TOPIC: Does alcohol harm society more than tobacco does?
POINTS: Violence / Drunk Driving / Passive Smoking / Fires
Can cigarette butts start bushfires? – Fire and Rescue NSW
The Link Between Female Domestic Abuse and Alcoholism
About passive smoking | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
部屋や服に残ったタバコの煙で健康被害?注目される「三次喫煙」とは(THE PAGE) – Yahoo!ニュース
肯定派:アルコールはタバコより社会に害を及ぼす (語数 209語)
TOPIC: Does alcohol harm society more than tobacco does?
POINTS: Violence / Drunk Driving
Both alcohol and tobacco could have negative effects on society, but I believe that alcohol has more harmful effects on society than tobacco because people could easily lose their control due to alcohol. I will discuss two major impacts on society resulting from excessive alcohol consumption.
・consumption の使い方を覚えましょう。日本語を直訳すると Excessive alcohol drinking と書いてしまいそうになりますが、consumption は使用にも摂取にも使えるフォーマルな便利な単語です。
Discussion 1
Firstly, alcohol consumption may lead to violence. In Japan, it is very common to see numerous drunk people staggering through the streets or provoking others to fight. Such individuals drink in order to alleviate their stress and attempt to forget annoying things. Consequently, some of them become drunk heavily, leading to violent behaviour or a loss of control, which can result in vandalism.
・staggering through は準1級では難しいかもしれません・・・逆に暴力とは関係ないので省いてしまって良いでしょう。後半の provoke の方は必須です。
・和らげる・緩和するという単語に mitigate もありますが、こちらは悪影響を緩和するような時に用います。例えば、mitigate the effects of climate change などです。alleviate は苦痛や身体的痛みを和らげる場合によく使われます。準1では、mitigate を使ったらから減点とまでは思いませんが、先々を考えると状況にあった方を使用できるに越したことはありませんね。
Discussion 2
Secondly, drunk driving is another serious social issue in Japan. This could often occur in the countryside where public transportation is limited. Despite the availability of replacement driver services and a ban on serving alcohol to drivers, some individuals still choose to drive drunk, leading to unnecessary car crashes that can cause fatalities, either their own or those of others, or both.
・In spite of と混同し、despite of としてしまう人も結構いるので、リマインドです。また despite は前置詞ですので、後ろには名詞もしくは動名詞などが来ます。
Tobacco can also harm society through passive smoking; however, this appears to be under control thanks to recently introduced regulations. In contrast, accidents related to alcohol continue to occur daily. Therefore, I believe that alcohol has more detrimental effects on society than tobacco.
・日本語ではあまりピンときませんが、seems にすると自分がそう思っているニュアンスになり少し客観性に欠けてしまいます。自分だけでなく多くの人もそう思っていニュアンスを出した場合は appear を使いましょう。
Both alcohol and tobacco could have negative effects on society, but I believe that alcohol has more harmful effects on society than tobacco because people could lose their control due to alcohol. I will discuss two major impacts on society resulting from excessive alcohol consumption.
Firstly, alcohol consumption may lead to violence. In Japan, it is very common to see numerous drunk people staggering through the streets or provoking others to fight. Such individuals drink in order to alleviate their stress and attempt to forget annoying things. Consequently, some of them become drunk heavily, leading to violent behaviour or a loss of control, which can result in vandalism.
Secondly, drunk driving is another serious social issue in Japan. This could often occur in the countryside where public transportation is limited. Despite the availability of replacement driver services and laws banning alcohol service to drivers, some individuals still choose to drive drunk, leading to unnecessary car crashes that cause fatalities, either their own or those of others, or both.
Tobacco can also harm society through passive smoking; however, this appears to be under control thanks to recently introduced regulations. In contrast, accidents related to alcohol continue to occur daily. Therefore, I believe that alcohol has more detrimental effects on society than tobacco.

否定派:タバコはアルコールより社会に害を及ぼす (語数 203語)
TOPIC: Does alcohol harm society more than tobacco does?
POINTS: Passive Smoking / Fires
As tobacco is a classic example of “All pain, no gain”, I believe that tobacco has more detrimental effects on society than alcohol. I will discuss two main negative effects that smoking may cause in society: passive smoking and bushfires.
・ネイティブスピーカーは「よくある」「代表的な」の意味で、この classic をよく使います。少なくともオーストラリアでは・・・。因みに、日本人が思いつきそうな typical はあまり聞きませんでしたネ。
Discussion 1
It is widely known that tobacco harms not only the health of smokers but also that of other people surrounding smokers. Some nations still allow people to smoke in public spaces or inside buildings. Consequently, non-smokers who share the space with smokers are likely to be exposed to nicotine through passive smoking. Furthermore, a recent study found that people can intake harmful substances of tobacco by inhaling the strong odour of tobacco absorbed in clothing or rooms.
・一緒に居ると考えると、Stay with と思ってしまうかもしれませんが、これでは「~の所に/~と泊まる」と誤解されてしまいます。
・放射性物質 radioactive substances、汚染物質 pollutants も併せて覚えておきましょう。
Discussion 2
Cigarette littering can lead to fires, including roadside and bushfires. Regrettably, many people have witnessed smokers throwing away their cigarette butts while driving or walking. Such behaviour could ignite dry materials, which could result in large fires, particularly on hot and dry summer days. Roadside fires or forest fires can take away people’s lives as well as their properties.
・「ポイ捨て」と聞くと、なんて訳すの?と思うかもしれません。英語圏ではポイ捨てが多い場所には「No Litter」のサインをよく見かけます。
・吸い殻は butts です。知らなければ cigarettes だけでも大丈夫ですが、cigarette butts まで書ければ採点者を「おぉ~」と思わせられるかも?
・kill でも良いのですが、あまりにも直接的なので、やんわり婉曲に命を奪うという表現を使いました。また、Kill ではなくTake awayは もう一つの目的語 their properties の動詞としても使えます。
Although alcohol consumption may have some health benefits when consumed in appropriate amounts, smoking has no positive effects on human health whatsoever. Thus, tobacco is more harmful to society than alcohol.
As tobacco is a classic example of “All pain, no gain”, I believe that tobacco has more detrimental effects on society than alcohol. I will discuss two main negative effects that smoking may cause in society: passive smoking and bushfires.
It is widely known that tobacco harms not only the health of smokers but also that of other people surrounding smokers. Some nations still allow people to smoke in public spaces or inside buildings. Consequently, non-smokers who share the space with smokers are likely to be exposed to nicotine through passive smoking. Furthermore, a recent study found that people can intake harmful substances of tobacco such as nicotine by inhaling the strong odour of tobacco absorbed in clothing or rooms.
Cigarette littering can lead to fires, including roadside and bushfires. Regrettably, many people have witnessed smokers throwing away their cigarette butts while driving or walking. Such behaviour could ignite dry materials, which could result in large fires, particularly on hot and dry summer days. Roadside fires or forest fires can take away people’s lives as well as their properties.
Although alcohol consumption may have some health benefits when consumed in appropriate amounts, smoking has no positive effects on human health whatsoever. Thus, tobacco is more harmful to society than alcohol.