02 テクノロジーと暮らしを話す



「インパクト、影響がある」系の表現は、面接試験でよく尋ねられます。「have a big impact on~」「in many ways」など、汎用性のある表現を中心にご紹介します。

また、「messaging, browsing the internet, and even making payments」などの具体例の引き出しも増やしていきましょう。「抽象的なテーマ」に対して、「具体的に返す」事で説得力が増します。

Technology has had a big impact on Japanese people in many ways. For example, smartphones are very popular in Japan, and people use them for many things like messaging, browsing the internet, and even making payments. The internet has also made it easier for people to find information and connect with others.

「In addition(さらに), However(しかしながら)」など、つなぎ言葉もしっかり覚えておきましょう。

テクノロジーで人々の働き方が「どのように変わったのか」を「具体的に(remote work and telecommuting)」表現しましょう。

In addition, technology has changed the way people work in Japan. Many companies have introduced remote work and telecommuting options, which allows people to work from home or anywhere with an internet connection. However, this has also led to concerns about overwork and difficulty in maintaining a work-life balance.

this has also led to concerns about」(これが~の懸念につながっている)の表現も色々なトピックで使えますので、応用して下さいね。

「Overall(概して)」を使って話をまとめましょう。また、「play an ~ role in …(…において~な役割を果たす」は、簡単な表現ですが、~ や … の箇所に入れる語彙のバリエーションを増やすことで説得力のある文章が作れます。

Overall, technology has both positive and negative impacts on Japanese people, and it will continue to play an important role in their daily lives.



How will AI change the world? (Ted Ed 動画)

Can we create the “perfect” farm? – Brent Loken (Ted Ed 動画)

has the potential to(~する可能性がある)」の表現は覚えやすく使いやすいですね。また、「automate certain tasks and make them easier and more efficient(特定のタスクを自動化し、より簡単かつ効率的にする)」は、AIやテクノロジー関連のトピックで汎用的に使えます。具体例として、「such as」で始め、「driving cars or sorting through large amounts of data」の様な分かりやすい例を挙げるのも高得点が狙えます。

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, has the potential to impact people’s lives in various ways. It can help automate certain tasks and make them easier and more efficient, such as driving cars or sorting through large amounts of data.

it may also lead to(~につながる)」の後には「job displacement」の様な「名詞・名詞句」が続く事をしっかり押さえましょう。この場合の to は前置詞です。また、AIに関する懸念点やネガティブな側面についても事前に文章化・発話練習しておくことが重要です。プラス面・マイナス面、両側面の観点から話せるようにしておくことが高得点のカギを握ります。

一般的によく議論されているのが「privacy concerns and bias in decision-making algorithms(プライバシーの懸念と意思決定アルゴリズムにおける偏見)」です。

However, it may also lead to job displacement as machines become better at performing tasks that were previously done by humans. It is important to consider the ethical implications of AI as well, such as privacy concerns and bias in decision-making algorithms.

両側面からの話をする場合、「while A, B(A である一方で Bだ)」の構文は使い勝手がいいですね。早速自分なりの文章を作ってみましょう。

Overall, while AI has the potential to improve our lives in many ways, it is important to carefully consider its impact and use it responsibly.




Students can use AI in various ways to improve their learning and academic performance.

For example:

  1. Personalized Learning(パーソナライズされた学習): AI-powered education platforms can personalize learning for each student based on their learning pace and style.:各学習者のペースやスタイルに合わせたパーソナライズ学習アプリが多数リリースされています。
  2. Homework Help: Students can use AI-powered tools and apps to get help with their homework, including math problems, essay writing, and foreign language translations.(数学やエッセイ、語学学習など、AIが家庭教師の様にサポートしてくれます。
  3. Study Skills: AI-based study tools can help students develop better study habits and skills by analyzing their learning patterns and providing feedback.:AI活用アプリで、自身の学習パターンやフィードバックを客観視・可視化することで、学習習慣やスキルを把握することができます。
  4. Test Preparation: AI-based test preparation tools can provide students with targeted practice questions and personalized study plans to improve their test scores.:AIは、予想問題や苦手分野の問題を出題してくれます。
  5. Virtual Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa can help students manage their schedules, set reminders, and find information quickly. :Siri, Alexaを「学習秘書」のように上手に活用して、スケジュール管理やリマインダー設定などを行いましょう。

AIはまさに「revolutionize the way students learn and study (学生の学習方法に革命を起こす)」ことができる「革命的な」ツールです。

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and study by providing personalized learning experiences and efficient study tools.






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