



  1. 長文を読む「結局、何の話?」と思いつつ、一般化・抽象化しながら読む
  2. 見比べる:長文と要約文を見比べながら、言い換え感覚をつかむ
  3. 自主トレ:長文に戻って自分で要約してみる
  4. 内容を話して定着:話そうとすることで「まとめる脳」が育つ



The human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the microbiome, which play a vital role in our health. While much attention has been given to the bacteria in the microbiome, less is known about the equally important viruses living alongside them. These viruses, known as bacteriophages or simply phages, specifically infect and influence bacteria, shaping the delicate balance of the gut ecosystem. Scientists have begun to explore this “hidden kingdom” of viruses, revealing their crucial role as a kind of “dance partner” to the microbiome.

Phages work by infecting bacteria and either destroying them or integrating into their genetic material, which affects how bacteria function and interact with their human host. This process can influence everything from digestion to immune system regulation. In fact, phages may help control harmful bacteria, preventing infections and contributing to a healthier gut environment. By targeting specific bacteria, phages could offer a more precise method of maintaining gut health compared to traditional approaches like antibiotics, which often wipe out both good and bad bacteria.

Recent research has highlighted the complex and dynamic relationship between phages and bacteria, suggesting that they co-evolve in a constant dance of survival. As bacteria develop defenses against phages, the viruses adapt, creating an ongoing arms race that shapes the overall composition and function of the gut microbiome. This delicate balance may have profound implications for understanding diseases linked to gut health, such as obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and even mental health disorders like depression.

In conclusion, the discovery of the intricate role viruses play in the gut microbiome opens up new possibilities for understanding and treating various health conditions. By examining this hidden viral kingdom, researchers hope to unlock new therapies that could promote a healthier, more balanced microbiome and, ultimately, improve overall health. (298 words)







The human gut hosts a complex microbiome made up of trillions of microorganisms vital to our health. While much focus has been on bacteria, viruses called bacteriophages (phages) that infect these bacteria are equally important. Phages either destroy bacteria or alter their genetic material, affecting digestion, immunity, and overall gut function. By controlling harmful bacteria, phages could offer a more targeted solution for maintaining gut health than antibiotics, which affect both good and bad bacteria. The ongoing evolution between phages and bacteria helps maintain a balanced microbiome, impacting conditions like obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and mental health disorders. (98 words)





“The human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the microbiome, which play a vital role in our health. While much attention has been given to the bacteria in the microbiome, less is known about the equally important viruses living alongside them. These viruses, known as bacteriophages or simply phages, specifically infect and influence bacteria, shaping the delicate balance of the gut ecosystem. Scientists have begun to explore this ‘hidden kingdom’ of viruses, revealing their crucial role as a kind of ‘dance partner’ to the microbiome.”


“The human gut hosts a complex microbiome made up of trillions of microorganisms vital to our health. While much focus has been on bacteria, viruses called bacteriophages (phages) that infect these bacteria are equally important.”


  • 「microbiome」や「microorganisms」の保持
    原文の「microbiome(腸内細菌群)」や「trillions of microorganisms(数兆の微生物)」といった専門用語は要約文でも使われ、意味が保たれています。これらは文章の中心的な概念であり、要約でも正確に反映されています。
  • 「less is known about the equally important viruses」→「viruses called bacteriophages (phages) that infect these bacteria are equally important」
    原文の「ウイルスに関する知識が少ない」という内容が、「bacteriophages(バクテリオファージ)」という具体的な名前を紹介しつつ、「equally important(同様に重要)」として要約されています。原文の意味はしっかりと保持されていますが、より簡潔に表現されています。
  • 全体的な簡略化
    原文の後半の「Scientists have begun to explore this ‘hidden kingdom’」などの細かい説明が省略されていますが、主要なメッセージである「バクテリオファージが重要である」という点は要約にしっかりと反映されています。


“Phages work by infecting bacteria and either destroying them or integrating into their genetic material, which affects how bacteria function and interact with their human host. This process can influence everything from digestion to immune system regulation. In fact, phages may help control harmful bacteria, preventing infections and contributing to a healthier gut environment. By targeting specific bacteria, phages could offer a more precise method of maintaining gut health compared to traditional approaches like antibiotics, which often wipe out both good and bad bacteria.”


“Phages either destroy bacteria or alter their genetic material, affecting digestion, immunity, and overall gut function. By controlling harmful bacteria, phages could offer a more targeted solution for maintaining gut health than antibiotics, which affect both good and bad bacteria.”


  • 「destroying bacteria or integrating into their genetic material」→「destroy bacteria or alter their genetic material」
    原文では「destroying them(破壊する)」と「integrating into their genetic material(遺伝物質に組み込む)」と2つの作用が説明されていますが、要約文では「alter their genetic material(遺伝物質を変化させる)」と簡潔にまとめられています。同じ意味を保持しつつ、短縮されています。
  • 「affects how bacteria function and interact with their human host」→「affecting digestion, immunity, and overall gut function」
  • 「antibiotics, which often wipe out both good and bad bacteria」→「antibiotics, which affect both good and bad bacteria」


“Recent research has highlighted the complex and dynamic relationship between phages and bacteria, suggesting that they co-evolve in a constant dance of survival. As bacteria develop defenses against phages, the viruses adapt, creating an ongoing arms race that shapes the overall composition and function of the gut microbiome. This delicate balance may have profound implications for understanding diseases linked to gut health, such as obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and even mental health disorders like depression.”


“The ongoing evolution between phages and bacteria helps maintain a balanced microbiome, impacting conditions like obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and mental health disorders.”


  • 「complex and dynamic relationship between phages and bacteria」→「ongoing evolution between phages and bacteria」
    原文の「複雑で動的な関係」という表現が、要約文では「ongoing evolution(継続的な進化)」に簡略化されています。これは、両者が絶え間なく進化しているという点に焦点を当てた表現です。
  • 「co-evolve in a constant dance of survival」→省略
    原文の「生存をかけた絶え間ない共進化(constant dance of survival)」という比喩的な表現は、要約文では省略されていますが、要約全体の意味には影響を与えていません。主要な情報である「進化による微生物バランスの維持」が保たれています。
  • 「implications for understanding diseases linked to gut health」→「impacting conditions like obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and mental health disorders」


“In conclusion, the discovery of the intricate role viruses play in the gut microbiome opens up new possibilities for understanding and treating various health conditions. By examining this hidden viral kingdom, researchers hope to unlock new therapies that could promote a healthier, more balanced microbiome and, ultimately, improve overall health.”


“The ongoing evolution between phages and bacteria helps maintain a balanced microbiome, impacting conditions like obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and mental health disorders.”


  • 「discovery of the intricate role viruses play」→省略
  • 「unlock new therapies」→省略



  1. 「trillions of microorganisms」
    「complex microbiome made up of trillions of microorganisms」
  2. 「less is known about the equally important viruses」
    「viruses… are equally important」
    • 「あまり知られていない」という部分が省略され、「重要であること」に焦点が当たっています。
  3. 「destroying them or integrating into their genetic material」
    「destroy bacteria or alter their genetic material」
    • 「細菌の破壊」または「遺伝物質への統合」が「遺伝物質を変える」と簡略化されています。
  4. 「complex and dynamic relationship」
    「ongoing evolution」
    • 「複雑で動的な関係」が「進化」に言い換えられ、より短くなっています。
  5. 「understanding diseases linked to gut health」
    「impacting conditions like obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and mental health disorders」




英検1級トピック探しにおススメのサイト:Britanica ProCon.org


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