汚染の問題を引き起こす → 交通渋滞や汚染の問題 - 本文: “the money spent on the Olympics could be better used for schools, hospitals, or other important needs in the city”
要約文: “The money could be better spent on essential services”
日本語: オリンピックに使われるお金は、学校や病院などに使う方が良い → お金は必需サービスに使う方が良い - 本文: “cities must carefully weigh the costs and benefits before deciding to host them”
要約文: “costs and benefits must be weighed”
日本語: 都市は開催を決定する前にコストと利益を慎重に天秤にかける必要がある → コストと利益を慎重に検討する必要がある
“Hosting the Olympics can boost tourism, improve infrastructure, and create pride and excitement for the city, benefiting locals long after.”
- 感情的価値の追加: この要約文では「create pride and excitement」(誇りとワクワク感の創出)を加えることで、オリンピックがもたらす感情的な価値も反映しています。本文の「create a sense of pride」を取り入れることで、オリンピックが都市に与える感情面のメリットが強調されています。また、観光やインフラの改善が、ゲーム終了後も住民に利益をもたらすことを強調しています。
“However, it is costly, and cities may face unused buildings and issues like traffic and pollution.”
- 簡潔さの強化: 「construction-related problems」(建設に関連する問題)という表現を省略し、「issues like traffic and pollution」(交通渋滞や汚染などの問題)と一般化しています。この表現により、同じ内容を簡潔に伝えつつ、問題の本質をわかりやすくしています。
“The money could be better spent on essential services, so costs and benefits must be weighed.”
- 断定的な表現: 「Some believe」(一部の人は〜と考えている)という主観的なフレーズを省き、「The money could be better spent」(お金は必需サービスに使うべき)と断定しています。この修正により、より明確なメッセージが伝わるようになっています。また、「so costs and benefits must be weighed」(そのため、コストと利益を慎重に検討する必要がある)と述べることで、論理的な結びつきを強調し、全体の流れをよりスムーズにしています。
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