



  1. 長文を読む「結局、何の話?」と思いつつ、一般化・抽象化しながら読む
  2. 見比べる:長文と要約文を見比べながら、言い換え感覚をつかむ
  3. 自主トレ:長文に戻って自分で要約してみる
  4. 内容を話して定着:話そうとすることで「まとめる脳」が育つ



In 2021, Vienna faced a serious threat when weather forecasts predicted a “5,000-year flood,” a rare and potentially catastrophic event. However, thanks to decades of preparation and innovative flood management systems, the city was able to avert disaster. The key to Vienna’s success lies in its proactive approach to flood control, which began in the aftermath of major floods in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Vienna’s flood defense strategy revolves around the Danube River, which runs through the city and has historically been the source of major flooding. In response to past disasters, the city launched the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s, a comprehensive plan that included the construction of the New Danube, a man-made parallel channel designed to divert excess water during times of heavy rainfall. Alongside the New Danube, the city developed the Danube Island, a 13-mile-long stretch of land that serves as both a recreational area and a critical flood barrier.

In 2021, as heavy rains threatened to overwhelm the city, Vienna’s flood defenses were put to the test. The New Danube’s capacity to divert floodwaters, combined with the protective role of the Danube Island, prevented water levels from reaching dangerous heights. The city’s sophisticated system of dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, along with constant monitoring by experts, allowed Vienna to manage the situation effectively.

City officials credited their long-term planning and infrastructure for the successful outcome. “Our plan worked,” they said, highlighting the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure in the face of climate change, which is expected to make extreme weather events like this more common. Vienna’s preparedness stands as a model for other cities facing similar risks. (286 words)







In 2021, Vienna faced the threat of a rare “5,000-year flood,” but managed to prevent disaster thanks to long-term preparation and advanced flood management systems. Historically, the Danube River has caused major floods in the city. In response, Vienna launched the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s, which included creating the New Danube, a man-made channel, and the Danube Island, which serves as a flood barrier. These defenses, along with dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, successfully diverted the floodwaters. Vienna’s success highlights the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure to combat the increasing risks of extreme weather events. (100 words)




1. 原文の第1段落

In 2021, Vienna faced a serious threat when weather forecasts predicted a “5,000-year flood,” a rare and potentially catastrophic event. However, thanks to decades of preparation and innovative flood management systems, the city was able to avert disaster. The key to Vienna’s success lies in its proactive approach to flood control, which began in the aftermath of major floods in the 19th and 20th centuries.


“In 2021, Vienna faced the threat of a rare ‘5,000-year flood,’ but managed to prevent disaster thanks to long-term preparation and advanced flood management systems.”


  • 「5,000-year flood」の言及:
  • 「5,000年に一度の洪水」の言及が、原文と同様に要約文でも正確に残されています。原文の「serious threat(深刻な脅威)」という表現が「threat(脅威)」として要約されていますが、重要な意味は変わっていません。
  • 「decades of preparation」の言い換え:
  • 「decades of preparation(何十年もの準備)」という表現が「long-term preparation(長期的な準備)」として、ほぼ同義の形で表現されています。「innovative flood management systems」も「advanced flood management systems」として置き換えられ、適切に言い換えられています。
  • 原文の核心である「5,000年に一度の洪水予測」と「長期的な準備による災害回避」が正確に反映されています。

2. 原文の第2段落

Vienna’s flood defense strategy revolves around the Danube River, which runs through the city and has historically been the source of major flooding. In response to past disasters, the city launched the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s, a comprehensive plan that included the construction of the New Danube, a man-made parallel channel designed to divert excess water during times of heavy rainfall. Alongside the New Danube, the city developed the Danube Island, a 13-mile-long stretch of land that serves as both a recreational area and a critical flood barrier.


“Historically, the Danube River has caused major floods in the city. In response, Vienna launched the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s, which included creating the New Danube, a man-made channel, and the Danube Island, which serves as a flood barrier.”


  • ドナウ川による洪水の歴史:
  • 原文の「the Danube River… has historically been the source of major flooding」という部分が、要約文でもほぼ同じ形で保持されています。
  • ダニューブ洪水防御プログラムの要約:
  • 「the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s」という部分もそのまま要約に含まれており、正確です。原文にあった「comprehensive plan(包括的な計画)」という表現は省略されていますが、主要な内容である「New Danube」と「Danube Island」の構築が適切に要約されています。

3. 原文の第3段落

In 2021, as heavy rains threatened to overwhelm the city, Vienna’s flood defenses were put to the test. The New Danube’s capacity to divert floodwaters, combined with the protective role of the Danube Island, prevented water levels from reaching dangerous heights. The city’s sophisticated system of dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, along with constant monitoring by experts, allowed Vienna to manage the situation effectively.


“These defenses, along with dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, successfully diverted the floodwaters.”


