
- 比較
similarly (同様に), equally (同じように), in the same way (同じように), likewise (同様に), just as (〜のように), as well as (〜だけでなく) - 順接・添加
therefore (それゆえに), in addition (さらに), additionally (加えて), besides (その上), furthermore (さらに), moreover (その上), also (また), similarly (同様に), equally (同じように) - 逆接
however (しかし), although (にもかかわらず), despite (にもかかわらず), yet (それでも), nevertheless (それにもかかわらず), even though (たとえ〜でも), on the contrary (それとは逆に), nonetheless (それでもなお), still (それでも), conversely (逆に) - 対比
on the other hand (他方では), while (〜の間に), meanwhile (その間に), in contrast (対照的に), conversely (逆に), whereas (一方で), alternatively (代わりに), by comparison (比較すると), unlike (〜と違って) - 結論
as a result (その結果), in conclusion (結論として), in the end (最終的に), consequently (その結果として), thus (したがって), ultimately (最終的に), therefore (それゆえに), hence (それゆえ) - 因果関係
because (なぜなら), due to (〜によって), since (〜なので), as (〜だから), for this reason (この理由で), as a consequence (その結果として), owing to (〜のために), given that (〜を考慮すると) - 例示
for example (例えば), for instance (例えば), such as (例えば〜のように), namely (すなわち), specifically (具体的に), in particular (特に), to illustrate (例を挙げると) - 強調
indeed (確かに), in fact (実際に), obviously (明らかに), without a doubt (間違いなく), certainly (確かに), of course (もちろん), particularly (特に), especially (特に)
Desertification is the process where fertile land becomes desert. This happens mainly due to human activities and climate change. Over-farming, deforestation, and overgrazing by animals can strip the land of its nutrients, making it dry and barren. In addition, rising temperatures and decreased rainfall, caused by climate change, worsen the problem. Once the land loses its ability to support plants, it becomes vulnerable to erosion, further speeding up the desertification process.
The effects of desertification are serious. People who live in affected areas may struggle to grow food, leading to hunger and poverty. The lack of vegetation also causes animals to lose their habitats, which can result in the loss of biodiversity. Additionally, desertification can force people to migrate to other areas in search of better living conditions, increasing pressure on cities and surrounding environments. This can cause conflicts over resources such as water and land.
To combat desertification, some countries are taking action by planting trees and using better farming techniques. These efforts aim to restore the land and prevent further damage. However, combating desertification requires global cooperation and long-term planning to protect both the environment and the people who depend on it. ( 194words)
Desertification occurs when fertile land becomes dry and unproductive, often due to human actions and climate changes. Activities like excessive farming, cutting down forests, and overgrazing can damage the land. Rising temperatures and less rainfall worsen the issue, causing soil erosion. This leads to food shortages, loss of wildlife, and migration. To address desertification, reforestation and improved farming methods are used, though long-term, global cooperation is essential. (67 words)
第1段落: 砂漠化の原因
- 「Desertification is the process where fertile land becomes desert. This happens mainly due to human activities and climate change. Over-farming, deforestation, and overgrazing by animals can strip the land of its nutrients, making it dry and barren. In addition, rising temperatures and decreased rainfall, caused by climate change, worsen the problem. Once the land loses its ability to support plants, it becomes vulnerable to erosion, further speeding up the desertification process.」
- 「Desertification occurs when fertile land becomes dry and unproductive, often due to human actions and climate changes. Activities like excessive farming, cutting down forests, and overgrazing can damage the land. Rising temperatures and less rainfall worsen the issue, causing soil erosion.」
- オリジナルテキストでは、砂漠化が肥沃な土地が乾燥し不毛になるプロセスであり、その主な原因が人間の活動と気候変動であることが説明されています。要約文では、「Desertification occurs when fertile land becomes dry and unproductive」として、砂漠化の結果を簡潔に述べ、「often due to human actions and climate changes」と原因を明確にしています。具体的な活動としての「over-farming, deforestation, and overgrazing」が「excessive farming, cutting down forests, and overgrazing」に言い換えられ、気候変動による「rising temperatures and less rainfall」によって問題が悪化することが同様に簡潔にまとめられています。
- 「fertile land becomes desert」 → 「fertile land becomes dry and unproductive」
(肥沃な土地が砂漠になる → 肥沃な土地が乾燥し生産性を失う) - 「over-farming, deforestation, and overgrazing by animals」 → 「excessive farming, cutting down forests, and overgrazing」
(過剰な耕作、森林伐採、家畜による過放牧 → 過剰な耕作、森林伐採、過放牧) - 「rising temperatures and decreased rainfall」 → 「rising temperatures and less rainfall」
(気温上昇と降雨量の減少 → 気温上昇と降水量の減少) - 「vulnerable to erosion」 → 「causing soil erosion」
(浸食に脆弱 → 土壌侵食を引き起こす)
第2段落: 砂漠化の影響
- 「The effects of desertification are serious. People who live in affected areas may struggle to grow food, leading to hunger and poverty. The lack of vegetation also causes animals to lose their habitats, which can result in the loss of biodiversity. Additionally, desertification can force people to migrate to other areas in search of better living conditions, increasing pressure on cities and surrounding environments. This can cause conflicts over resources such as water and land.」
- 「This leads to food shortages, loss of wildlife, and migration.」
- オリジナルテキストでは、砂漠化による深刻な影響が列挙され、食糧不足や貧困、動物の生息地の喪失による生物多様性の減少、人々の移住、さらには資源争奪の問題までが説明されています。要約文では「food shortages, loss of wildlife, and migration」として、主な影響を簡潔にまとめています。「hunger and poverty」や「conflicts over resources」といった詳細な点は要約文では省略されていますが、要点はしっかり反映されています。
- 「struggle to grow food, leading to hunger and poverty」 → 「food shortages」
(食料を育てるのに苦労し、飢えや貧困に繋がる → 食糧不足) - 「lack of vegetation also causes animals to lose their habitats」 → 「loss of wildlife」
(植生の欠如が動物の生息地を失わせる → 野生生物の喪失) - 「desertification can force people to migrate」 → 「migration」
(砂漠化が人々を移住させる → 移住)
第3段落: 砂漠化対策と長期的課題
- 「To combat desertification, some countries are taking action by planting trees and using better farming techniques. These efforts aim to restore the land and prevent further damage. However, combating desertification requires global cooperation and long-term planning to protect both the environment and the people who depend on it.」
- 「To address desertification, reforestation and improved farming methods are used, though long-term, global cooperation is essential.」
- オリジナルテキストでは、砂漠化に対処するための具体的な取り組みとして植林や改善された農業技術が紹介され、さらなるダメージを防ぐための努力が強調されています。要約文では「reforestation and improved farming methods」としてこれらの対策を簡潔にまとめ、「long-term, global cooperation is essential」として、長期的かつ国際的な協力が不可欠であることを述べています。具体的な「planting trees」や「restoring the land」といった詳細な取り組みは省略されていますが、要点は保持されています。
- 「taking action by planting trees and using better farming techniques」 → 「reforestation and improved farming methods」
(植林やより良い農業技術を使った行動を取る → 植林と改善された農業技術) - 「combatting desertification requires global cooperation and long-term planning」 → 「long-term, global cooperation is essential」
(砂漠化に対処するには国際協力と長期的な計画が必要 → 長期的な国際協力が不可欠)
こちらの記事もお薦めです:英検準1級 文章要約問題 02:国立公園の利点と直面する問題点
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