


  1. 入室
  2. 「面接カード」を渡す
  3. 着席
  4. 氏名の確認と簡単な日常会話
  5. 「トピックカード」を受け取る:様々な分野が混ざっている
  6. スピーチ準備(1分間)
  7. スピーチ(2分間):概ね180〜240語(話すスピードによって異なる)
  8. Q&A(4分間)
  9. 「トピックカード」返却
  10. 退室


  1. カテゴリー(分野)毎に観点とキーワード整理(10分程度)
  2. 実際にスピーチをして録音して聞き直す(2分+聞き直し)
  3. 満足できるまで数回繰り返す
  4. カテゴリー別に話せる様になったら本番形式(トピックが混ざったカード)でトレーニングを行う




  1. Should all adults be required to vote?
  2. How can governments encourage young people to get involved in their communities?
  3. Is democracy the best type of government for all countries?
  4. Should online voting be implemented to increase voter turnout?
  5. Could AI politicians improve fairness and decision-making in politics?
  1. すべての成人は投票を義務付けられるべきですか?
  2. 政府は若者が地域社会に関わるようにどう促せますか?
  3. 民主主義はすべての国にとって最良の政治制度ですか?
  4. 投票率を上げるためにオンライン投票を導入すべきですか?
  5. AI政治家は政治の公正さや意思決定を改善できるでしょうか?

質問 1: Should all adults be required to vote?




  • 民主主義の強化:全ての成人に投票を義務付けることで、より多くの人々が政治に関わり、民主主義が強化される。
  • 個人の自由の侵害:投票を義務化することは、個人の自由を侵害し、投票しない権利を無視する可能性がある。
  • 無知な投票のリスク:投票義務化により、十分な知識や関心を持たない人々が適当な判断で投票し、政治の質が低下するリスクがある。

Should All Adults Be Required to Vote?

I believe that all adults should not be required to vote.

One reason is that forcing people to vote may infringe on individual freedoms. In a democratic society, people should have the right to choose whether or not they want to participate in elections. Forcing someone to vote may lead to resentment and disengagement from the political process, especially for those who do not feel informed or interested in politics.

Another reason is that compulsory voting could result in uninformed voting. If people are required to vote, some may simply cast their vote without understanding the candidates or issues. This could lead to poorly informed decisions and negatively affect the quality of leadership and governance. Instead of forcing people to vote, governments should focus on improving voter education and engagement.

In conclusion, while increasing voter turnout is important, it is equally important to respect individual freedom and ensure that voters are making informed decisions. Rather than making voting compulsory, efforts should be made to encourage voluntary participation through education and public awareness campaigns. (173 words)






質問 2: How can governments encourage young people to get involved in their communities?




  • ボランティア活動の奨励:政府がボランティア活動を奨励し、学校や大学と連携して地域活動を推進する。
  • インセンティブの提供:若者が地域社会に関与することで得られる奨学金や資格などのインセンティブを提供する。
  • テクノロジーの活用:ソーシャルメディアやアプリを通じて若者に地域活動の機会を伝えることができる。

How Can Governments Encourage Young People to Get Involved in Their Communities?

I believe governments can encourage young people to get involved in their communities by creating opportunities that align with their interests and offering incentives. One effective approach is to promote volunteer programs in schools and universities. Governments can collaborate with educational institutions to integrate community service into the curriculum or offer credits for participation. This not only encourages young people to contribute to their communities but also helps them develop valuable skills.

Another way to encourage community involvement is by offering incentives. Governments could provide scholarships, internships, or certification programs to young people who actively participate in local initiatives. These rewards give them a tangible reason to get involved and can help them see the long-term benefits of contributing to their community.

Finally, leveraging technology is crucial. Young people are highly engaged with social media and online platforms, so governments can use these tools to raise awareness about community projects and events. By making it easy for young people to find and join activities that match their interests, governments can increase participation. In conclusion, a combination of educational programs, incentives, and digital outreach can effectively encourage young people to become more involved in their communities. (195 words)





質問 3: Is democracy the best type of government for all countries?




  • 民主主義の利点:市民が政府に直接関与できる制度であり、自由や人権が保護される。
  • 民主主義の課題:一部の国では政治的、文化的な背景や経済状況により、民主主義の導入が難しい場合がある。
  • 状況に応じた制度:民主主義が理想的でない場合もあるため、それぞれの国に適した制度を選択するべきだという視点。

Is Democracy the Best Type of Government for All Countries?

