



  1. 長文を読む「結局、何の話?」と思いつつ、一般化・抽象化しながら読む
  2. 見比べる:長文と要約文を見比べながら、言い換え感覚をつかむ
  3. 自主トレ:長文に戻って自分で要約してみる
  4. 内容を話して定着:話そうとすることで「まとめる脳」が育つ



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Elanco Animal Health’s new treatment for canine skin diseases, marking a significant advancement in veterinary medicine. This approval addresses a common issue for many dogs: chronic skin conditions, such as allergic dermatitis, which cause symptoms like persistent itching, redness, and inflammation. These diseases not only make dogs uncomfortable but can also lead to infections, hair loss, and a lower quality of life if untreated.

Elanco’s new treatment targets the underlying causes of skin conditions, focusing on immune responses and inflammation, rather than just alleviating symptoms. Traditional treatments like corticosteroids and antihistamines often provide temporary relief but can cause side effects, especially with long-term use. Elanco’s therapy represents a more advanced approach, aiming to offer more effective and lasting results for dogs suffering from these chronic conditions.

Skin diseases are one of the most common reasons for veterinary visits, with allergic dermatitis being particularly widespread. Triggers include food allergies, environmental allergens like pollen and dust mites, and flea bites. Managing these triggers can be complex, and previous treatments often involved trial and error, frustrating pet owners and veterinarians. Elanco’s solution brings hope for a more reliable approach to treating these persistent issues.

The FDA’s approval of this treatment reflects a broader trend in veterinary medicine, where the focus is shifting to innovative, targeted therapies that minimize side effects and offer better outcomes. For pet owners, this new option could mean a significant improvement in their dog’s well-being, reducing discomfort and health risks associated with skin diseases.

In conclusion, Elanco’s new treatment provides a promising solution for dogs suffering from skin conditions, giving veterinarians and pet owners a much-needed tool to manage and treat these chronic issues more effectively. (300 words)

canine = 「dog」は最も一般的に使われ、「canine」は専門的な文脈で使われます
allergic dermatitis = アレルギー性皮膚炎
corticosteroids = コルチコステロイドは、コルチゾールと同じ作用をもつように合成されたものです。 コルチゾールは副腎の外側の層(皮質[cortex])で分泌されるステロイドホルモンです。
antihistamines = 抗ヒスタミン薬








The FDA approved a new treatment by Elanco Animal Health to address chronic skin conditions in dogs, such as allergic dermatitis. These conditions cause itching, inflammation, and discomfort, often leading to infections and hair loss if untreated. Traditional treatments like corticosteroids offer temporary relief but can cause side effects with long-term use. Elanco’s new solution targets the immune response and inflammation, providing a more effective and lasting approach. This advancement highlights a shift in veterinary medicine toward safer, targeted therapies that improve pets’ health and well-being. The approval offers hope for better management of persistent skin issues in dogs.





“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Elanco Animal Health’s new treatment for canine skin diseases, marking a significant advancement in veterinary medicine. This approval addresses a common issue for many dogs: chronic skin conditions, such as allergic dermatitis, which cause symptoms like persistent itching, redness, and inflammation. These diseases not only make dogs uncomfortable but can also lead to infections, hair loss, and a lower quality of life if untreated.”


“The FDA approved a new treatment by Elanco Animal Health to address chronic skin conditions in dogs, such as allergic dermatitis. These conditions cause itching, inflammation, and discomfort, often leading to infections and hair loss if untreated.”


  • FDA承認の内容
    原文では「significant advancement in veterinary medicine(獣医療の重要な進展)」という表現でFDAの承認が強調されていますが、要約文では「new treatment by Elanco Animal Health」として簡潔に説明されています。進展に関する詳細は省略されていますが、治療法が承認されたことはしっかり伝わっています。
  • 症状の具体例
    原文の「persistent itching, redness, and inflammation(持続的なかゆみ、赤み、炎症)」が要約文では「itching, inflammation, and discomfort(かゆみ、炎症、不快感)」とまとめられています。「discomfort(不快感)」という広義の表現が使われ、少し簡略化されていますが、全体的な症状は正確に反映されています。
  • 病気の悪化による結果
    原文の「lead to infections, hair loss, and a lower quality of life if untreated(治療しないと感染症、脱毛、生活の質の低下を引き起こす)」が、要約文では「often leading to infections and hair loss if untreated(治療しないと感染症や脱毛を引き起こす)」に短縮され、「生活の質の低下」が省略されています。


“Elanco’s new treatment targets the underlying causes of skin conditions, focusing on immune responses and inflammation, rather than just alleviating symptoms. Traditional treatments like corticosteroids and antihistamines often provide temporary relief but can cause side effects, especially with long-term use. Elanco’s therapy represents a more advanced approach, aiming to offer more effective and lasting results for dogs suffering from these chronic conditions.”


