英検準1級ライティング&面接対策15: 昆虫食はその市場を拡大するか?


Agree or Disagree: Edible insects will expand their markets. 

Points: Sustainable / Nutritious / Psychological Hurdle /Allergy 




大阪にある昆虫食自販機でタランチュラを買ってみたら予想外に美味しかった – jsc


The CSIRO wants Australia to start eating more bugs. But they’re not going to replace snags – ABC News

They’re Healthy. They’re Sustainable. So Why Don’t Humans Eat More Bugs?

Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security

肯定派:食用の昆虫はその市場を拡大する(語数 150語)

Agree or Disagree: Edible insects will expand their market.

Points: Food shortage/ Nutritious 


In my opinion, the market for edible insects will grow as they are highly nutritious and have the potential to become alternatives to conventional protein sources. 



・食用昆虫と忠実に訳していますが、昆虫食としても良いと思います。ただ、昆虫食を英訳するとき、insect mealsはOKですが insect food としてしまうと昆虫の餌になってしまいますので気をつけましょう。

Discussion 1

Edible insects such as crickets are highly nutritious and easily utilised in powder form, which reportedly has a slightly nutty taste. There are various ways to enhance nutrient intake by sprinkling the powder over breakfast cereals or substituting wheat flour to make bread or cookies.



・「in powder form」と英語で表現するだけで「粉末状であれば」の意味になります。英語の表現はシンプルですね。

Discussion 2

As encouraged by WHO, consuming edible insects may be a viable solution to the global food shortage. This is because they can be readily transported to food crisis areas and processed ones should have a longer shelf-life. Additionally, farming edible insects does not require as many resources as conventional livestock farming practices do. 



・ここのshouldはbe (are) supposed toとしても良いですね。


In conclusion, edible insects, including crickets and locusts, seem to be advantageous in terms of nutrients and food security. Thus, they have the potential to expand their market.



・食料安全保障 food security と覚えておきましょう。1級面接でも役立ちます。


In my opinion, the market for edible insects will grow as they are highly nutritious and have the potential to become alternatives to conventional protein sources. 

Edible insects such as crickets are highly nutritious and easily utilised in powder form, which reportedly has a slightly nutty taste. There are various ways to enhance nutrient intake by sprinkling the powder over breakfast cereals or substituting wheat flour to make bread or cookies.

As encouraged by WHO, consuming edible insects may be a viable solution to the global food shortage. This is because they can be readily transported to food crisis areas and processed ones should have a longer shelf-life. Additionally, farming edible insects does not require as many resources as conventional livestock farming practices do. 

In conclusion, edible insects, including crickets and locusts, seem to be advantageous in terms of nutrients and food security. Thus, they have the potential to expand their market.

否定派:食用の昆虫はその市場を拡大しない (語数 154語)

Agree or Disagree: Edible insects will expand their market.

Points: Psychological Hurdle / Allergy 


I don’t believe that the market for edible insects will grow because many people are unlikely to consume them due to psychological hurdles and the risk of allergic reactions.



・Edible insects will expand their market の簡単な言いかえですね。他にも、market share や demands, consumption などの単語を使用しても同じ意味の違う表現が出来ますね。視点を変えて、主語をmore people で始めても書けそうです。

Discussion 1

Although edible insects have been consumed in some parts of the world, they may not be widely recognized part of the human diet in western countries. Even if they are processed and visually unnoticeable, most people in these countries are unlikely to overcome their psychological reservations about consuming insects.




・mental reservations の方が馴染みがあるかもしれません。知らないと説明っぽいクドクドした文章になってしまいますので、覚えておいて損はないでしょう。

Discussion 2

Edible insects can be risky for some people due to allergic reactions, which is similar to the risk posed by shellfish. With the increasing number of people suffering from food allergies and of items causing allergic reactions, it is not worth taking a chance on consuming entirely new types of food.



・the increasing number of items causing allergic reactions と書くと、同じ言葉のリピートになりますので the increasing number は省かれています。

・アレルギー反応が出ないことを願って一か八か食べてみる=リスクを冒して に take a chance はしっくり来ますね。


For these reasons, a higher consumption of edible insects is not expected in western countries. Therefore, it is unlikely that the market for edible insects will expand. 





I don’t believe that the market for edible insects will grow because many people are unlikely to consume them due to psychological hurdles and the risk of allergic reactions.

Although edible insects are consumed in some parts of the world, they are not a recognized part of the human diet in western countries. Even if they are processed and visually unnoticeable, most people in these countries are unlikely to overcome their psychological reservations about consuming insects.

Edible insects can be risky for some people due to allergic reactions, which is similar to the risk posed by shellfish. With the increasing number of people suffering from food allergies and of items causing allergic reactions, it is not worth taking a chance on consuming entirely new types of food.

For these reasons, a higher consumption of edible insects is not expected in western countries. Therefore, it is unlikely that the market for edible insects will expand. 



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