
- 比較
similarly (同様に), equally (同じように), in the same way (同じように), likewise (同様に), just as (〜のように), as well as (〜だけでなく) - 順接・添加
therefore (それゆえに), in addition (さらに), additionally (加えて), besides (その上), furthermore (さらに), moreover (その上), also (また), similarly (同様に), equally (同じように) - 逆接
however (しかし), although (にもかかわらず), despite (にもかかわらず), yet (それでも), nevertheless (それにもかかわらず), even though (たとえ〜でも), on the contrary (それとは逆に), nonetheless (それでもなお), still (それでも), conversely (逆に) - 対比
on the other hand (他方では), while (〜の間に), meanwhile (その間に), in contrast (対照的に), conversely (逆に), whereas (一方で), alternatively (代わりに), by comparison (比較すると), unlike (〜と違って) - 結論
as a result (その結果), in conclusion (結論として), in the end (最終的に), consequently (その結果として), thus (したがって), ultimately (最終的に), therefore (それゆえに), hence (それゆえ) - 因果関係
because (なぜなら), due to (〜によって), since (〜なので), as (〜だから), for this reason (この理由で), as a consequence (その結果として), owing to (〜のために), given that (〜を考慮すると) - 例示
for example (例えば), for instance (例えば), such as (例えば〜のように), namely (すなわち), specifically (具体的に), in particular (特に), to illustrate (例を挙げると) - 強調
indeed (確かに), in fact (実際に), obviously (明らかに), without a doubt (間違いなく), certainly (確かに), of course (もちろん), particularly (特に), especially (特に)
Dogs have a long history of living alongside humans, evolving from wild wolves into the domesticated animals we know today. This relationship began thousands of years ago when early humans realized that wolves could be helpful for hunting and protection. Over time, humans began to breed wolves that were less aggressive and more social. This process eventually led to the development of different types of dogs, each with unique traits and skills, such as herding, guarding, or hunting.
As human societies evolved, so did dogs. In ancient civilizations, dogs were used for various tasks, including guarding livestock, assisting in hunting, and even serving as companions. Different breeds were developed to suit specific needs. For example, larger, stronger dogs were bred to protect homes and livestock, while smaller, more agile dogs were used to hunt small animals. This partnership between humans and dogs allowed both species to thrive and adapt to changing environments.
Today, dogs continue to play an important role in human life. They are not only pets but also serve as therapy animals, guide dogs for the blind, and police dogs. Their loyalty and ability to bond with humans have made them one of our closest companions throughout history. (200 words)
Dogs have shared a long history with humans, evolving from wild animals into domesticated companions. Early humans saw the benefits of working with wolves, leading to selective breeding for friendlier traits. As societies developed, different dog breeds were created for specific tasks like herding, guarding, and hunting. Today, dogs remain important as pets and service animals, valued for their loyalty and strong connection with people. (65 words)
第1段落: 犬の起源と初期の人間との関係
- 「Dogs have a long history of living alongside humans, evolving from wild wolves into the domesticated animals we know today. This relationship began thousands of years ago when early humans realized that wolves could be helpful for hunting and protection. Over time, humans began to breed wolves that were less aggressive and more social. This process eventually led to the development of different types of dogs, each with unique traits and skills, such as herding, guarding, or hunting.」
- 「Dogs have shared a long history with humans, evolving from wild animals into domesticated companions. Early humans saw the benefits of working with wolves, leading to selective breeding for friendlier traits.」
- この段落では、犬が人間と長い歴史を共有し、オオカミから家畜化された経緯について述べられています。要約文では「Dogs have shared a long history with humans, evolving from wild animals into domesticated companions」として犬の進化を簡潔に説明し、「selective breeding for friendlier traits」で、初期の人間がオオカミを友好的な性格に選別繁殖したことに焦点を当てています。「herding, guarding, or hunting」といった犬の役割についての詳細は省略されていますが、犬と人間の最初の関係の要点は保持されています。
- 「living alongside humans」 → 「shared a long history with humans」
(人間と共に生きる → 人間と長い歴史を共有する) - 「evolving from wild wolves into the domesticated animals」 → 「evolving from wild animals into domesticated companions」
(野生のオオカミから家畜化された動物へ進化 → 野生の動物から家畜化された仲間へ進化) - 「humans began to breed wolves that were less aggressive and more social」 → 「selective breeding for friendlier traits」
(人間は攻撃性の低い、より社交的なオオカミを繁殖させ始めた → 友好的な特性を選別して繁殖)
第2段落: 古代社会における犬の役割と品種改良
- 「As human societies evolved, so did dogs. In ancient civilizations, dogs were used for various tasks, including guarding livestock, assisting in hunting, and even serving as companions. Different breeds were developed to suit specific needs. For example, larger, stronger dogs were bred to protect homes and livestock, while smaller, more agile dogs were used to hunt small animals. This partnership between humans and dogs allowed both species to thrive and adapt to changing environments.」
- 「As societies developed, different dog breeds were created for specific tasks like herding, guarding, and hunting.」
- この段落では、古代の人間社会とともに犬が進化し、家畜の保護や狩猟の支援など、さまざまな役割を果たしていたことが述べられています。要約文では「different dog breeds were created for specific tasks like herding, guarding, and hunting」として、犬の品種改良が特定の作業のために行われた点を簡潔にまとめています。具体的な役割や犬種の詳細は省かれていますが、要点は反映されています。
- 「As human societies evolved, so did dogs」 → 「As societies developed」
(人間社会が進化するにつれて、犬も進化した → 社会が発展するにつれて) - 「different breeds were developed to suit specific needs」 → 「different dog breeds were created for specific tasks」
(特定のニーズに応じて異なる品種が開発された → 特定の作業のために異なる犬種が作られた) - 「guarding livestock, assisting in hunting, and even serving as companions」 → 「herding, guarding, and hunting」
(家畜の保護、狩猟の支援、さらには仲間として → 牧畜、警護、狩猟)
第3段落: 現代における犬の役割
- 「Today, dogs continue to play an important role in human life. They are not only pets but also serve as therapy animals, guide dogs for the blind, and police dogs. Their loyalty and ability to bond with humans have made them one of our closest companions throughout history.」
- 「Today, dogs remain important as pets and service animals, valued for their loyalty and strong connection with people.」
- この段落では、現代における犬の役割が、ペットとしてだけでなく、セラピー犬や盲導犬、警察犬としても重要であることが述べられています。要約文では「dogs remain important as pets and service animals」として、犬がペットやサービス動物としての役割を続けていることに焦点を当て、「valued for their loyalty and strong connection with people」で犬の忠誠心と人間との強い絆に言及しています。具体的な役割(セラピー犬や盲導犬など)は省略されていますが、全体的なポイントは保持されています。
- 「continue to play an important role in human life」 → 「remain important」
(人間の生活で重要な役割を果たし続けている → 依然として重要である) - 「They are not only pets but also serve as therapy animals, guide dogs for the blind, and police dogs」 → 「as pets and service animals」
(ペットとしてだけでなく、セラピー犬、盲導犬、警察犬としても役立っている → ペットやサービス動物として) - 「Their loyalty and ability to bond with humans」 → 「valued for their loyalty and strong connection with people」
(犬の忠誠心と人間との絆 → 忠誠心と人間との強い結びつきで評価されている)
こちらの記事もお薦めです:英検準1級 文章要約問題 03:土地の砂漠化を緩和・防止する方法
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