



  1. 長文を読む「結局、何の話?」と思いつつ、一般化・抽象化しながら読む
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  3. 自主トレ:長文に戻って自分で要約してみる
  4. 内容を話して定着:話そうとすることで「まとめる脳」が育つ



Global warming is having a noticeable impact on wine production around the world, altering the growing conditions for vineyards. Warmer temperatures have led to earlier harvests, which in turn affects the sugar levels, acidity, and flavor profiles of grapes. Traditionally cooler wine regions, such as parts of France and Germany, are experiencing longer growing seasons, which can result in riper, more flavorful grapes. This change has been viewed as positive in some regions, leading to higher-quality wines with more concentrated flavors, although the long-term effects of climate change remain uncertain.

Some wine regions that were once considered too cold for quality grape production are now thriving due to the warming climate. England, for example, has seen a boom in its wine industry, particularly in sparkling wines, as rising temperatures create more favorable conditions for grape ripening. Similarly, parts of Canada and northern Europe, which were previously unsuitable for large-scale wine production, are now entering the global wine market. These regions are producing wines with distinctive characteristics, benefiting from the shift in climate.

However, while some regions are benefiting from global warming, others face significant challenges. Warmer areas like Spain, Italy, and Australia are experiencing hotter, drier conditions that can stress vines, reduce yields, and alter the traditional flavor profiles of their wines. Winemakers in these regions are adapting by planting more heat-resistant grape varieties and changing irrigation techniques, but there is concern that continued warming could eventually diminish the quality of wine. While global warming is currently offering new opportunities for some wine-producing regions, the future of the industry will depend on how winemakers adapt to the growing environmental challenges. (270 words)






Global warming is significantly impacting vineyards around the world, altering the climate conditions essential for wine production. Warmer temperatures are causing earlier harvests, which affects the sugar content, acidity, and flavor of grapes. Cooler regions like England and parts of northern Europe are benefiting from the extended growing season, producing high-quality wines. However, traditionally warmer wine-producing areas, such as Spain, Italy, and Australia, are struggling with hotter and drier conditions, which stress grapevines and reduce yields. While some regions are adapting with new grape varieties and techniques, the overall long-term effects of climate change on global wine production remain unclear. (100 words)





Global warming is having a noticeable impact on wine production around the world, altering the growing conditions for vineyards. Warmer temperatures have led to earlier harvests, which in turn affects the sugar levels, acidity, and flavor profiles of grapes. Traditionally cooler wine regions, such as parts of France and Germany, are experiencing longer growing seasons, which can result in riper, more flavorful grapes. This change has been viewed as positive in some regions, leading to higher-quality wines with more concentrated flavors, although the long-term effects of climate change remain uncertain.


Global warming is significantly impacting vineyards around the world, altering the climate conditions essential for wine production. Warmer temperatures are causing earlier harvests, which affects the sugar content, acidity, and flavor of grapes.


  • 「noticeable impact」 → 「significantly impacting」
  • 「sugar levels, acidity, and flavor profiles」 → 「sugar content, acidity, and flavor」
  • 要点の簡略化
    原文では、フランスやドイツの具体例や「positive change」について詳述されていますが、要約文ではこれらの詳細が省略されています。全体の流れとして、地球温暖化がワインの味や収穫時期に与える影響を中心にまとめています


Some wine regions that were once considered too cold for quality grape production are now thriving due to the warming climate. England, for example, has seen a boom in its wine industry, particularly in sparkling wines, as rising temperatures create more favorable conditions for grape ripening. Similarly, parts of Canada and northern Europe, which were previously unsuitable for large-scale wine production, are now entering the global wine market. These regions are producing wines with distinctive characteristics, benefiting from the shift in climate.


Cooler regions like England and parts of northern Europe are benefiting from the extended growing season, producing high-quality wines.


  • 「were once considered too cold」 → 「cooler regions」
    原文の「以前は寒すぎると考えられていた地域」が「cooler regions(より涼しい地域)」として簡潔にまとめられています。この部分は、要点をシンプルにしつつ、意味が伝わるように調整されています。
  • 「benefiting from the shift in climate」 → 「benefiting from the extended growing season」
  • 要点の省略


However, while some regions are benefiting from global warming, others face significant challenges. Warmer areas like Spain, Italy, and Australia are experiencing hotter, drier conditions that can stress vines, reduce yields, and alter the traditional flavor profiles of their wines. Winemakers in these regions are adapting by planting more heat-resistant grape varieties and changing irrigation techniques, but there is concern that continued warming could eventually diminish the quality of wine. While global warming is currently offering new opportunities for some wine-producing regions, the future of the industry will depend on how winemakers adapt to the growing environmental challenges.


However, traditionally warmer wine-producing areas, such as Spain, Italy, and Australia, are struggling with hotter and drier conditions, which stress grapevines and reduce yields. While some regions are adapting with new grape varieties and techniques, the overall long-term effects of climate change on global wine production remain unclear.


  • 「significant challenges」 → 「struggling with」
  • 「planting more heat-resistant grape varieties and changing irrigation techniques」 → 「adapting with new grape varieties and techniques」
  • 「long-term effects of climate change remain uncertain」 → 「long-term effects of climate change remain unclear」
  • 要点の簡略化



  1. 「noticeable impact」 → 「significantly impacting」
    「目に見える影響」 → 「大きな影響」
  2. 「sugar levels, acidity, and flavor profiles」 → 「sugar content, acidity, and flavor」
    「糖分のレベル、酸味、フレーバープロファイル」 → 「糖分、酸味、フレーバー」
  3. 「were once considered too cold for quality grape production」 → 「cooler regions」
    「以前は寒すぎると考えられていた地域」 → 「涼しい地域」
  4. 「benefiting from the shift in climate」 → 「benefiting from the extended growing season」
    「気候変化から利益を得る」 → 「成長期の延長による利益」
  5. 「significant challenges」 → 「struggling with」
    「重大な課題」 → 「苦労している」
  6. 「planting more heat-resistant grape varieties and changing irrigation techniques」 → 「adapting with new grape varieties and techniques」
    「耐熱性ブドウの植え付けや灌漑技術の変更」 → 「新しいブドウの品種や技術に適応」
  7. 「long-term effects of climate change remain uncertain」 → 「long-term effects of climate change remain unclear」
    「長期的な影響が不確か」 → 「長期的な影響が明確でない」




英検1級トピック探しにおススメのサイト:Britanica ProCon.org


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