

TOPIC: Will the new road traffic law significantly make cyclists wear a helmet?

POINTS: Injuries / Hairstyle / Insurance / Stowage




Japan Law Takes Effect to Get Cyclists to Wear Helmets, Faces Uphill Battle

NPA: 4% of Cyclists Wore Helmets before Law Revision – The Japan News

ヘルメット着用が努力義務化!ノーヘル事故だと「自転車保険」は適用外?(女性自身) – Yahoo!ニュース

自転車用ヘルメットの着用 警視庁

肯定派:新道路交通法によりヘルメット着用者は増える。(語数 146語)

TOPIC: Will the new traffic law significantly make cyclists wear a helmet?

POINTS: Injuries / Insurance


I believe that significantly more people will start wearing helmets when cycling, simply because of awareness of their effectiveness and necessity.



・単数形で a helmet とするか、 複数で helmets とするか悩む人もいるかもしれません。この場合、単数形だとより多くの人達が一つのヘルメットを同時に頭を入れているようにも取れますし、複数形だとより多くの人たちが複数のヘルメットを積み上げて被っているようにも想像できます。ただ、読み手や聞き手は常識的に考えますし、文法的には複数形を用いるのが正解です。

Discussion 1

Helmets definitely enhance the safety of cyclists. Cyclists without a helmet are 2.6 times more likely to sustain serious head injuries in accidents. Since the new law came into effect, people have frequently been exposed to such statistics, influencing their opinion on whether or not they should wear a helmet.





・sustain は「耐える」とか「持続する」「支える」という意味だけではありません。「被る」という意味でも用いられます。特によくinjuries/damage/lossなどと一緒に使われます。

Discussion 2

Almost all cyclists must have experienced a few near misses when riding a bicycle. Moreover, it is claimed that any injuries may not be fully covered by insurance if a cyclist is not wearing a helmet when an accident happens. This is why, they undoubtedly feel it is inevitable to wear a helmet.

ほとんどの人が自転車に乗っているとき、もう少しで事故になり得るような経験をしたことがあると思います。加えて、真偽は定かではありませんが、事故が起こった時にヘルメットを被っていなければ, ケガをしても保険が全額支払われないとも言われています。こういう訳で、みんなヘルメット着用は必然であると感じているのは間違いありません。


・「~を経験したことがあるにちがいない」の意です。a near miss はニアミスと外来語になっているので、問題ありませんね。

・「言い張る」や「主張する」の意味ですが、真偽は分からないニュアンスが含まれています。良い事も悪い事もどちらを主張するにも使われます。同じ様な意味で、allede もよくニュースなどで使われますが、こちらは悪いことに関して用いられ、まだ証明はされていないけどそうであろうというニュアンスです。


Although no penalties will be imposed on offenders under the new law, the use of helmets will rapidly increase among cyclists due to their effectiveness and necessity.





I believe that significantly more people will start wearing helmets when cycling, simply because of their effectiveness and necessity.

Helmets definitely enhance the safety of cyclists. Cyclists without a helmet are 2.6 times more likely to sustain serious head injuries in accidents. Since the new law came into effect, people have frequently been exposed to such statistics, influencing their opinion on whether or not they should wear a helmet.

Almost all cyclists must have experienced a few near misses when riding a bicycle. Moreover, it is claimed that any injuries may not be fully covered by insurance if a cyclist is not wearing a helmet when an accident happens. They undoubtedly feel it is inevitable to wear a helmet.

Although no penalties will be imposed on offenders under the new law, the use of helmets will rapidly increase among cyclists due to their effectiveness and necessity.

否定派:新道路交通法によりヘルメット着用者は増えない。(語数 149語)

TOPIC: Will the new traffic law significantly make cyclists wear a helmet?

POINTS: Hairstyle / Stowage


In my opinion, the new law will not have much positive influence on the number of cyclists wearing helmets as many of them prioritize conveniences over the potential risk of injury.



・influence だけでは影響がプラスなのかマイナスなのか曖昧で、そのままでは「ヘルメット着用者は増えるか?」という問いの答えとしてははっきりしなので、positive influence としています。

Discussion 1

Having a good hair day is important to many Japanese people. However, helmets squash their hairstyle and may ruin their day. They might, therefore, prioritize having a good hair day over potential injury risks that they believe they can prevent with caution.




・squash の代わりに muss up も使えますが、ヘルメットを被るとぺちゃんこになる、その感じは squash の方が的を得ている気がします。

・特別に難しい表現ではありませんが、they believe を入れる事によって書いている人(私)の、「彼らはそう信じてるけど、そうではない」という意見が見て取れます。

Discussion 2

Unlike motorcycles, there is no space to stow a helmet on a bicycle. People often cycle to a station to catch a train to work. They are reluctant to leave their helmet with the bicycle there or take it on a crowded train, being a nuisance for other passengers.



・there is no stowage for a helmet on a bicycle としても良いですね。

・今更ですが、be reluctant to は嫌々する。気が進まないけど渋々する。be unwilling to はしたくないからしない。ここでは、ヘルメットを被ると嫌々ながらでもそうせざるを得ないので、被らない選択をするニュアンスです。

・「嫌がられる」を「厄介者」「嫌な奴」の意のnuisance を使用し表現してみました。


Although those inconveniences should not outweigh safety, they may be realistic issues that cyclists have to face. Consequently, the number of people wearing helmets may not significantly increase.



・「より勝る」という意のoutweigh で、「重視されるべきではない」をすっきりと表現しています。よく用いられる表現です。


In my opinion, the new law will not have much positive influence on the number of cyclists wearing helmets as many of them prioritize conveniences over the potential risk of injury.

Having a good hair day is important to many Japanese people. However, helmets squash their hairstyle and may ruin their day. They might, therefore, prioritize having a good hair day over potential injury risks that they believe they can prevent with caution.

Unlike motorcycles, there is no space to stow a helmet on a bicycle. People often cycle to a station to catch a train to work. They are reluctant to leave their helmet with the bicycle there or take it on a crowded train, being a nuisance for other passengers.

Although those inconveniences should not outweigh safety, they may be realistic issues that cyclists have to face. Consequently, the number of people wearing helmets may not significantly increase.



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