I believe that democracy is an effective system for many countries, but it may not be the best type of government for all nations. One of the main advantages of democracy is that it allows citizens to have a direct say in how their government operates. It promotes freedoms, protects human rights, and gives people the opportunity to participate in political decisions. For many countries, this leads to a more stable and inclusive society.

However, democracy may not work as effectively in all countries. Some nations have political, cultural, or economic conditions that make democratic governance challenging to implement. For example, countries with deep social divisions, low levels of education, or weak institutions may struggle to establish a functioning democracy. In such cases, other forms of government might be more suitable in the short term while the necessary foundations for democracy are built.

In conclusion, while democracy has clear benefits and is an ideal system for many, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Governments should be designed based on the unique needs and circumstances of each country. The ultimate goal should be to create a system that ensures stability, prosperity, and fairness, regardless of whether it is democratic or not. (200 words)





質問 4: Should online voting be implemented to increase voter turnout?



  • 投票の利便性向上:オンライン投票を導入することで、場所を問わず投票でき、忙しい人や移動が難しい人も参加しやすくなる。
  • セキュリティとプライバシーの懸念:サイバー攻撃や不正投票のリスクがあり、オンライン投票は安全性を確保するために慎重に導入する必要がある。
  • デジタルデバイドの影響:インターネットにアクセスできない人々や、技術に不慣れな人々が参加しにくくなる可能性がある。

Should Online Voting Be Implemented to Increase Voter Turnout?

I believe that online voting could help increase voter turnout by making the voting process more accessible and convenient. One of the main benefits of online voting is that it allows people to vote from anywhere, at any time. This would be especially helpful for those who have busy schedules, live in remote areas, or have physical limitations that make it difficult to vote in person. By making voting easier, more people may be encouraged to participate in elections, leading to higher voter turnout.

However, online voting also raises significant security and privacy concerns. Cybersecurity threats, such as hacking and fraudulent voting, could undermine the integrity of elections. It is crucial that any online voting system is thoroughly tested and equipped with the highest levels of security to prevent such risks. In addition, ensuring voter privacy while using online systems is essential to maintain trust in the democratic process.

Finally, the digital divide must be considered. Not everyone has access to reliable internet or is comfortable using technology. This could create inequalities in voter participation, where certain groups, such as the elderly or low-income individuals, may be left out.

In conclusion, while online voting has the potential to increase voter turnout, it must be implemented carefully, with attention to security and accessibility. (212 words)






質問 5: Could AI politicians improve fairness and decision-making in politics?




  • 公正さの向上:AIは感情や利己的な利益に左右されないため、データに基づいた公正な意思決定が期待できる。
  • 限界:AIには共感や道徳的な判断が欠如しており、人間の価値観を考慮した判断ができない場合がある。
  • 補助的な役割:AIは政治家の補助ツールとして、データ分析や予測を通じて意思決定をサポートすることで、より公正で効率的な政治が実現できるかもしれない。

Could AI Politicians Improve Fairness and Decision-Making in Politics?

I believe that AI politicians could potentially improve fairness and decision-making in politics, but only in certain areas. One of the main advantages of AI is that it can make decisions based solely on data and logic, without being influenced by personal biases, emotions, or self-interest. This could lead to more impartial and objective decision-making, which would enhance fairness in political processes. For example, AI could analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most effective policies or allocate resources more efficiently.

However, AI also has limitations. While it excels in processing data, it lacks the ability to understand human emotions, empathy, or moral considerations. Political decisions often require a balance between facts and human values, which AI may struggle to navigate. For instance, policies that impact people’s well-being cannot always be decided purely by data; human compassion and ethical judgment are often needed.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to support fairness and improve decision-making in certain technical aspects of governance, it is unlikely to fully replace human politicians. Instead, AI could play a valuable role as a tool to assist human leaders, helping them make more informed and unbiased decisions while maintaining the human element necessary for ethical governance. (202 words)




結論として、AIはガバナンスの技術的側面で公正さをサポートし、意思決定の向上に貢献する可能性がありますが、完全に人間の政治家に取って代わることは難しいでしょう。その代わりに、AI は人間のリーダーを支援するツールとして貴重な役割を果たす可能性があり、倫理的ガバナンスに必要な人間の要素を維持しながら、リーダーがより情報に基づいた公平な意思決定を行えるように支援します。

英検1級トピック探しにおススメのサイト:Britanica ProCon.org


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