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  7. スピーチ(2分間):概ね180〜240語(話すスピードによって異なる)
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  4. カテゴリー別に話せる様になったら本番形式(トピックが混ざったカード)でトレーニングを行う




  1. What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?
  2. How can society better integrate immigrants?
  3. What impact does social media have on communication skills?
  4. Is it possible to achieve gender equality in modern society?
  5. What role does volunteer work play in building stronger communities?
  1. 職場における多様性の利点は何ですか?
  2. 社会は移民をどのようにうまく統合できるでしょうか?
  3. ソーシャルメディアはコミュニケーションスキルにどのような影響を与えますか?
  4. 現代社会で男女平等を実現することは可能ですか?
  5. ボランティア活動は、より強いコミュニティを作る上でどのような役割を果たしますか?

質問 1: What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?




  • イノベーションの促進:多様なバックグラウンドや視点を持つ人々が集まることで、新しいアイデアや創造的な解決策が生まれやすくなる。
  • 問題解決力の向上:異なる経験やスキルセットを持つチームは、より柔軟で効果的な問題解決が可能になる。
  • 従業員の満足度とモチベーションの向上:多様性を尊重する職場環境は、従業員が自己の価値を認められ、働きやすいと感じるため、モチベーションが向上する。

What Are the Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace?

I believe that diversity in the workplace brings numerous benefits, especially in terms of innovation and problem-solving.

One of the key advantages is that diverse teams bring together people from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. This variety of perspectives encourages creativity and innovation, as team members approach challenges in unique ways and propose new ideas that might not arise in a more homogeneous group.

Another benefit of workplace diversity is its positive impact on problem-solving. A team with a wide range of skills and experiences can tackle problems from multiple angles, leading to more effective and well-rounded solutions. This can help companies remain competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.

Lastly, diversity in the workplace enhances employee satisfaction and motivation. When employees feel that their unique identities and perspectives are valued, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. This leads to higher morale and increased productivity.

In conclusion, diversity promotes innovation, improves problem-solving, and boosts employee motivation, making it a crucial element for successful organizations. (170 words)







質問 2: How can society better integrate immigrants?




  • 教育と言語支援:移民が地域社会に適応するためには、言語教育や現地の習慣に関する支援が不可欠である。
  • 雇用機会の提供:移民に適切な雇用機会を提供することで、経済的な自立を促進し、社会への貢献を促すことができる。
  • 文化交流とコミュニティ参加:移民と現地住民との間の文化的な理解を深めるために、文化交流やコミュニティ活動への参加を奨励することが重要。

How Can Society Better Integrate Immigrants?

I believe that society can better integrate immigrants by focusing on education, employment opportunities, and cultural exchange.

First, language education is crucial. Providing immigrants with access to language classes and educational programs helps them overcome communication barriers and understand the local culture. This not only allows them to function more effectively in society but also enhances their sense of belonging.

Second, offering immigrants meaningful employment opportunities is essential for their economic independence and integration. Governments and organizations should create programs that connect immigrants with jobs that match their skills and qualifications. By doing so, immigrants can contribute to the local economy and feel valued as part of society.

Finally, promoting cultural exchange and encouraging participation in community activities can bridge the gap between immigrants and local residents. Cultural festivals, social events, and volunteer opportunities provide a platform for both groups to learn from one another, fostering mutual understanding and reducing prejudice.

In conclusion, society can better integrate immigrants by providing language support, offering employment opportunities, and encouraging cultural exchange, ultimately building a more inclusive community. (175 words)







質問 3: What impact does social media have on communication skills?




  • プラスの影響:ソーシャルメディアは、人々が世界中とつながる機会を増やし、異なる文化や視点を理解する助けとなる。情報共有の速度や範囲が広がり、特に若者にとってはデジタルコミュニケーションスキルが向上する可能性がある。
  • マイナスの影響:一方で、短縮されたメッセージや表面的な会話が主流となり、対面での深いコミュニケーション能力が損なわれるリスクがある。文法や礼儀に対する注意も低下し、直接的なやりとりにおけるスキルが衰える可能性がある。
  • バランスの必要性:デジタルコミュニケーションスキルを育成しつつ、対面でのコミュニケーション能力を維持・強化するためのバランスが必要。

What Impact Does Social Media Have on Communication Skills?

