Should school excursions be abolished?
POINTS: Financial Burdon / Minority / Workload / Experience / Group Behaviour / Customs
観点:財政負担 / マイノリティー / 業務量 / 経験 / グループ行動 / 習慣
State’s high school excursion price causes outrage among parents

賛成派:修学旅行は廃止すべきだ (245 語)
Agree Or Disagree: Should school excursions be abolished?
POINTS: Financial Burden / Minority / Workload
In my opinion, schools should consider abolishing school excursions involving overnight stays because of the financial burden on parents, extra work on teachers and the existence of students unwilling to go.
Discussion 1
Today the difference between the poor and the rich is getting more significant than ever in Japanese society, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Many households try hard to reduce expenses where possible, but their lives are still tight. In addition, even public schools cost much more in Japan compared to other countries. In this situation, they are most unlikely to afford school excursions.
Discussion 2
While students just enjoy themselves during school excursions, their teachers are forced to be tense to ensure the safety of the students 24/7. Prior to school trips, teachers must also make the children learn about the destinations, such as history and features. School excursions may be overwhelming for most teachers that are going to attend to them.
Discussion 3
Most students look forward to school excursions requiring small group activities during the trip. On the contrary, some students who are being bullied or feel pressured to hang out with the same group of people may devote themselves to thinking about how to avoid them. Such students often can’t speak out about their issues and tend to put themselves into more distressing situations. If there were school excursions, it would make their lives easier.
As outlined above, some people would definitely have advantages by abolishing school excursions involving overnight stays. Schools should take it into consideration.
In my opinion, schools should consider abolishing school excursions involving overnight stays because of the financial burden on parents, extra work on teachers and the existence of students unwilling to go.
Today the difference between the poor and the rich is getting more significant than ever in Japanese society, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Many households try hard to reduce expenses where possible, but their lives are still tight. In addition, even public schools cost much more in Japan compared to other countries. In this situation, they are most unlikely to afford school excursions.
While students just enjoy themselves during school excursions, their teachers are forced to be tense to ensure the safety of the students 24/7. Prior to school trips, teachers must also make the children learn about the destinations, such as history and features. School excursions may be overwhelming for most teachers that are going to attend to them.
Most students look forward to school excursions requiring small group activities during the trip. On the contrary, some students who are being bullied or feel pressured to hang out with the same group of people may devote themselves to thinking about how to avoid them. Such students often can’t speak out about their issues and tend to put themselves into more distressing situations. If there were school excursions, it would make their lives easier.
As outlined above, some people would definitely have advantages by abolishing school excursions involving overnight stays. Schools should take it into consideration.
反対派:修学旅行を廃止すべきでない (247 語)
Agree Or Disagree: Should school excursions be abolished?
POINTS: Experience/ Group Behaviours / Customs
School excursions involving overnight stays have taken root in Japanese society for decades. Abolishing them might mean not only the loss of culture for many people but also the loss of opportunities for learning group behaviours and broadening knowledge for students.
Discussion 1
Every student is looking forward to school excursions. In Japan, school uniforms and the destination of school excursions are remarkable drivers for some students to choose their high school. Their experiences during school excursions would be unforgettable memories for the rest of their lives. Because of that, even graduates would feel sentimental if schools decided to get rid of them.
Discussion 2
People may think school excursions are just for fun, but they have got purposes. During school excursions, students are meant to have hands-on experiences of what they learnt about the destinations in advance, which is a powerful educational strategy. As the saying goes, one picture is worth a thousand words.
Discussion 3
During school trips, students have the time when they can follow their own itinerary in a small group. Students are divided into groups of 5 or 6 and discuss where to go and how long to spend there. The processes offer opportunities for students to learn how to work with others in harmony and time management, which are skills necessary in workplaces.
Although extra expenses for school excursions may be a financial burden on some families, the advantages of school excursions weigh much more than the disadvantages. Schools, therefore, should not consider abolishing overnight stay excursions.
School excursions involving overnight stays have taken root in Japanese society for decades. Abolishing them might mean not only the loss of culture for many people but also the loss of opportunities for learning group behaviours and broadening knowledge for students.
Every student is looking forward to school excursions. In Japan, school uniforms and the destination of school excursions are remarkable drivers for some students to choose their high school. Their experiences during school excursions would be unforgettable memories for the rest of their lives. Because of that, even graduates would feel sentimental if schools decided to get rid of them.
People may think school excursions are just for fun, but they have got purposes. During school excursions, students are meant to have hands-on experiences of what they learnt about the destinations in advance, which is a powerful educational strategy. As the saying goes, one picture is worth a thousand words.
During school trips, students have the time when they can follow their own itinerary in a small group. Students are divided into groups of 5 or 6 and discuss where to go and how long to spend there. The processes offer opportunities for students to learn how to work with others in harmony and time management, which are skills necessary in workplaces.
Although extra expenses for school excursions may be a financial burden on some families, the advantages of school excursions weigh much more than the disadvantages. Schools, therefore, should not consider abolishing overnight stay excursions.
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