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  1. What can individuals do to combat climate change?
  2. Is it possible to achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection?
  3. Should countries be required to reduce their carbon emissions?
  4. How can renewable energy sources help in reducing pollution?
  5. What are the consequences of deforestation on global biodiversity?
  1. 個人が気候変動に対してできることは何ですか?
  2. 経済成長と環境保護のバランスを取ることは可能ですか?
  3. 各国は二酸化炭素排出量を削減すべきですか?
  4. 再生可能エネルギー源はどのようにして汚染の削減に役立ちますか?
  5. 森林伐採が世界の生物多様性に与える影響は何ですか?






What can individuals do to combat climate change?



Individual Efforts

  • Personal lifestyle changes: Adjusting daily habits, such as reducing energy consumption (エネルギー消費の削減) and adopting sustainable practices (持続可能な慣行の採用).
  • Raising awareness: Sharing information on climate change (気候変動に関する情報を共有).

Perspective: While individual efforts are essential, their impact may be incremental compared to systemic changes.

Group/Organizational Efforts

  • Corporate responsibility: Implementing sustainable supply chains (持続可能なサプライチェーン).
  • Community initiatives: Local clean-up campaigns (地域のクリーンアップキャンペーン).

Governmental Efforts

  • Policy and regulation: Enforcing emissions limits (排出制限の施行) and subsidizing renewable energy (再生可能エネルギーへの補助金).

Perspective: Governments have the capacity to enforce policies that drive significant change across society.


  1. エネルギー消費の削減:省エネ家電の使用や、無駄な電力の消費を減らすことで個人のカーボンフットプリントを削減できる。
  2. 持続可能な交通手段:公共交通機関、自転車、徒歩を利用することで、化石燃料の消費を抑えられる。
  3. 消費行動の見直し:プラスチックの削減、リサイクル、地元で生産された食料品の購入で環境への負荷を軽減。

What Can Individuals Do to Combat Climate Change?

I believe individuals can play a significant role in combating climate change by making simple changes in their daily lives. One way is by reducing energy consumption. People can use energy-efficient appliances, turn off lights when not needed, and lower their heating or air conditioning to save electricity. These small actions can add up and reduce each person’s carbon footprint.

Another effective measure is choosing sustainable transportation options. Instead of driving cars, individuals can use public transportation, ride bikes, or even walk when possible. This reduces the reliance on fossil fuels, which are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Carpooling or switching to electric vehicles can also make a difference.

Finally, individuals can rethink their consumption habits. Reducing plastic waste, recycling more, and buying locally-produced food can help lower the environmental impact. Every person’s effort counts, and by adopting greener habits, we can collectively make a significant difference in the fight against climate change. (155 words)






  • アドバイス: 試験では、具体例自身の見解を組み合わせることで、深みのある回答が可能です。


Is It Possible to Achieve a Balance Between Economic Growth and Environmental Protection?






  1. Technological Innovation:技術革新
    Through technological innovations, such as the development of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, it is possible to achieve both economic growth and environmental protection. These technologies can reduce the environmental impact of industries while driving growth.
  2. Green Economy:グリーン経済
    By adopting green business models and transitioning to a sustainable economy, countries can grow economically while protecting the environment. Investment in eco-friendly businesses and industries creates jobs and stimulates economic development, without causing environmental degradation.
  3. Government Policy and Regulation: 政府の政策と規制
    Governments can implement regulations that limit environmental harm while providing incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable practices. These policies ensure that economic activities continue without compromising environmental health, creating a balance between growth and sustainability.


  1. Short-Term Economic Priorities: 短期的な経済優先事項
    In many cases, governments and businesses prioritize short-term economic growth over long-term environmental protection. They may invest in industries that are profitable in the short term but cause significant environmental damage, making it difficult to balance both goals.
  2. Cost of Green Technology:グリーン技術のコスト
    Transitioning to environmentally friendly technologies can be costly, and not all countries or businesses can afford these investments. This financial barrier often prevents widespread adoption of green solutions, hindering the balance between economic growth and environmental protection.
  3. Resource Dependency:資源依存
    Many economies rely heavily on industries such as fossil fuels, mining, and deforestation for their economic stability. Transitioning away from these industries requires significant restructuring, which can result in economic downturns and job losses, making it challenging to achieve a balance.


