


Question: Should nuclear power plants be banned?




  1. 分野・トピック毎の観点とキーワードをまとめる
  2. 自分が書きやすい立場・観点で実際に書く
  3. 続いて、先ほどとは反対意見で書いてみる
  4. そのトピックについて実際に誰かと話す、又は1分スピーチをする
  5. 同じ分野で3つくらいの意見論述を作成する

原子力発電観点 (Perspectives)



  1. Energy Security and Reliability (エネルギーの安全保障と信頼性)
    Nuclear power provides a stable, reliable source of energy that can help ensure energy security, especially in countries with limited natural resources.
  2. Environmental Impact and Climate Change (環境への影響と気候変動)
    Nuclear power produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, making it an important tool in combating climate change compared to fossil fuels.
  3. Safety Concerns and Potential Disasters (安全性の懸念と災害の可能性)
    Accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima highlight the potential risks of nuclear power, raising concerns about its safety and long-term environmental damage.
  4. Waste Management and Long-Term Storage (廃棄物管理と長期保存)
    Nuclear energy generates radioactive waste, which poses serious challenges in terms of safe disposal and long-term containment.
  5. Economic Considerations and Alternatives (経済的な考慮事項と代替案)
    Building and maintaining nuclear power plants is expensive, and some argue that investment should be redirected to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.
  6. Technological Advancements and New Solutions (技術の進歩と新たな解決策)
    Advances in nuclear technology, such as safer reactor designs and improved waste management, could mitigate some of the concerns associated with nuclear energy.

キーワード (Keywords)

  1. nuclear energy (原子力エネルギー)
  2. renewable energy (再生可能エネルギー)
  3. energy security (エネルギー安全保障)
  4. greenhouse gas emissions (温室効果ガス排出)
  5. radioactive waste (放射性廃棄物)
  6. nuclear accidents (原子力事故)
  7. waste disposal (廃棄物処理)
  8. energy transition (エネルギー転換)
  9. reactor safety (原子炉の安全性)
  10. sustainable energy (持続可能なエネルギー)

使われそうな動詞 (Verbs)

  1. ban (禁止する)
  2. mitigate (軽減する)
  3. generate (発電する)
  4. regulate (規制する)
  5. invest (投資する)
  6. transition (転換する)
  7. store (保管する)
  8. decommission (廃止する)
  9. innovate (革新する)
  10. safeguard (保護する)

使われそうな形容詞 (Adjectives)

  1. renewable (再生可能な)
  2. reliable (信頼できる)
  3. cost-effective (費用対効果の高い)
  4. environmentally friendly (環境に優しい)
  5. radioactive (放射性の)
  6. catastrophic (壊滅的な)
  7. sustainable (持続可能な)
  8. carbon-neutral (カーボンニュートラルな)
  9. hazardous (危険な)
  10. cutting-edge (最先端の)

使われそうな副詞 (Adverbs)

  1. safely (安全に)
  2. efficiently (効率的に)
  3. sustainably (持続可能に)
  4. responsibly (責任を持って)
  5. cautiously (慎重に)
  6. globally (世界的に)
  7. immediately (即座に)
  8. progressively (段階的に)
  9. securely (安全に)
  10. innovatively (革新的に)

Yes: 原子力発電所は禁止されるべき

Nuclear power plants should be banned due to the serious risks they pose, including potential disasters, radioactive waste management, and the availability of safer alternatives.

First, safety concerns and the risk of catastrophic accidents make nuclear power too dangerous. Incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima demonstrate the severe consequences of nuclear plant failures, which can lead to long-term environmental damage, the displacement of communities, and significant loss of life. These risks are too high, especially in earthquake-prone countries like Japan, where natural disasters can exacerbate the dangers of nuclear power.

Second, nuclear energy generates radioactive waste, which remains hazardous for thousands of years. The safe disposal and long-term storage of this waste are significant challenges, with no completely reliable solution in place. Storing radioactive material poses ongoing risks to both the environment and future generations, making it irresponsible to continue producing more waste without a sustainable method of containment.

Finally, with the development of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, there are safer and cleaner alternatives to nuclear power. These technologies are becoming more efficient and cost-effective, and investing in them would reduce the need for dangerous nuclear plants. Transitioning to renewable energy would eliminate the risks associated with nuclear disasters and radioactive waste while contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

In conclusion, given the safety risks, waste challenges, and the potential of renewable alternatives, nuclear power plants should be banned to ensure a safer and more sustainable future. (243 words)


power plants should be banned due to the serious risks they pose, including
potential disasters, radioactive waste management, and the availability of
safer alternatives.