  • 防御システムのテスト:
  • 原文での「Vienna’s flood defenses were put to the test」という部分が、「These defenses… successfully diverted the floodwaters」と簡潔にまとめられています。具体的な言及である「New Danubeの水の分流能力」や「Danube Islandの防御機能」については、省略されていますが、全体的なシステムの成功が簡潔に伝えられています。
  • 技術的な詳細の省略:
  • 原文の「sophisticated system of dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, along with constant monitoring by experts」という技術的な詳細は、「dams, floodgates, and reservoirs」という形で部分的に保持されていますが、「専門家による監視」の言及が省略されている点は、やや簡略化されています。

4. 原文の第4段落

City officials credited their long-term planning and infrastructure for the successful outcome. “Our plan worked,” they said, highlighting the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure in the face of climate change, which is expected to make extreme weather events like this more common. Vienna’s preparedness stands as a model for other cities facing similar risks.


“Vienna’s success highlights the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure to combat the increasing risks of extreme weather events.”


  • 長期計画の成功:
  • 原文の「City officials credited their long-term planning and infrastructure」という部分が、「Vienna’s success highlights the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure」と要約されています。要点としては、「resilient infrastructure」への投資が重要であるというメッセージが維持されています。
  • 気候変動への対応の簡略化:
  • 原文にあった「climate change, which is expected to make extreme weather events more common」という部分が、「increasing risks of extreme weather events」として簡潔に要約されていますが、「climate change」という具体的な原因が省略されています。
  • 他都市に対するモデル性の省略:
  • 原文にあった「Vienna’s preparedness stands as a model for other cities」という部分は、要約文では省略されています。



「In 2021, Vienna faced a serious threat when weather forecasts predicted a ‘5,000-year flood,’ a rare and potentially catastrophic event.」
「In 2021, Vienna faced the threat of a rare ‘5,000-year flood’」

  • 「serious threat(深刻な脅威)」が「threat(脅威)」として簡略化されています。
  • 「rare and potentially catastrophic event(稀で潜在的に壊滅的な出来事)」が「rare(稀な)」として短縮されています。

「thanks to decades of preparation and innovative flood management systems」
「thanks to long-term preparation and advanced flood management systems」

  • 「decades of preparation(何十年もの準備)」が「long-term preparation(長期的な準備)」として言い換えられています。
  • 「innovative(革新的な)」が「advanced(高度な)」として言い換えられています。

「Vienna’s flood defense strategy revolves around the Danube River, which runs through the city and has historically been the source of major flooding.」
「Historically, the Danube River has caused major floods in the city.」

  • 原文の「flood defense strategy revolves around(洪水防御戦略は~を中心に展開している)」が、「the Danube River has caused major floods(ドナウ川は洪水を引き起こしてきた)」というよりシンプルな表現に変わっています。

「the city launched the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s, a comprehensive plan that included the construction of the New Danube, a man-made parallel channel designed to divert excess water during times of heavy rainfall.」
「Vienna launched the Danube Flood Protection Program in the 1970s, which included creating the New Danube, a man-made channel.」

  • 「comprehensive plan(包括的な計画)」が省略されています。
  • 「construction of the New Danube, a man-made parallel channel(人工の並行した水路であるNew Danubeの建設)」が「creating the New Danube, a man-made channel(人工水路であるNew Danubeの建設)」として簡潔化されています。

「Alongside the New Danube, the city developed the Danube Island, a 13-mile-long stretch of land that serves as both a recreational area and a critical flood barrier.」
「the Danube Island, which serves as a flood barrier.」

  • 「a 13-mile-long stretch of land(13マイルに及ぶ土地)」や「recreational area(レクリエーションエリア)」の部分が省略されています。

「In 2021, as heavy rains threatened to overwhelm the city, Vienna’s flood defenses were put to the test.」
「These defenses… successfully diverted the floodwaters.」

  • 原文の「were put to the test(試された)」という具体的な表現が、「successfully diverted the floodwaters(洪水を効果的に分流した)」という成果に焦点を当てた表現に変えられています。

「The city’s sophisticated system of dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, along with constant monitoring by experts, allowed Vienna to manage the situation effectively.」
「These defenses, along with dams, floodgates, and reservoirs, successfully diverted the floodwaters.」

  • 「sophisticated system(精巧なシステム)」や「constant monitoring by experts(専門家による継続的な監視)」が省略されています。

「City officials credited their long-term planning and infrastructure for the successful outcome.」
「Vienna’s success highlights the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure.」

  • 「officials credited(当局は~に帰した)」が「Vienna’s success highlights(ウィーンの成功は~を強調している)」として言い換えられています。

「highlighting the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure in the face of climate change, which is expected to make extreme weather events like this more common.」
「the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure to combat the increasing risks of extreme weather events.」

  • 「in the face of climate change(気候変動に直面して)」が「to combat the increasing risks of extreme weather events(増加する極端な気象リスクに対抗するため)」として簡略化され、気候変動の言及が削除されています。


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