Agree Or Disagree: Children should start learning a second language as early as possible.
Points: Pronunciation / Cultural Awareness / Lack of Logical Thinking / Semilingual
Brilliant benefits of learning a second language as a child.
Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education in Early childhood
林修先生「幼児に英語教育は不要」 幼児期からの早期英語教育に賛否の声 – レタスクラブ
肯定派:子供は出来るだけ早く第二言語を学び始めるべき (語数 199語)
Agree Or Disagree: Children should start learning a second language as early as possible.
Points: Pronunciation / Cultural Awareness
In my view, it’s highly beneficial for young children to begin learning a second language early on, as it not only enables them to cultivate a deep understanding of the culture but also allows them to sound like native speakers of those languages.
・少しカジュアルな表現かもしれませんが、as early as possible では、あまりにトピックと酷似してしまうので、準1級のエッセイとしては不適切かと思い使用しました。
・全く難しい表現ではありませんが、日本を先に考えてしまうと、children can cultivate a deep understanding…..となってしまい、すごくシンプルな文になってしまいます。エッセイでは、このenableやallowを上手に使いこなしましょう。
Discussion 1
In today’s globalised world, cultural awareness plays a pivotal role, and this awareness can be effortlessly nurtured through the acquisition of a second language during early childhood. People naturally become exposed to the customs and traditions of the respective countries while learning a second language. Young learners, especially, tend to relish and accept the cultural differences, fostering a sense of inclusivity as they mature.
・develop も同義語です。
・immersedでも良いでしょう。言語学習に関して話すとき、名詞の immersion と併せて、よく出てくる単語です。
Discussion 2
The earlier children embark on their second language journey, the more skillful they become at mastering pronunciation. Younger children, particularly those under the age of 2, possess a remarkable ability to distinguish and articulate sounds that may not exist in their native tongue. For example, many adult Japanese learners often have trouble differentiating the sounds between ‘R’ and ‘L’ .
・日本語で言語の旅と訳す必要はないですが、英語では、Language-learning journeyとかもよく使います。一種の比喩的表現です。それに合わせた動詞(embark) も用いています。
・他にも articulate は、I found myself unable to articulate my feelings. 「感情を明確に表現できない」という意味でもよく使われますので、覚えておきましょう。
In summary, introducing a second language to children during their formative years offers advantages in terms of both cultural awareness and pronunciation; thus, children should begin learning a second language at a younger age.
In my view, it’s highly beneficial for young children to begin learning a second language early on, as it not only enables them to cultivate a deep understanding cultural but also allows them to sound like native speakers of those languages.
In today’s globalised world, cultural awareness plays a pivotal role, and this awareness can be effortlessly nurtured through the acquisition of a second language during early childhood. People naturally become exposed to the customs and traditions of the respective countries while learning a second language. Young learners, especially, tend to relish and accept these cultural differences, fostering a sense of inclusivity as they mature.
The earlier children embark on their second language journey, the more adept they become at mastering pronunciation. Younger children, particularly those under the age of 2, possess a remarkable ability to distinguish and articulate sounds that may not exist in their native tongue. For example, many adult learners of Japanese often have trouble differentiating the sounds between ‘R’ and ‘L’ .
In summary, introducing a second language to children during their formative years offers advantages in terms of both cultural awareness and pronunciation; thus, children should begin learning a second language at a younger age.

反対派:子供は幼児期から第二言語を学び始めるべきでない(語数 209数)
Agree Or Disagree: Children should start learning a second language as early as possible.
Points: Lack of Logical Thinking / Semilingual
Early childhood is a significantly important period for children to nurture various abilities and their native language skills. Therefore, I believe it is not necessary to begin learning a second language in early childhood.
・ここでは、最もポピュラーな important を選びましたが、pivotal, vital, crucial, critical などの同義語もしっかり覚えておきましょう。
Discussion 1
It is known that children also develop logical thinking skills in early childhood, and these skills should be prioritised for nurturing. The lack of logical thinking skills may cause various troubles for them as they mature, making it hard for them to navigate daily life. Therefore, it is better to spend more time playing games, solving puzzles, and engaging in other activities that allow them to develop these skills.
Discussion 2
There is a risk of becoming semilingual if children start learning a second language early on. Since there are only 24 hours in a day for everyone, children learning a second language may run out of time to catch up with their native language. As a result, their native language skills may end up being limited compared to children of similar ages who are not learning a second language.
In conclusion, learning a second language in early childhood may potentially hinder the development of logical thinking as well as native language skills. Therefore, there is no need to rush to start learning a second language.
・Hinderは見た事ない人もいるかもしれません。「hinder + 名詞」 もしくは、「hinder + 名詞+ ~ing」の形をとります。 妨げる/邪魔をするの意です。厳密には少し違いがあるのですが、まぁ prevent の同意語ですね。
Early childhood is a significantly important period for children to nurture various abilities and their native language skills. Therefore, I believe it is not necessary to begin learning a second language in early childhood.
It is known that children also develop logical thinking skills in early childhood, and these skills should be prioritised for nurturing. The lack of logical thinking skills may cause various troubles for them as they mature, making it hard for them to navigate daily life. Therefore, it is better to spend more time playing games, solving puzzles, and engaging in other activities that allow them to develop these skills.
There is a risk of becoming semilingual if children start learning a second language early on. Since there are only 24 hours in a day for everyone, children learning a second language may run out of time to catch up with their native language. As a result, their native language skills may end up being limited compared to children of similar ages who are not learning a second language.
In conclusion, learning a second language in early childhood may potentially hinder the development of logical thinking as well as native language skills. Therefore, there is no need to rush to start learning a second language.