03 犯罪関連のトピックについて話す

The news of fraud and robbery incidents continues, and I have the impression that Japan is becoming uneasy.


Today, let’s cover basic vocabulary and phrases about crime-related topics.


Do you think Japanese people have enough crime prevention awareness?


賛成:Yes, I think Japanese people have a high level of crime prevention awareness due to the country’s emphasis on safety and security, which is reflected in the low crime rates.


中間In general, Japanese people are known to have a high level of crime prevention awareness due to the country’s low crime rate. However, there is always room for improvement and it is important to continue promoting awareness and education on crime prevention.


反対:I think there is still room for improvement in raising crime prevention awareness among Japanese people, and it would be beneficial to have more education and resources on this topic.




Do you think Japanese companies are doing enough to combat cybercrime?


賛成:Yes, many Japanese companies have been taking steps to prevent cybercrime such as implementing security measures and training employees on how to protect company information. However, there is still room for improvement and vigilance is always necessary to stay ahead of potential cyber threats.


反対:I believe that Japanese companies still have a long way to go in terms of combating cybercrime. There are still many cases of cyber attacks and data breaches that occur, so it’s important for companies to prioritize cybersecurity measures and invest in improving their security systems.



Do you think the government should do more to combat crime in Japan?


賛成:Yes, I believe the government should do more to combat crime in Japan. They could increase police presence in certain areas, implement stricter penalties for certain crimes, and provide more resources for crime prevention programs.


反対:No, I think the government is already doing enough to combat crime in Japan. There are already various measures in place, such as increased police presence and stricter laws.



Do you think crimes targeting the elderly will continue to increase in the future?


可能性はあるが防げる:It’s possible that crimes targeting the elderly may continue to increase in the future, but with increased awareness and prevention measures, we can work to reduce their occurrence and ensure the safety of the elderly population.


増える:Crimes targeting the elderly have been on the rise in Japan due to the country’s rapidly aging population. If this trend continues, it is likely that crimes targeting the elderly will continue to increase in the future unless effective measures are taken to prevent them.




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