イントロ: 原子力発電所の禁止を支持する理由

  1. “should be banned”(禁止されるべきである)
    類語: “ought to be prohibited,” “must be outlawed”
  2. “serious risks”(深刻なリスク)
    類語: “severe dangers,” “grave threats”
    反語: “minor risks,” “negligible dangers”

First, safety concerns and the risk of catastrophic accidents make nuclear power too dangerous. Incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima demonstrate the severe consequences of nuclear plant failures, which can lead to long-term environmental damage, the displacement of communities, and significant loss of life. These risks are too high, especially in earthquake-prone countries like Japan, where natural disasters can exacerbate the dangers of nuclear power.

ボディ1: 原子力発電所の安全性に関する懸念

  1. “safety concerns”(安全性の懸念)
    類語: “safety risks,” “security concerns”
    反語: “safety assurances,” “safety guarantees”
  2. “catastrophic accidents”(壊滅的な事故)
    類語: “disastrous accidents,” “devastating incidents”
    反語: “minor accidents,” “trivial incidents”
  3. “displacement of communities”(地域社会の避難)
    類語: “evacuation of communities,” “relocation of residents”
    反語: “resettlement,” “return of communities”
  4. “exacerbate”(悪化させる)
    類語: “worsen,” “aggravate”
    反語: “alleviate,” “improve”

Second, nuclear energy generates radioactive waste, which remains hazardous for thousands of years. The safe disposal and long-term storage of this waste are significant challenges, with no completely reliable solution in place. Storing radioactive material poses ongoing risks to both the environment and future generations, making it irresponsible to continue producing more waste without a sustainable method of containment.

ボディ2: 放射性廃棄物の管理問題

  1. “radioactive waste”(放射性廃棄物)
    類語: “nuclear waste,” “hazardous waste”
    反語: “non-toxic waste,” “biodegradable waste”
  2. “hazardous for thousands of years”(何千年もの間危険である)
    類語: “dangerous,” “risky”
    反語: “safe,” “harmless”
  3. “sustainable method of containment”(持続可能な封じ込め方法)
    類語: “long-term solution for containment,” “environmentally sustainable method”
    反語: “unsustainable method,” “temporary containment”

Finally, with the development of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, there are safer and cleaner alternatives to nuclear power. These technologies are becoming more efficient and cost-effective, and investing in them would reduce the need for dangerous nuclear plants. Transitioning to renewable energy would eliminate the risks associated with nuclear disasters and radioactive waste while contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

ボディ3: 再生可能エネルギーの可能性

  1. “renewable energy sources”(再生可能エネルギー源)
    類語: “sustainable energy sources,” “green energy”
    反語: “non-renewable energy,” “fossil fuels”
  2. “safer and cleaner alternatives”(より安全でクリーンな代替案
    類語: “more secure and environmentally friendly options”
    反語: “riskier and more polluting alternatives”
  3. “investing in them”(それらに投資する)
    類語: “funding them,” “supporting them financially”
    反語: “neglecting investment,” “divesting from”

In conclusion, given the safety risks, waste challenges, and the potential of renewable alternatives, nuclear power plants should be banned to ensure a safer and more sustainable future. (243 words)

結論: 原子力発電所の禁止を支持する理由のまとめ

  1. “given”(~を考慮すると)
    類語: “considering,” “in light of”
    反語: “ignoring,” “disregarding”
  2. ensure a safer and more sustainable future”(より安全で持続可能な未来を確保する
    類語: “guarantee,” “secure”
    反語: “jeopardize,” “endanger”


No: 原子力発電所は禁止しなくてもよい

Nuclear power plants should not be banned because they provide reliable energy, help address climate change, and benefit from technological advancements that improve safety and efficiency.

First, nuclear energy is a crucial source of stable and reliable power. Unlike renewable sources like solar and wind, which depend on weather conditions, nuclear power provides a consistent supply of energy. This reliability is essential for countries with limited natural resources or unpredictable energy demands. Banning nuclear plants would risk energy shortages and increase dependence on fossil fuels, which are far more harmful to the environment.

Second, nuclear power is a vital tool in combating climate change. It produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, making it a clean energy option. As nations strive to reduce their carbon footprints and meet international climate goals, nuclear energy plays a key role in transitioning to low-carbon economies. Banning nuclear power could undermine these efforts and make it harder to reduce global emissions.

Finally, technological advancements in nuclear energy are addressing safety concerns and improving waste management. New reactor designs focus on enhanced safety features, reducing the risk of catastrophic accidents. Additionally, innovative waste management solutions are emerging, offering better long-term containment of radioactive materials.

In conclusion, nuclear power plants should not be banned. Their benefits for energy security, climate change mitigation, and technological improvements outweigh the risks, making nuclear energy a valuable and necessary part of a sustainable energy strategy.  (237 words)


Nuclear power plants should not be banned because they provide reliable energy, help address climate change, and benefit from technological advancements that improve safety and efficiency.


First, nuclear energy is a crucial source of stable and reliable power. Unlike renewable sources like solar and wind, which depend on weather conditions, nuclear power provides a consistent supply of energy. This reliability is essential for countries with limited natural resources or unpredictable energy demands. Banning nuclear plants would risk energy shortages and increase dependence on fossil fuels, which are far more harmful to the environment.


