




  1. 比較
    similarly (同様に), equally (同じように), in the same way (同じように), likewise (同様に), just as (〜のように), as well as (〜だけでなく)
  2. 順接・添加
    therefore (それゆえに), in addition (さらに), additionally (加えて), besides (その上), furthermore (さらに), moreover (その上), also (また), similarly (同様に), equally (同じように)
  3. 逆接
    however (しかし), although (にもかかわらず), despite (にもかかわらず), yet (それでも), nevertheless (それにもかかわらず), even though (たとえ〜でも), on the contrary (それとは逆に), nonetheless (それでもなお), still (それでも), conversely (逆に)
  4. 対比
    on the other hand (他方では), while (〜の間に), meanwhile (その間に), in contrast (対照的に), conversely (逆に), whereas (一方で), alternatively (代わりに), by comparison (比較すると), unlike (〜と違って)
  5. 結論
    as a result (その結果), in conclusion (結論として), in the end (最終的に), consequently (その結果として), thus (したがって), ultimately (最終的に), therefore (それゆえに), hence (それゆえ)
  6. 因果関係
    because (なぜなら), due to (〜によって), since (〜なので), as (〜だから), for this reason (この理由で), as a consequence (その結果として), owing to (〜のために), given that (〜を考慮すると)
  7. 例示
    for example (例えば), for instance (例えば), such as (例えば〜のように), namely (すなわち), specifically (具体的に), in particular (特に), to illustrate (例を挙げると)
  8. 強調
    indeed (確かに), in fact (実際に), obviously (明らかに), without a doubt (間違いなく), certainly (確かに), of course (もちろん), particularly (特に), especially (特に)


National parks are protected areas that aim to preserve natural beauty and wildlife. They provide a safe environment for animals and plants to thrive, making them important for environmental conservation. Many people visit national parks to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and bird watching. These parks offer a peaceful escape from busy city life, giving people a chance to connect with nature. Additionally, national parks contribute to the local economy by attracting tourists, which helps create jobs and supports businesses in nearby communities. 

However, national parks face challenges. Popular parks often become overcrowded, especially during vacation seasons, leading to issues like damaged trails, disturbed wildlife, and litter. Too many visitors can harm the delicate ecosystems that the parks are trying to protect. Managing these large crowds while ensuring the safety of both visitors and the environment is a difficult task for park officials. The balance between protecting nature and allowing access to visitors is a constant struggle. 

Furthermore, national parks require significant funding to maintain their facilities and protect wildlife. Building and maintaining roads, campsites, and visitor centers is expensive. Park authorities must carefully manage their resources to preserve these areas for future generations, ensuring they remain places of beauty and refuge for both people and animals.  (208 words)  






National parks are areas set aside to protect nature and wildlife. They provide safe habitats and support conservation efforts. Visitors enjoy activities like hiking and camping, offering a break from city life and boosting the local economy. However, crowded parks can damage ecosystems, creating challenges for park managers. Maintaining park facilities and wildlife protection requires careful planning and funding to preserve them for the future. (65 words) 




第1段落: 国立公園の目的と観光への貢献


  • 「National parks are protected areas that aim to preserve natural beauty and wildlife. They provide a safe environment for animals and plants to thrive, making them important for environmental conservation. Many people visit national parks to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and bird watching. These parks offer a peaceful escape from busy city life, giving people a chance to connect with nature. Additionally, national parks contribute to the local economy by attracting tourists, which helps create jobs and supports businesses in nearby communities.」


  • 「National parks are areas set aside to protect nature and wildlife. They provide safe habitats and support conservation efforts. Visitors enjoy activities like hiking and camping, offering a break from city life and boosting the local economy.」


  • この段落では、国立公園の主な目的である自然や野生生物の保護、動植物が繁栄するための安全な環境を提供する役割について述べられています。また、観光を通じて地元経済に貢献している点も重要です。要約文では「areas set aside to protect nature and wildlife」として国立公園の目的を簡潔に説明し、「support conservation efforts」で自然保護への貢献を明示しています。「offering a break from city life and boosting the local economy」という表現で、訪問者がリラックスできる場所でありつつ、経済的効果もあることを要約しています。


  • 「protected areas that aim to preserve natural beauty and wildlife」「areas set aside to protect nature and wildlife」
    (自然の美しさと野生生物を保護するための保護区域 → 自然と野生生物を保護するために設けられた区域)
  • 「provide a safe environment for animals and plants to thrive」「provide safe habitats」
    (動植物が繁栄するための安全な環境を提供する → 安全な生息地を提供する)
  • 「contribute to the local economy by attracting tourists」「boosting the local economy」
    (観光客を引き付けることで地元経済に貢献 → 地元経済を活性化する)

第2段落: 過密による問題と管理者の課題


  • 「However, national parks face challenges. Popular parks often become overcrowded, especially during vacation seasons, leading to issues like damaged trails, disturbed wildlife, and litter. Too many visitors can harm the delicate ecosystems that the parks are trying to protect. Managing these large crowds while ensuring the safety of both visitors and the environment is a difficult task for park officials. The balance between protecting nature and allowing access to visitors is a constant struggle.」


  • 「However, crowded parks can damage ecosystems, creating challenges for park managers.」


  • この段落では、国立公園が抱える課題として、過密化による問題(トレイルの損傷、野生生物への影響、ゴミなど)が挙げられています。要約文では「crowded parks can damage ecosystems」として、過密化が生態系に悪影響を与える点を簡潔に示し、「creating challenges for park managers」で公園管理者が直面する問題に言及しています。訪問者の安全や環境保護とのバランスについての詳細な説明は要約文では省略されています。


  • 「overcrowded, especially during vacation seasons」「crowded parks」
    (特に休暇シーズン中に過密 → 過密な公園)
  • 「too many visitors can harm the delicate ecosystems」「damage ecosystems」
    (多くの訪問者が繊細な生態系を損なう可能性がある → 生態系を損傷)
  • 「Managing these large crowds while ensuring the safety of both visitors and the environment」 → 要約文には含まれず
    (訪問者と環境の安全を確保しながら大勢の群衆を管理する → 要約ではこの部分は省略)

第3段落: 資金と施設維持の課題


  • 「Furthermore, national parks require significant funding to maintain their facilities and protect wildlife. Building and maintaining roads, campsites, and visitor centers is expensive. Park authorities must carefully manage their resources to preserve these areas for future generations, ensuring they remain places of beauty and refuge for both people and animals.」


  • 「Maintaining park facilities and wildlife protection requires careful planning and funding to preserve them for the future.」


  • この段落では、国立公園が維持されるために必要な多額の資金や、将来の世代のために美しい自然環境を保護する責任が述べられています。要約文では「careful planning and funding」として、資金と計画管理の重要性に簡潔に触れ、「preserve them for the future」として、これらの保護活動が将来に向けて行われていることを示しています。具体的な施設(道路、キャンプ場、ビジターセンター)の維持コストの説明は省かれています。


  • 「require significant funding to maintain their facilities and protect wildlife」「requires careful planning and funding to preserve them」
    (施設の維持と野生生物の保護に多額の資金が必要 → それらを保存するために計画と資金が必要)
  • 「preserve these areas for future generations」「preserve them for the future」
    (これらの地域を未来の世代のために保存する → 未来のために保存する)


こちらの記事もお薦めです:英検準1級 文章要約問題 01:携帯電話の歴史

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