Is compulsory voting appropriate for the citizens’ participation in politics in Japan?
POINTS: Fine / Distrust / Irresponsibility / Election System / Young Voters / Taboo Topic
観点:罰金 / 不信感 / 無責任 / 選挙制度 / 若い有権者 / 避けるべき話題
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賛成派:不投票罰金制度は政治参加促進に適している (240 語)
Yes Or No: Is Compulsory Voting appropriate for the citizens’ participation in politics in Japan?
POINTS: Fine / Distrust / Election System
The latest voting rates in Japan show shameful results for democratic nations. The government should implement instant measures to encourage more people to vote, and I believe compulsory voting is the only countermeasure promising its swift effects.
Discussion 1
Strictly speaking, there might be other measures to raise voting rates in Japan, but they are complicated and require a much more prolonged period to achieve the goal. Japanese politicians should first recuperate the trust lost in a chain of rotten corruption. The citizens cannot tolerate politicians’ duplicity, which wiped out all the hope for politics. Low voter turnout is a sign of such distrust accumulated over decades.
Discussion 2
The current election system also discourages people from voting. There are many wasted votes under the present system, because of which, people feel their ballot is valueless. A new election system that counts each poll should be introduced. Otherwise, voters would not be inspired to go to elections.
Discussion 3
Nations employing mandatory voting have achieved high voter turnout at over 90% for every election since the implementation. Compulsory voting imposes fines on voters that don’t meet their obligation, and the effect is obviously decisive. Most Japanese would choose a candidate in a more or less reasonable way to whom they cast a ballot rather than selecting one randomly.
Overall, anything other than compulsory voting could not ensure the target outcome. Therefore, I have to say it is an appropriate measure to enhance political participation in Japan.
The latest voting rates in Japan show shameful results for democratic nations. The government should implement instant measures to encourage more people to vote, and I believe compulsory voting is the only countermeasure promising its swift effects.
Strictly speaking, there might be other measures to raise voting rates in Japan, but they are complicated and require a much more prolonged period to achieve the goal. Japanese politicians should first recuperate the trust lost in a chain of rotten corruption. The citizens cannot tolerate politicians’ duplicity, which wiped out all the hope for politics. Low voter turnout is a sign of such distrust accumulated over decades.
The current election system also discourages people from voting. There are many wasted votes under the present system, because of which, people feel their ballot is valueless. A new election system that counts each poll should be introduced. Otherwise, voters would not be inspired to go to elections.
Nations employing mandatory voting have achieved high voter turnout at over 90% for every election since the implementation. Compulsory voting imposes fines on voters that don’t meet their obligation, and the effect is obviously decisive. Most Japanese would choose a candidates in a more or less reasonable way to whom they cast a ballot rather than selecting one randomly.
Overall, anything other than compulsory voting could not ensure the target outcome. Therefore, I have to say it is an appropriate measure to enhance political participation in Japan.
反対派:不投票罰金制度は政治参加促進に適していない (255 語)
Yes Or No: Is Compulsory Voting appropriate for the citizens’ participation in politics in Japan?
POINTS: Irresponsibility / Young Voters / Taboo Topic
Voting rates are one of the most crucial and relevant indicators of showing the curiosity and enthusiasm of the people toward politics in a given country. Having said that, forcing voters to go to elections would not be considered appropriate as a tool to measure their political participation correctly.
Discussion 1
The majority of voters would definitely go to elections if a fine applied. However, they might just cast a ballot for the same candidate or political party as the choice of their family or friends, or they may pick out celebrity candidates; it is just a manipulation of political parties. Either way, irresponsible voting could be inspired.
Discussion 2
Unlike mandatory voting, E-voting would dramatically improve voters’ attitudes toward elections. In Japan, people can only vote at a designated venue based on their residential registry. Many university students, however, live far away from their parents’ places without changing their registry, which stops them from voting. In addition, online voting would be handy for people unwilling to go out for several reasons.
Discussion 3
Finally, politics and religions are the last topics Japanese people want to discuss, even with their close friends. Such a habit prevents people from learning about politics, and consequently, they lose interest in it. If people were used to having conversations on the topic at work, school or home, they would become driven to vote.
For these reasons, compulsory voting could increase the voting rates but could not solve the real issue underlying the low voter turnout. It is, therefore, not an appropriate measure for active political participation.
Voting rates are one of the most crucial and relevant indicators of showing the curiosity and enthusiasm of the people toward politics in a given country. Having said that, forcing voters to go to elections would not be considered appropriate as a tool to measure their political participation correctly.
The majority of voters would definitely go to elections if a fine applied. However, they might just cast a ballot for the same candidate or political party as the choice of their family or friends, or they may pick out celebrity candidates; it is just a manipulation of political parties. Either way, irresponsible voting could be inspired.
Unlike mandatory voting, E-voting would dramatically improve voters’ attitudes toward elections. In Japan, people can only vote at a designated venue based on their residential registry. Many university students, however, live far away from their parents’ places without changing their registry, which stops them from voting. In addition, online voting would be handy for people unwilling to go out for several reasons.
Finally, politics and religions are the last topics Japanese people want to discuss, even with their close friends. Such habit prevents people from learning about politics, and consequently, they lose interest in it. If people were used to having conversations on the topic at work, school or home, they would become driven to vote.
For these reasons, compulsory voting could increase the voting rates but could not solve the real issue underlying the low voter turnout. It is, therefore, not an appropriate measure for active political participation.
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