  • 持続可能な発展:環境に配慮しながら経済成長を促進するための新技術の開発が可能。
  • グリーンビジネスの促進:再生可能エネルギーや環境に配慮したビジネスモデルが経済成長を支える。
  • 規制とインセンティブ:政府が環境保護に関する規制を導入し、同時に企業に対するインセンティブを提供することでバランスを取ることができる。

Is It Possible to Achieve a Balance Between Economic Growth and Environmental Protection?

I believe it is possible to achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, but it requires careful planning and innovation. One approach is to promote sustainable development, where new technologies are developed to support economic growth while minimizing environmental harm. For example, advancements in green energy and eco-friendly production processes can help industries grow without causing significant pollution.

Another solution is to encourage green businesses. Companies that focus on renewable energy, recycling, and sustainable agriculture can contribute to both the economy and the environment. These businesses not only create jobs but also help reduce the carbon footprint of their operations. By supporting such businesses, countries can enjoy economic growth while protecting the planet.

Finally, governments play a crucial role in balancing growth and sustainability. They can implement regulations that limit environmental damage while offering incentives for businesses that adopt eco-friendly practices. In conclusion, with the right policies and innovations, it is possible to grow the economy while safeguarding the environment. (162 words)






  1. 技術革新: 再生可能エネルギーの開発により、環境負荷を軽減しつつ、経済成長を促進できます。
  2. グリーン経済: 持続可能なビジネスモデルやエコフレンドリーな産業への投資が、成長と環境保護を両立させます。

関連キーワード: 再生可能エネルギー、持続可能な発展、グリーン経済


  • 政府の政策: 規制とインセンティブの両立により、持続可能な成長を支援します。
  • 短期 vs. 長期視点: 短期的な経済優先のリスクと、長期的な環境保護の重要性を比較します。

練習問題: 経済と環境のバランスに関する質問を使ってスピーキング練習をしましょう。


Should Countries Be Required to Reduce Their Carbon Emissions



  • 論点 1: 気候変動の影響を抑える 温室効果ガスを削減することで、地球温暖化を遅らせ、自然災害や海面上昇などの深刻なリスクを軽減できます。
  • 論点 2: 国際的な責任 気候変動は国際的な問題であり、特に工業化された国々が協力して排出量を削減する必要があります。パリ協定などの協力は重要です。
  • 論点 3: 経済成長と環境保護の両立 再生可能エネルギーへの投資は、環境保護と経済成長を両立できるため、経済を犠牲にすることなく排出削減が可能です。

学習ポイント: このテーマは、英検1級スピーキング試験で頻出のトピックです。上記の論点を使って、模範解答のスピーキング練習をしてみましょう。

Should Countries Be Required to Reduce Their Carbon Emissions?

I believe that countries should be required to reduce their carbon emissions to combat climate change. One reason is that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential for slowing down the effects of climate change. If countries continue to emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, global temperatures will keep rising, leading to severe consequences such as more frequent natural disasters, rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity.

Another reason is that addressing climate change is a shared global responsibility. All countries, especially the major industrialized nations, must work together to protect the environment. While developing countries may need more support, every country has a role to play in reducing emissions. International cooperation and agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, are crucial in achieving this goal.

Finally, reducing carbon emissions can be balanced with economic growth. Investing in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies can help reduce emissions while promoting sustainable economic development.

In conclusion, requiring countries to reduce carbon emissions is not only necessary for protecting the planet but also achievable without sacrificing economic growth. (174 words)







How Can Renewable Energy Sources Help in Reducing Pollution?


Key Benefits (主な利点)

  1. Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (温室効果ガス排出削減): Renewable energy like wind, solar, and hydro power reduces CO2 emissions.
  2. Decreased Dependence on Fossil Fuels (化石燃料依存の低下): Shifting away from coal and oil reduces air and water pollution.
  3. Sustainable Resource Use (持続可能な資源利用): Renewable energy is infinite, minimizing resource depletion.



