

Yes Or No: Do you think the metaverse will shape our future?

POINTS: Business Opportunities / Cost Effective / Diversity / Skepticism / Anxiety / Affordability

観点:ビジネスチャンス / 費用対効果が高い / 多様性 / 懐疑心 / 不安 / 値ごろ感






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Will we all live in the Metaverse soon? – Auralcrave

賛成派: メタバースは私たちの未来を形作る (語数 244語)

Yes Or No: Do you think the metaverse will shape our future?

POINTS: Business Opportunities / Cost Effective / Diversity


The concept of the metaverse has been around for decades, but it has recently accelerated to expand its market worldwide. It may shape our future as it can fulfil our needs; it can open new business opportunities; contribute to cost reduction in large corporations; and make social occasions more diverse and inclusive


Discussion 1

The metaverse will open up unprecedented business opportunities that will better suit our demands. For instance, it can be a platform where fans of a famous animation will hang out with the main characters. This could, in turn, result in more sales of the cartoon in the real world. Thus, more and more companies will seek business opportunities in virtual worlds.   


Discussion 2

There are many ways in which the metaverse can be used to cut costs. Companies will be able to take advantage of the metaverse for meetings and other events. Instead of interacting in person, people will be able to meet online, thus saving costs in acquiring venues and travelling.


Discussion 3

Diversity and inclusivity are vital aspects of modern societies. It is likely that many people will enjoy their lives more in virtual worlds where there are supposedly fewer annoyances. With the help of the metaverse and cutting-edge technology, we can effortlessly make our worlds more diverse and inclusive.



Ultimately, owing to the metaverse, we can put our ideal concepts into practice in terms of business opportunities, cost cuts, and a diverse and inclusive society. Metaverse is, therefore, likely to compellingly shape our future. 


賛成派: 全文(音声付き)

The concept of the metaverse has been around for decades, but it has recently accelerated to expand its market worldwide. It may shape our future as it can fulfil our needs; it can open new business opportunities; contribute to cost reduction in large corporations; and make social occasions more diverse and inclusive. 

The metaverse will open up unprecedented business opportunities that will better suit our demands. For instance, it can be a platform where fans of a famous animation will hang out with the main characters. This could, in turn, result in more sales of the cartoon in the real world. Thus, more and more companies will seek business opportunities in virtual worlds.     

There are many ways in which the metaverse can be used to cut costs. Companies will be able to take advantage of the metaverse for meetings and other events. Instead of interacting in person, people will be able to meet online, thus saving costs in acquiring venues and travelling. 

Diversity and inclusivity are vital aspects of modern societies. It is likely that people will enjoy their lives more in virtual worlds where there are supposedly fewer annoyances. With the help of the metaverse and cutting-edge technology, we can effortlessly make our worlds more diverse and inclusive. 

Ultimately, owing to the metaverse, we can put our ideal concepts into practice in terms of business opportunities, cost cuts, and a diverse and inclusive society. Metaverse is, therefore, likely to compellingly shape our future.

反対派: 私たちの未来はメタバースに左右されない (語数248語)

Yes Or No: Do you think the metaverse will shape our future?

POINTS: Skepticism / Anxiety / Affordability


Although many people are curious about the metaverse, it won’t be widespread enough to shape our future. Before the metaverse is well-integrated into our life, the equipment necessary for virtual realities has to be affordable, or there should be fewer people who are unfamiliar with the metaverse or skeptical about it. 


Discussion 1

The gadgets needed for the metaverse are incredibly pricy. High-tech goggles are also not advanced enough for long-hour use. Even the majority of the people who are interested in the metaverse cannot afford them. Like mobile phones, it’s likely to require another decade before it becomes everyone’s daily-life use.    


Discussion 2

The term ‘Metaverse’ is widely recognised, but not many people know what they can do with it, how it works or what legislation will govern metaverse worlds. Generally speaking, people feel fear of unknown things. The metaverse literacy in society needs to be improved. Otherwise, gamers would be the only users of the metaverse.  


Discussion 3

After all, virtual worlds are artificial products and will not be a substitute for real life. Even cutting-edge technology would not enable us to have the same senses of touching, smelling or tasting as in the real world. New experiences in the metaverse may grab people’s attention at first, but sooner or later, they will realise real life is much better. 



There is no doubt that the metaverse is an innovative technology. But, it won’t shape our future due to its unaffordable devices, and the skepticism and anxiety that people may have toward it.      


反対派: 全文(音声付き)

Although many people are curious about the metaverse, it won’t be widespread enough to shape our future. Before the metaverse is well-integrated into our life, the equipment necessary for virtual realities has to be affordable, or there should be fewer people who are unfamiliar with the metaverse or skeptical about it. 

The gadgets needed for the metaverse are incredibly pricy. High-tech goggles are also not advanced enough for long-hour use. Even the majority of the people who are interested in the metaverse cannot afford them. Like mobile phones, it’s likely to require another decade before it becomes everyone’s daily-life use.     

The term ‘Metaverse’ is widely recognised, but not many people know what they can do with it, how it works or what legislation will govern metaverse worlds. Generally speaking, people feel fear of unknown things. The metaverse literacy in society needs to be improved. Otherwise, gamers would be the only users of the metaverse.   

After all, virtual worlds are artificial products and will not be a substitute for real life. Even cutting-edge technology would not enable us to have the same senses of touching, smelling or tasting as in the real world. New experiences in the metaverse may grab people’s attention at first, but sooner or later, they will realise real life is much better.

There is no doubt that the metaverse is an innovative technology. But, it won’t shape our future due to its unaffordable devices, and the skepticism and anxiety that people may have toward it.  




こちらの記事もお薦めです。英検1級ライティング&面接対策 27【2030年までに、日本でインクルーシブ教育は、達成可能か?】


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