

TOPIC:Should ambulance service be charged?

POINTS : Unprofessional Examination / Poor Financial Situations / Tax / Non-urgent Calls 



救急車の有料化の是非 緊急搬送の現状と課題|医師のともコラム

年々逼迫する救急出動体制…「救急車の有料化以外に有効な解決策ある?」「無料なのは日本くらい」 ある救急隊員の“本音”に反響(まいどなニュース) – Yahoo!ニュース



Taken for a ride? Ambulances stick patients with surprise bills

Why Ambulances Are Exempt From the Surprise-Billing Ban – The New York Times

肯定派:救急車は有料化すべきだ(語数 189語)

TOPIC:Should ambulance service be charged?

POINTS : Tax / Non-urgent Calls


In my opinion, there should be charges for ambulance services, given the fact that there are too many irrelevant emergency calls and taxes being used for such non-urgent use of ambulances. 



・日本語では救急車の利用と書いているので、英訳で Use of ambulances と書く人もいるでしょう。間違いではありませし、大きく減点されることはないと思いますが、ambulance services とした方が自然でしょう。

Discussion 1

First, people don’t seem to understand in which situations they need to call for ambulances. It was allegedly reported that 20% of emergency calls in Tokyo were non-urgent calls in 2022. Some people, for example, called for emergencies when they needed to change a ceiling bulb or the toilet was overflowing. Such behaviours hinder prompt dispatch of paramedics to genuine emergencies. 



・日本語では、よく主語が省かれます。それ故、動詞が受動態になっていることもしばしばあります。英語で書くときには、people などを主語にした方が、文を書きやすいし、また読み手も読みやすいと思います。

・bulb が思いつかなかったら、もちろん、ceiling light でも構いません。

・For example や However など文頭に置くより、文中にカンマで区切って入れる方がこなれている感があります。

Discussion 2

Second, Taxes should not be utilised for ambulance uses by foreign reckless visitors. In recent years, many reckless foreign tourists have made emergency calls on Mt. Fuji. They typically lack vital information and come to climb Mt. Fuji in inappropriate clothing or without any preparation. As a result, they have to call ambulances due to injuries or altitude sickness. It should not be the local residents paying for their use of ambulances, but it should be them.       





In conclusion, under the current circumstances, ambulance services may not be accessible to those who urgently need them. One way to address these issues is to charge for ambulance services.    



・in the current situation とミックスして、in the current circumstances としない様に注意しましょう。

・accessible の代わりに available でも構いません。この二つの単語はどんなエッセイトピックにも使えることが多いですの、必ず使えるようになりましょう。


In my opinion, there should be charges for ambulance services, given the fact that there are too many irrelevant emergency calls and taxes being used for such non-urgent use of ambulances. 

First, people don’t seem to understand in which situations they need to call for ambulances. It was allegedly reported that 20% of emergency calls in Tokyo were non-urgent calls in 2022. Some people, for example, called for emergencies when they needed to change a ceiling bulb or the toilet was overflowing.  Such behaviours hinder prompt dispatch of paramedics to genuine emergencies.

Second, Taxes should not be utilised for ambulance uses by foreign reckless visitors. In recent years, many reckless foreign tourists have made emergency calls on Mt. Fuji. They typically lack vital information and come to climb Mt. Fuji in inappropriate clothing or without any preparation. As a result, they have to call ambulances due to injuries or altitude sickness. It should not be the local residents paying for their use of ambulances, but it should be them.  

In conclusion, under the current circumstances, ambulance services may not be accessible to those who urgently need them. One way to address these issues is to charge for ambulance services.  

否定派:救急車は有料化すべきでない(語数 191語)

TOPIC : Should ambulance service be charged?

POINTS : Unprofessional Examination / Poor Financial Situations 


I am opposed to charging for ambulance services because people should not be worried about payment for such services in life-threatening situations or when they believe they are under such conditions. 



・ちょっと強い言い方なので、I disagree with とした方が無難かもしれません。

・細かいですが、ここは worry about より be worried about の方がより良いでしょう。worry about は常時心配するような時に使います。例えば、親は子供の心配をするといった一般的ないつもそうであるような場合です。be worried about は、ある特定の場合を心配している感じです。

Discussion 1

First, people’s lives should be saved regardless of their financial situations when their lives are under threat. If ambulance services are charged, some people may hesitate to call for ambulances when it’s necessary due to poor financial conditions. Consequently, some may end up dying. This hesitation is similar to how individuals with financial challenges might avoid air-conditioning in extreme heat, which can lead to heatstroke or even death.



hesitate もしくは be unwilling to でも良いかと思います。

Discussion 2

Second, many people lack the knowledge to assess what constitutes an emergency requiring an ambulance. Today, many people live on their own and can’t get help when they are sick. They become unsure about their ability to survive when they are alone and severely ill. Ensuring the well-being of such people is also a part of social welfare services and should not be subject to charges



・subject to weather conditions 「お天気次第で」とは意味が異なります。


For these reasons, I firmly believe that ambulance services should not be charged at all.




・At all を付けることで協調しています。イントロでも「反対です be opposed to」を使っているので、ここでもその姿勢を貫いてみました。


I am opposed to charging for ambulance services because people should not need to worry about payment for such services in life-threatening situations or when they believe they are under such conditions. Let me explain why I think this way in more detail. 

First, people’s lives should be saved regardless of their financial situations when their lives are under threat. If ambulance services are charged, some people may hesitate to call for ambulances when it’s necessary due to poor financial conditions. As a result, some may end up dying. This hesitation is similar to how individuals with financial challenges might avoid air-conditioning, which can lead to heatstroke or even death.

Second, many people lack the knowledge to assess what constitutes an emergency requiring an ambulance. Today, many people live on their own and can’t get help when they are sick. They become unsure about their ability to survive when they are alone and severely ill. Ensuring the well-being of such people is also a part of social welfare services and should not be subject to charges. 

For these reasons, I firmly believe that ambulance services should not be charged at all. 



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