TOPIC: Should elementary schools ban the use of leather school backpacks?
POINTS: Health / Additional weight / Tradition / Financial burden
昔はランドセルは赤色(女子用)と黒色 (男子用)しかありませんでしたが、今では様々な色のランドセルがあります。性別に捕らわれることなく自由に好きな色のランドセルを選べるようになりました。
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Lightweight school backpacks in spotlight in Japan
賛成派:小学校はランドセルの使用を禁止すべきだ(語数 146 語)
TOPIC: Should schools ban the use of leather school backpacks?
POINTS: Health / Financial burden
In my opinion, elementary schools should ban the use of leather backpacks, as this type of school bag is likely to pose problems, including physical and financial burdens.
・ランドセルと言う言葉は、旅行鞄を意味するドイツ語のランツェンからランドセルに発音が変化したと言われています。ですから、ランドセルを英語で表現するには leather backpacks や elementary school bags などと言うしかないのかな、と思います。
・pose issues /threats / a danger なども頻出の表現です。cause problems の代替として覚えておきましょう。
Discussion 1
School bags made of leather are too heavy for small children to carry. It has been reported that many school children throughout Japan are suffering from physical pain and stiff necks. These health issues have, in some cases, led to absences from school.
・イントロで用いたランドセルを表現するのと違う言い方として、過去分詞の made を用い革製の学校鞄としました。色んなバリエーションで表現できると良いですね。
・日本語を読むと、There are some cases…….と訳したくなってしまうかもしれませんが、回りくどいというか、理解しづらい表現になってしまうと思います。
Discussion 2
Each household has to spend a lot of money all at once when their children enter school. Buying a leather school bag could be an extra financial burden for some families. While the use of such bags is not a rule in any schools, mob mentality makes parents purchase them for their children in Japan.
・もちろん、family でもOKですが、バリエーションとして使用すると良いと思います。
・in one go という表現も出来ますが、エッセイで使用するにはちょっとカジュアルかもしれません。他の文のトーンに合わせて、all at once とした方が無難でしょう。また、in one sitting という表現もありますが、一気に読んだり・食べたりする時に用いられている気がします。
・いわゆる、「大多数の人と同じ事をしていれば安心」という事ですね。因みに、オーストラリアでは、a mob of kangaroos とか、a mob of emus という人もいます。多分、オージーならでは表現かと思います。
In conclusion, to overcome the health problems and financial pressures caused by leather school bags, elementary schools should ban their use.
・イントロでは physical and financial burdens と書きました。可能であれば同じ表現は避けましょう。
賛成派:全文 (音声付き)
In my opinion, elementary schools should ban the use of leather backpacks as this type of school bag is likely to pose problems, including physical and financial burdens.
School bags made of leather are too heavy for small children to carry. It has been reported that many school children throughout Japan are suffering from physical pain and stiff necks. These health issues have, in some cases, led to absences from school.
Each household has to spend a lot of money all at once when their children enter school. Buying a leather school bag could be an extra financial burden for some families. While the use of such bags is not a rule in any schools, mob mentality makes parents buy them for their children in Japan.
In conclusion, to overcome the health problems and financial pressures caused by leather school bags, elementary schools should ban their use.

反対派:小学校はランドセルの使用を禁止しなくてよい(語数 154語)
TOPIC: Should elementary schools ban the use of leather school backpacks?
POINTS: Additional weight / Tradition
From my standpoint, elementary schools shouldn’t ban the use of leather backpacks. In the first place, schools have never forced students to use them. Besides, leather backpacks are unfairly blamed for children’s health issues.
Discussion 1
No elementary schools have ever had such a rule that school kids must use leather backpacks. Nevertheless, every student does so as they wish. They look forward to entering school in brand new uniforms with a fresh leather backpack.
・どちらも新品とか真新しいという意味ですね。fresh は、I am going to get a fresh coffee. Do you want me to get one for you too? などと使う時は、冷めてしまったコーヒーでなく、”煎れたて”や”入れたて”を意味します。
Discussion 2
Some people argue that leather backpacks are physically damaging to children. Certainly, leather bags are undoubtedly heavy, compared to bags made of other materials. However, considering what today’s children have to bring to school, including unprecedentedly thicker textbooks and tablet computers, the use of leather backpacks is not solely responsible for their health problems.
・「疑いようもない」を英作すると、there is no doubt that ….. と書きたくなるかもしれませんが、副詞を上手く使用するテクも覚えましょう。
・ever thicker とも言えますが、語彙力の見せ所です。もっとも、unprecedentedly はニュースで頻出の単語ですが。
・口語では、fatter などとも言えますね。
・イントロの be unfairly blamed for の言い換えですね。
In conclusion, schools should allow students to leave some textbooks at school instead of banning the use of leather backpacks to protect the tradition and children’s health.
・本当は、本文で議論していない意見を入れるのは、エッセイでは御法度なんですが、いかんせん英検の英作文は語数が少ないので大丈夫かな??? オフィシャル問題の解答例のボディにも、moreover や furthermore を用い、詳しい説明のない完全に新しいアイデアを入れてあることもあるので(これはILETSやTOEFLでは御法度)。
反対派:全文 (音声付き)
From my standpoint, elementary schools shouldn’t ban the use of leather backpacks. In the first place, schools have never forced students to use them. Besides, leather backpacks are unfairly blamed for children’s health issues.
No elementary schools have ever had such a rule that school kids must use leather backpacks. Nevertheless, every student does so as they wish. They look forward to entering school in brand new uniforms with a fresh leather backpack.
Some people argue that leather backpacks are physically damaging to children. Certainly, leather bags are undoubtedly heavy, compared to bags made of other materials. However, considering what today’s children have to bring to school, including unprecedentedly thicker textbooks and tablet computers, the use of leather backpacks is not solely responsible for their health problems.
In conclusion, schools should allow students to leave some textbooks at school instead of banning the use of leather backpacks to protect the tradition and children’s health.