Perspectives (観点)

  1. Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (温室効果ガス排出削減)
    • Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower generate electricity without emitting carbon dioxide or other harmful greenhouse gases, which are major contributors to climate change and air pollution.
  2. Decreased Dependence on Fossil Fuels (化石燃料依存の低下)
    • By transitioning to renewable energy, nations can reduce their reliance on coal, oil, and natural gas. These fossil fuels are responsible for significant amounts of air and water pollution, including the release of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.
  3. Improvement in Air Quality and Public Health (空気質と公衆衛生の改善)
    • Switching to clean energy sources helps improve air quality by reducing emissions from burning fossil fuels. Better air quality leads to fewer health problems, such as asthma, respiratory diseases, and premature deaths caused by polluted air.
  4. Sustainable Resource Use and Energy Security (持続可能な資源利用とエネルギー安全保障)
    • Renewable energy is derived from natural, inexhaustible sources. This ensures a sustainable supply of energy while reducing environmental degradation associated with extracting and burning non-renewable resources.
  5. Mitigation of Water and Soil Contamination (水および土壌汚染の軽減)
    • Fossil fuel extraction and usage can contaminate water supplies and degrade soil quality through spills, leaks, and runoff. Renewable energy technologies, in contrast, produce little to no water or soil pollution.


  • 温室効果ガスの排出を削減:再生可能エネルギーは化石燃料に依存せず、CO2の排出を抑える。
  • 化石燃料の使用量を減少:風力、太陽光、水力などが化石燃料の代替として機能し、燃焼による大気汚染を防ぐ。
  • 環境負荷の低減:再生可能エネルギーは持続可能で、資源を枯渇させることなく長期的に利用可能。

How Can Renewable Energy Sources Help in Reducing Pollution?

Renewable energy sources can play a key role in reducing pollution. One of the main benefits is that they do not produce greenhouse gases like fossil fuels. For example, wind, solar, and hydroelectric power generate electricity without releasing carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor to climate change. By switching to renewable energy, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and help slow global warming.

Another way renewable energy helps reduce pollution is by decreasing the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels such as coal and oil not only release carbon dioxide but also other harmful pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which contribute to air and water pollution. Using renewable energy sources reduces the demand for these harmful fuels, leading to cleaner air and water.

Finally, renewable energy sources are more sustainable in the long term. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and depleting, renewable energy comes from natural sources that are continuously replenished. This means we can reduce pollution without depleting the Earth’s resources.

In conclusion, renewable energy is a cleaner, more sustainable option that can help reduce pollution and protect the environment.






What Are the Consequences of Deforestation on Global Biodiversity?


観点 (Perspectives)

  1. Loss of Habitats (生息地の喪失)
    • Deforestation directly leads to the destruction of habitats for countless species, which accelerates the extinction rate, particularly for endemic species that rely on specific forest ecosystems.
  2. Disruption of Ecosystem Services (生態系サービスの破壊)
    • Forests provide critical ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water cycle regulation, and soil stabilization. The loss of these services impacts not only biodiversity but also global climate and human well-being.
  3. Fragmentation and Isolation (断片化と隔離)
    • Deforestation often leads to the fragmentation of ecosystems, isolating populations of species and reducing genetic diversity, which weakens the resilience of ecosystems to environmental changes.
  4. Climate Change Acceleration (気候変動の加速)
    • Forests act as major carbon sinks. Their removal contributes significantly to increased atmospheric CO2 levels, which exacerbates global warming and, in turn, affects the survival of temperature-sensitive species.
  5. Invasive Species and Disease Spread (外来種と病気の拡散)
    • The destruction of native habitats makes ecosystems more vulnerable to invasive species and pathogens, which can further degrade biodiversity and destabilize the natural balance of ecosystems.


  • 生息地の喪失:森林伐採によって、多くの動植物が生息地を失い、絶滅のリスクが高まる。
  • 生態系の破壊:森林が削られると、食物連鎖や生態系全体に影響を及ぼし、環境のバランスが崩れる。
  • 気候変動の悪化:森林は二酸化炭素を吸収する役割を持ち、伐採によって地球温暖化が進行する。

What Are the Consequences of Deforestation on Global Biodiversity

Deforestation has serious consequences for global biodiversity. One of the most significant effects is habitat loss. Forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. When forests are cut down, these species lose their homes, and many face extinction as a result. The destruction of rainforests, in particular, has led to the disappearance of countless species.

Another consequence of deforestation is the disruption of ecosystems. Forests play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by supporting food chains and providing resources for many organisms. When forests are removed, the entire ecosystem is affected, leading to changes in species populations and the breakdown of natural processes.

Finally, deforestation contributes to climate change, which further threatens biodiversity. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, helping to regulate the Earth’s climate. When forests are destroyed, this carbon is released back into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming.

In conclusion, deforestation not only leads to the loss of species but also worsens climate change, creating a vicious cycle that endangers global biodiversity.







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