  1. “stable and reliable power”(安定した信頼性の高い電力)
    類語: “consistent and dependable energy,” “steady and trustworthy power”
    反語: “unstable and unreliable power”
  2. depend on weather conditions”(天候条件に依存する)
    類語: “rely on weather patterns,” “be subject to weather conditions”
    反語: “independent of weather conditions”
  3. “energy shortages”(エネルギー不足)
    類語: “power deficit,” “energy scarcity”
    反語: “energy surplus,” “abundance of energy”
  4. “increase dependence on fossil fuels”(化石燃料への依存を高める)
    類語: “heighten reliance on,” “amplify dependence on”
    反語: “reduce reliance on,” “decrease dependence on”

Second, nuclear power is a vital tool in combating climate change. It produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, making it a clean energy option. As nations strive to reduce their carbon footprints and meet international climate goals, nuclear energy plays a key role in transitioning to low-carbon economies. Banning nuclear power could undermine these efforts and make it harder to reduce global emissions.


  1. “vital tool”(重要な手段)
    類語: “crucial instrument,” “essential resource”
    反語: “insignificant tool,” “non-essential resource”
  2. “minimal greenhouse gas emissions”(最小限の温室効果ガス排出)
    類語: “negligible emissions,” “low carbon emissions”
    反語: “high greenhouse gas emissions,” “significant carbon emissions”
  3. “reduce their carbon footprints”(カーボンフットプリントを削減する)
    類語: “lower their emissions,” “decrease carbon impact”
    反語: “increase their carbon footprints,” “amplify emissions”
  4. “low-carbon economies”(低炭素経済)
    類語: “sustainable economies,” “green economies”
    反語: “high-carbon economies,” “carbon-intensive economies”

Finally, technological advancements in nuclear energy are addressing safety concerns and improving waste management. New reactor designs focus on enhanced safety features, reducing the risk of catastrophic accidents. Additionally, innovative waste management solutions are emerging, offering better long-term containment of radioactive materials.


  1. “technological advancements”(技術進歩)
    類語: “technological progress,” “innovation”
    反語: “technological stagnation,” “lack of progress”
  2. “enhanced safety features”(強化された安全機能)
    類語: “improved safety measures,” “advanced safety mechanisms”
    反語: “weakened safety features,” “inferior safety measures”
  3. “reduce the risk of catastrophic accidents”(壊滅的な事故のリスクを減らす)
    類語: “lower the risk,” “mitigate the danger”
    反語: “increase the risk,” “heighten the danger”
  4. “innovative waste management solutions”(革新的な廃棄物管理ソリューション)
    類語: “cutting-edge disposal methods,” “advanced waste handling techniques”
    反語: “outdated waste management solutions,” “inefficient disposal methods”

In conclusion, nuclear power plants should not be banned. Their benefits for energy security, climate change mitigation, and technological improvements outweigh the risks, making nuclear energy a valuable and necessary part of a sustainable energy strategy. (237 words)


  1. “outweigh”(上回る)
    類語: “surpass,” “exceed”
    反語: “fall short of,” “be outweighed by”
  2. “energy security”(エネルギー安全保障)
    類語: “energy stability,” “energy supply reliability”
    反語: “energy insecurity,” “energy vulnerability”
  3. “mitigation”(緩和)
    類語: “reduction,” “alleviation”
    反語: “aggravation,” “worsening”
  4. “valuable and necessary part”(貴重かつ必要な部分)
    類語: “crucial and indispensable component,” “essential and irreplaceable part”
    反語: “unimportant and unnecessary part,” “trivial and dispensable”


学習振り返りコラム: 原子力発電所の禁止に関する賛成意見・反対意見







  1. 多角的な視点の理解
  • 両方の立場を比較することで、エネルギー政策には様々な要素が関係していることを学びました。環境問題、安全性、経済性、そして技術進歩の観点をバランスよく考慮する必要があることがわかります。
  1. 語彙の強化
  • “reliable power”(信頼性の高い電力)、“greenhouse gas emissions”(温室効果ガスの排出)など、エネルギーや環境問題に関する重要な語彙が頻出しました。類語や反語を学ぶことで、論述における表現の幅が広がりました。
  1. 文法の実践的活用
  • “should be banned”(禁止されるべき)、“depend on”(~に依存する)などの文法表現が、強い意見を述べる際や論点を明確にするために効果的に使われていました。これらの熟語や助動詞を使いこなすことで、意見の説得力を高めることができます。
  1. 論理的思考の養成
  • それぞれの意見がどのような論理に基づいて構築されているかを分析することは、論述力の向上に役立ちます。賛成意見がリスクと環境を重視する一方、反対意見がエネルギーの安定性と技術進歩に重点を置いている点は、論理的に意見を展開する際の参考になります。




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