“Traditional treatments like corticosteroids offer temporary relief but can cause side effects with long-term use. Elanco’s new solution targets the immune response and inflammation, providing a more effective and lasting approach.”


  • 治療法のメカニズム
    原文では「underlying causes(根本原因)」という具体的な言葉が使われていますが、要約文ではこれが省略され、シンプルに「immune response and inflammation(免疫反応と炎症)」に焦点を当てています。これにより、治療法の働きが短くまとめられています。
  • 従来の治療法の問題点
    原文では「corticosteroids and antihistamines(ステロイドや抗ヒスタミン薬)」という具体的な薬剤が言及されていますが、要約文では「corticosteroids(ステロイド)」のみが残され、「antihistamines」が省略されています。これは、要点を伝えるための簡略化です。
  • 治療法の効果
    原文の「more advanced approach(より進んだアプローチ)」が要約文には含まれておらず、代わりに「more effective and lasting approach(より効果的で持続的なアプローチ)」として、具体的な効果に焦点が当てられています。これにより、治療の持続効果が強調されています。


“Skin diseases are one of the most common reasons for veterinary visits, with allergic dermatitis being particularly widespread. Triggers include food allergies, environmental allergens like pollen and dust mites, and flea bites. Managing these triggers can be complex, and previous treatments often involved trial and error, frustrating pet owners and veterinarians. Elanco’s solution brings hope for a more reliable approach to treating these persistent issues.”




  • この段落全体が要約文では省略されています。皮膚病がよく見られる理由やアレルギーの引き金についての説明が含まれていませんが、これは要約文全体の簡潔さを保つためです。この情報は、要約文の主旨である「新治療法の効果」には直接関係しないため、省いています。


“The FDA’s approval of this treatment reflects a broader trend in veterinary medicine, where the focus is shifting to innovative, targeted therapies that minimize side effects and offer better outcomes. For pet owners, this new option could mean a significant improvement in their dog’s well-being, reducing discomfort and health risks associated with skin diseases.”


“This advancement highlights a shift in veterinary medicine toward safer, targeted therapies that improve pets’ health and well-being.”


  • 獣医学の進展に対する言及
    原文の「reflects a broader trend in veterinary medicine(獣医学の広範なトレンドを反映している)」という部分が、要約文では「highlights a shift in veterinary medicine(獣医学における変化を強調している)」と簡潔に言い換えられています。同じ意味を伝えていますが、短縮された表現で効率よく説明されています。
  • 治療の安全性に関する詳細
    原文の「minimize side effects(副作用を最小限にする)」という部分が要約文では省略されていますが、「safer, targeted therapies(より安全で、特化した治療)」という言葉で、同様の意味を含めています。短い表現で要点がまとめられています。


“In conclusion, Elanco’s new treatment provides a promising solution for dogs suffering from skin conditions, giving veterinarians and pet owners a much-needed tool to manage and treat these chronic issues more effectively.”


“The approval offers hope for better management of persistent skin issues in dogs.”


  1. 結論部分の簡略化
    • 原文では「provides a promising solution(有望な解決策を提供する)」という部分が、要約文では「offers hope(希望を提供する)」というシンプルな表現に変えられています。「hope」という単語は、未来への期待感を表現しており、効果的な要約と言えます。
  2. 「獣医師と飼い主」の省略
    • 原文では「giving veterinarians and pet owners a much-needed tool(獣医師と飼い主に必要な道具を提供する)」という言及がありますが、要約文ではこの具体的な言及が省かれ、「better management(より良い管理)」という抽象的な表現にまとめられています。



  1. 「significant advancement in veterinary medicine」
    「new treatment by Elanco Animal Health」
  2. 「persistent itching, redness, and inflammation」
    「itching, inflammation, and discomfort」
  3. 「more advanced approach」
    「more effective and lasting approach」
  4. 「reflects a broader trend in veterinary medicine」
    「highlights a shift in veterinary medicine」




英検1級トピック探しにおススメのサイト:Britanica ProCon.org


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