
- 比較
similarly (同様に), equally (同じように), in the same way (同じように), likewise (同様に), just as (〜のように), as well as (〜だけでなく) - 順接・添加
therefore (それゆえに), in addition (さらに), additionally (加えて), besides (その上), furthermore (さらに), moreover (その上), also (また), similarly (同様に), equally (同じように) - 逆接
however (しかし), although (にもかかわらず), despite (にもかかわらず), yet (それでも), nevertheless (それにもかかわらず), even though (たとえ〜でも), on the contrary (それとは逆に), nonetheless (それでもなお), still (それでも), conversely (逆に) - 対比
on the other hand (他方では), while (〜の間に), meanwhile (その間に), in contrast (対照的に), conversely (逆に), whereas (一方で), alternatively (代わりに), by comparison (比較すると), unlike (〜と違って) - 結論
as a result (その結果), in conclusion (結論として), in the end (最終的に), consequently (その結果として), thus (したがって), ultimately (最終的に), therefore (それゆえに), hence (それゆえ) - 因果関係
because (なぜなら), due to (〜によって), since (〜なので), as (〜だから), for this reason (この理由で), as a consequence (その結果として), owing to (〜のために), given that (〜を考慮すると) - 例示
for example (例えば), for instance (例えば), such as (例えば〜のように), namely (すなわち), specifically (具体的に), in particular (特に), to illustrate (例を挙げると) - 強調
indeed (確かに), in fact (実際に), obviously (明らかに), without a doubt (間違いなく), certainly (確かに), of course (もちろん), particularly (特に), especially (特に)
The Aboriginal people of Australia are the country’s first inhabitants, with a history dating back over 60,000 years. They have a rich and diverse culture, with hundreds of different languages and traditions across various regions. Aboriginal Australians lived in harmony with nature, using their deep knowledge of the land, plants, and animals to survive. They practiced hunting and gathering and developed complex social structures that guided their communities.
One of the most important aspects of Aboriginal culture is the connection to the land. They believe that the land is sacred and that their ancestors live within it, guiding them through life. This belief is reflected in their art, music, and stories, known as the Dreamtime, which explain how the world and everything in it was created. These traditions have been passed down through generations and remain a central part of Aboriginal identity today.
However, when Europeans arrived in Australia in the late 1700s, Aboriginal people faced many challenges. They were forced off their land, and their population declined due to conflict and disease. Despite these hardships, Aboriginal Australians continue to fight for their rights and preserve their culture. Today, efforts are being made to recognize their contributions and protect their heritage. (200 words)
The Aboriginal people of Australia are the nation’s original inhabitants, with a history spanning over 60,000 years. They have a rich cultural heritage, with many languages and customs, and lived closely with nature by using their knowledge of the environment. A deep spiritual connection to the land is central to their beliefs. Although European colonization brought many difficulties, Aboriginal Australians continue to protect their culture and seek recognition. (68 words)
第1段落: アボリジニの起源と文化の多様性
- 「The Aboriginal people of Australia are the country’s first inhabitants, with a history dating back over 60,000 years. They have a rich and diverse culture, with hundreds of different languages and traditions across various regions. Aboriginal Australians lived in harmony with nature, using their deep knowledge of the land, plants, and animals to survive. They practiced hunting and gathering and developed complex social structures that guided their communities.」
- 「The Aboriginal people of Australia are the nation’s original inhabitants, with a history spanning over 60,000 years. They have a rich cultural heritage, with many languages and customs, and lived closely with nature by using their knowledge of the environment.」
- この段落では、アボリジニの歴史が60,000年以上にわたり続いていることや、豊かな文化と多様な言語、伝統を持っていることが述べられています。また、彼らが自然と調和して生活していたことにも触れています。要約文では「a history spanning over 60,000 years」として長い歴史を強調し、「rich cultural heritage, with many languages and customs」として文化の多様性を簡潔に表現しています。「lived closely with nature by using their knowledge of the environment」という言い換えで、自然との共生を要約しています。
- 「a history dating back over 60,000 years」 → 「a history spanning over 60,000 years」
(60,000年以上前に遡る歴史 → 60,000年以上続く歴史) - 「rich and diverse culture, with hundreds of different languages and traditions」 → 「rich cultural heritage, with many languages and customs」
(豊かで多様な文化、数百の異なる言語と伝統 → 豊かな文化遺産、多くの言語と習慣) - 「lived in harmony with nature, using their deep knowledge of the land, plants, and animals」 → 「lived closely with nature by using their knowledge of the environment」
(土地、植物、動物についての深い知識を使って、自然と調和して生活していた → 環境に関する知識を活用して自然と密接に生活していた)
第2段落: 土地との精神的なつながりと文化の表現
- 「One of the most important aspects of Aboriginal culture is the connection to the land. They believe that the land is sacred and that their ancestors live within it, guiding them through life. This belief is reflected in their art, music, and stories, known as the Dreamtime, which explain how the world and everything in it was created. These traditions have been passed down through generations and remain a central part of Aboriginal identity today.」
- 「A deep spiritual connection to the land is central to their beliefs.」
- オリジナルテキストでは、アボリジニ文化における土地との精神的なつながりが非常に重要であり、その信念が芸術や音楽、物語(ドリームタイム)に反映されていることが強調されています。要約文では「A deep spiritual connection to the land」として、土地との深い精神的な結びつきに焦点を当て、簡潔にまとめています。アートやドリームタイムの説明は省略されていますが、中心的な要素である信仰が表現されています。
- 「the connection to the land」 → 「spiritual connection to the land」
(土地とのつながり → 土地との精神的なつながり) - 「remains a central part of Aboriginal identity today」 → 要約文には含まれず
(今日もアボリジニのアイデンティティの中心的な部分として残っている → 要約では省略)
第3段落: ヨーロッパ人到来後の困難と現在の取り組み
- 「However, when Europeans arrived in Australia in the late 1700s, Aboriginal people faced many challenges. They were forced off their land, and their population declined due to conflict and disease. Despite these hardships, Aboriginal Australians continue to fight for their rights and preserve their culture. Today, efforts are being made to recognize their contributions and protect their heritage.」
- 「Although European colonization brought many difficulties, Aboriginal Australians continue to protect their culture and seek recognition.」
- この段落では、18世紀後半にヨーロッパ人がオーストラリアに到着して以降、アボリジニが直面した困難(土地を奪われ、人口減少など)について述べられています。要約文では「European colonization brought many difficulties」としてヨーロッパ人の植民地化による困難を簡潔に表現し、「continue to protect their culture and seek recognition」として、彼らが文化を守り、認識を求めていることを強調しています。具体的な困難や現代の取り組みの詳細は省略されていますが、重要な要点は要約されています。
- 「faced many challenges」 → 「brought many difficulties」
(多くの課題に直面した → 多くの困難をもたらした) - 「Aboriginal Australians continue to fight for their rights and preserve their culture」 → 「Aboriginal Australians continue to protect their culture and seek recognition」
(アボリジニは権利を求めて戦い続け、文化を守り続けた → 文化を守り、認識を求め続けている)
こちらの記事もお薦めです:英検準1級 文章要約問題 04:人類の歴史とともに進化した犬たち
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