TOPIC: Will new religions further permeate in the future?
POINTS: Financial Insecurity / Isolation / Donation / Dominant Traditional Religions
脱会した宗教2世が「母に会えない」過酷な現実 エホバの証人と出会い、家族がばらばらに
New Religious Movements in Japan | Encyclopedia.com
In Japan, ties between politics and religion run deep
Is religion in Japan in irreversible decline?
肯定派:将来、振興宗教はさらに普及する(語数 210語)
TOPIC: Will new religions further permeate in the future?
POINTS: Financial Insecurity / Isolation
In general, people tend to become religious or join a religious group when certain conditions threaten their survival. Here, I will explore two main reasons that people might turn to religion to help. The first is financial insecurity and the second is isolation.
・考えや注意などが違う方へ移る時 turn to を使います。今まで、宗教には興味がなかった人が、宗教グループに加入したり信心深くなる様な場合は、正にこれに当てはまります。
Discussion 1
People generally become desperate to ask God for help when they are facing financial problems. Since the pandemic, many Japanese have been suffering from poor financial situations, and the Ukraine and Russian war has exacerbated the situation by raising the price of food and energy. Such people need things like religion to support their mental health or regain their strength.
・「どうしても~したい」という感じを出したかったので、desperate を使いましたが、eager とかでも良いかもしれません。
・make it worse は少し口語的表現なので、 exacerbate を知っている、思い出せるのなら、後者の方が良いでしょう。
Discussion 2
Isolated and lonely people are usually primary targets of religious believers. An increasing number of individuals now live alone in Japan. In addition to that, the prevalence of IT accelerates their isolation, leading to the loss of people skills or the lack of opportunities to nurture these skills while they wish to reconnect with others and society. Religious groups would not miss the best chance to lure them into their religions.
・2級までなら、more and more で良かったかもしれませんが、準1級からは、可能な限りフォーマルなエッセイ向きの表現を心掛けましょう。
・social skills でも良いと思います。が、ただ社交的に振る舞えるだけでなく、ちゃんとした友情関係を育んでいけるような能力も踏まえているので、ここでは(私が意図するのは)People skills の方が適切かと思います。
In conclusion, the more chaotic and miserable the world becomes, the more religious people tend to become. Therefore, in this century, which I believe is and is going to be such an era, new religion will be further gaining ground.
・The 比較級, the 比較級の構文ですね。これの一番短いのは、The sooner the better (早いに越したことはない)ですね。
In general, people tend to become religious or join a religious group when certain conditions threaten their survival. Here, I will explore two main reasons that people might turn to religion to help. The first is financial insecurity and the second is isolation.
People generally become desperate to ask God for help when they are facing financial problems. Since the pandemic, many Japanese have been suffering from poor financial situations, and the Ukraine and Russian war has exacerbated the situation by raising the price of food and energy. Such people need things like religion to support their mental health or regain their strength.
Isolated and lonely people are usually primary targets of religious believers. An increasing number of individuals now live alone in Japan. In addition to that, the prevalence of IT accelerates their isolation, leading to the loss of people skills or the lack of opportunities to nurture these skills while they wish to reconnect with others and society. Religious groups would not miss the best chance to lure them into their religions.
In conclusion, the more chaotic and miserable the world becomes, the more religious people tend to become. Therefore, in this century, which I believe is and is going to be such an era, new religion will be further gaining ground.

否定派:将来、振興宗教は普及しない (語数 215語)
TOPIC: Will new religions further permeate in the future?
POINTS: Donation / Dominant Traditional Religions
In my view, new religions will not gain ground further in the future. This is because traditional religions have already been dominant in Japan. Additionally, many Japanese are unlikely to have a favourable impression of new religions. I will discuss the details of these two reasons below.
Discussion 1
First, Shintoism and Buddhism are deeply rooted in our society and minds, leaving no room for new religions to take hold in Japan. While we Japanese aren’t overtly religious, our lives and cultures have been established based on Shintoism and Buddhism, which significantly influence our way of thinking. Most of us are more inclined to seek answers internally and do not typically seek forgiveness from God or mentally rely on God as new religions might suggest.
・この hold は名詞ですね。名詞としてのholdは、他にも May I place you on hold?や I’ll put you on hold. など電話対応でも使われます。
・overly (過度に)ではないので注意して下さい。
Discussion 2
People in Japan are also sceptical of new religions. There have been numerous social issues related to alternative religions, such as instances of bankruptcy caused by vast amounts of donations and involvement in heinous crimes. New religions often appear extreme and lack trustworthiness. Given a tendency to avoid trouble, people are more likely to stay away from alternative religions rather than become a part of them.
・「加入する」と考えると、Join という単語を使いたいくなりますが、こう言う表現もとても英語らしいと思います。
In conclusion, I believe that new religions will not spread further in the future due to the presence of our traditional religions and the general scepticism toward new religious movements.
・New religions とも new religious movements とも言います。
In my view, new religions will not gain ground further in the future. This is because traditional religions have already been dominant in Japan. Additionally, many Japanese are unlikely to have a favourable impression of new religions. I will discuss the details of these two reasons below.
First, Shintoism and Buddhism are deeply rooted in our society and minds, leaving no room for new religions to take hold in Japan. While we Japanese aren’t overtly religious, our lives and cultures have been established based on Shintoism and Buddhism, which significantly influence our way of thinking. Most of us are more inclined to seek answers internally and do not typically seek forgiveness from God or mentally rely on God as new religions might suggest.
People in Japan are also sceptical of new religions. There have been numerous social issues related to alternative religions, such as instances of bankruptcy caused by vast amounts of donations and involvement in heinous crimes. New religions often appear extreme and lack trustworthiness. Given a tendency to avoid trouble, people are more likely to stay away from alternative religions rather than become a part of them.
In conclusion, I believe that new religions will not spread further in the future due to the presence of our traditional religions and the general scepticism toward new religious movements.