Agree or Disagree: Rainforests should have a priority in forest conservation.
POINTS: Value / Scam / Carbon Credits / Species Richness
今回は森林保全に関するトピックです。多雨林?と思った方もいらっしゃっるでしょう。辞書でもそうなっている様に、Rainforestsは熱帯雨林と覚えていると思います。ですが、Tropical rainforests や Temperate Rainforests なども存在し、これらの総称がRainforests なので、今回は Rainforests を多雨林、Tropical rainforests を熱帯雨林と訳しています。
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賛成派: 森林保全は多雨林が優先されるべきだ (語数 142 語)
Agree or Disagree: Rainforests should have a priority in forest conservation.
POINTS: Value / Scam
Rainforests should have a priority of conservation efforts as they are more valuable and vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances than other forest types.
Discussion 1
Rainforests in tropical regions or Tropical rainforests are home to approximately 60-80 % of the known world species. Such forests can provide us with superior ecosystem services, without which humans cannot survive. Moreover, rainforests assimilate and store larger quantities of carbon dioxide than other types of forests.
Discussion 2
Extensive areas of the world’s rainforests are in danger of being cleared for palm tree plantations and timber. The world has been trying to preserve them as intact as possible, but countries like Indonesia and Brazil are often keen to grow their economy by exploiting rainforests. Their conservation depends on the regime in each nation.
To sum up, their values and susceptibility make it inevitable to prioritise the conservation of rainforests among any vegetation.
賛成派: 全文(音声付き)
Rainforests should have a priority of conservation efforts as they are more valuable and susceptible to anthropogenic disturbances than other forest types.
Rainforests in tropical regions or Tropical rainforests are home to approximately 60-80 % of the known world species. Such forests can provide us with superior ecosystem services, without which humans cannot survive. Moreover, rainforests assimilate and store larger quantities of carbon dioxide than other types of forests.
Extensive areas of the world’s rainforests are in danger of being cleared for palm tree plantations and timber. The world has been trying to preserve them as intact as possible, but countries like Indonesia and Brazil are often keen to grow their economy by exploiting rainforests. Their conservation depends on the regime in each nation.
To sum up, their values and vulnerability make it inevitable to prioritise the conservation of rainforests among any vegetation.
反対派: 森林保全において多雨林を優先する必要はない (語数 150語)
Agree or Disagree: Rainforests should have a priority in forest conservation.
POINTS: Carbon Credits / Species Richness
It is, in my opinion, unnecessary to prioritise rainforests in conservation as the highlighted importance of rainforests may attract carbon credit fraud. Also, other types of forests are often as valuable as rainforests from different perspectives.
Discussion 1
The world has recently experienced several scams associated with rainforest carbon credits. Many leading companies purchased carbon credits to offset their carbon footprint, but the payments were not utilised for the conservation of the rainforest, possibly exacerbating global warming. Such fraud may have stemmed from concentrated conservation efforts on rainforests.
Discussion 2
Vegetation other than rainforests is also valuable, supporting many endangered or endemic species. In addition, some dormant species, some of which have allegedly gone extinct, may be rediscovered outside rainforests when the optimum conditions arrive for these species.
In short, other vegetation is as vital as rainforests, and a conservation priority for rainforests may bring about unintended consequences. It is, therefore, unnecessary to prioritise rainforests in conservation.
反対派: 全文(音声付き)
It is, in my opinion, unnecessary to prioritise rainforests in conservation as the highlighted importance of rainforests may attract carbon credit fraud. Also, other types of forests are often as valuable as rainforests from different perspectives.
The world has recently experienced several scams associated with rainforest carbon credits. Many leading companies purchased carbon credits to offset their carbon footprint, but the payments were not utilised for the conservation of the rainforest, possibly exacerbating global warming. Such fraud may have stemmed from concentrated conservation efforts on rainforests.
Vegetation other than rainforests is also valuable, supporting many endangered or endemic species. In addition, some dormant species, some of which have allegedly gone extinct, may be rediscovered outside rainforests when the optimum conditions arrive for these species.
In short, other vegetation is as vital as rainforests, and a conservation priority for rainforests may bring about unintended consequences. It is, therefore, unnecessary to prioritise rainforests in conservation.
最新版【準1級 文で覚える単熟語】に掲載されている中で今回使用した単語や熟語リスト
anthropogenic (anthropology), allegedly (allege), highlighted (highlight), associated (associate), fraud, extinct, extensive, ecosystem, exploit, perspective, prioritise, stem, superb, vegetation, utilise, turbulence (turbulent), payment, be vulnerable to, bring about