I believe that social media has both positive and negative impacts on communication skills.

On the positive side, social media platforms allow people to connect with others from around the world, facilitating cross-cultural communication. This exposure to diverse perspectives can help individuals develop a broader understanding of global issues and improve their digital communication skills, such as writing concisely and effectively in a fast-paced environment.

However, social media also has some negative effects. The use of short, informal messages on platforms like Twitter and Instagram may lead to a decline in formal communication skills. People often rely on abbreviations, emojis, and brief comments, which can diminish their ability to engage in meaningful, in-depth conversations. Additionally, face-to-face communication skills, such as active listening and maintaining eye contact, may suffer as people spend more time communicating online.

In conclusion, while social media offers new ways to connect and share information, it can also erode important communication skills if not balanced with real-life interactions. It is important to use social media mindfully, ensuring that it enhances rather than replaces traditional communication methods. (179 words)






質問 4: Is it possible to achieve gender equality in modern society?




  • 進展:教育や労働環境での男女平等に向けた取り組みが進んでおり、社会全体で男女平等が徐々に浸透しつつある。
  • 残る課題:ジェンダーに基づく固定観念や職場での賃金格差、育児や家事の負担が女性に偏っている現状があるため、さらなる努力が必要。
  • 改善のためのアプローチ:法的な整備、教育の強化、企業でのダイバーシティ推進などの具体的な対策が有効。

Is It Possible to Achieve Gender Equality in Modern Society?

I believe that achieving gender equality in modern society is possible, but it requires continued effort and commitment from both individuals and institutions. Over the past decades, significant progress has been made in terms of equal opportunities in education and the workplace. Many countries have implemented laws to prevent gender-based discrimination, and awareness of gender equality issues has grown globally.

However, there are still many challenges to overcome. Gender stereotypes continue to persist, and in many industries, women still earn less than men for the same work. Additionally, women often face greater expectations regarding childcare and household responsibilities, which can limit their career advancement. These barriers must be addressed to create a more equal society.

To achieve true gender equality, we need to continue improving laws and policies, promoting diversity in the workplace, and educating people about gender issues from an early age. With sustained efforts in these areas, I believe that gender equality can be fully realized in the future.

In conclusion, while there has been significant progress, there is still a long way to go before gender equality is fully achieved. (183 words)






質問 5: What role does volunteer work play in building stronger communities?




  • 社会的結束の促進:ボランティア活動を通じて、人々が協力し合う機会が増え、地域の連帯感が強まる。
  • 地域のニーズへの対応:ボランティアは、地域社会が抱える課題に直接的に対応し、住民の生活の質を向上させる。
  • 個々の成長とスキルの習得:ボランティア活動は、参加者が新しいスキルを習得し、自己成長の機会を得ることで、地域にとって有益な人材を育てる。

What Role Does Volunteer Work Play in Building Stronger Communities?

I believe that volunteer work plays a crucial role in building stronger communities by promoting social cohesion, addressing local needs, and fostering personal growth. One of the key benefits of volunteer work is that it encourages people to collaborate and work together toward common goals. This sense of cooperation helps create stronger bonds within the community, as individuals come together to contribute their time and effort to help others.

In addition, volunteer work directly addresses the specific needs of a community. Whether it’s helping with local clean-up efforts, supporting underprivileged groups, or providing educational services, volunteers can make a tangible impact on improving the quality of life for residents. By addressing these challenges, communities become more resilient and better equipped to face future issues.

Finally, volunteer work offers opportunities for personal growth. Volunteers often acquire new skills, build confidence, and gain a sense of purpose through their work. This not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the overall strength of the community by cultivating motivated and capable citizens. In conclusion, volunteer work plays an essential role in creating stronger, more connected communities by fostering collaboration, addressing local challenges, and promoting individual development. (194 words)





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